Sampling method for testing of cotton fibers
1 Scope
This document describes the sampling and preparation methods for the lot sample, laboratory sample, test sample, and test specimen for testing of cotton fibers. This document is applicable to the sampling for testing of cotton fibers.
2 Normative references
The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB1103.1 Cotton - Part 1: Saw ginned upland cotton
GB1103.2 Cotton - Part 2: Roller ginned upland cotton
GB/T1103.3 Cotton - Natural color uplands cotton
GB/T 19635 Cotton - Sea island cotton
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
lot sample
one or more cotton samples taken from a batch of cotton according to requirements as a representative or representatives of the batch of cotton to be sampled
laboratory sample
cotton sample(s) taken from lot sample(s) according to requirements as a representative (representatives) of lot sample(s)
test sample
cotton sample(s) taken from laboratory sample(s) according to requirements as a representative (representatives) of laboratory sample(s)
test specimen
cotton fiber(s) taken from laboratory or test sample(s) to be used in a test as a representative (representatives) of laboratory or test sample(s)
test by batch
behavior of testing one or more samples formed by partial sampling of samples from different bales of the same batch of cotton separately to understand their certain properties or results
test by sample
behavior of testing samples taken from different bales of the same batch of cotton one by one, or testing a sample combined by all samples to understand their certain properties or results
4 Principle
The sampling method combines all or part of the steps of taking lot sample(s) from a batch of cotton, laboratory sample(s) from lot sample(s), test sample(s) from laboratory sample(s), and one or more test specimens from test sample(s). Each step is to minimize the quantity of cotton fibers while maintaining the representativeness of the cotton fibers under test. See Figure 1 for the sampling flow chart.
Foreword i
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 Principle
5 Instruments and tools
6 Sampling
1 范围
本文件描述了棉纤维试验用批样、实验室样品、试验样品、试验试样的抽取和制备方法。 本文件适用于棉纤维的试验取样。
2 规范性引用文件
下列文件中的内容通过文中的规范性引用而构成本文件必不可少的条款。其中,注日期的引用文 件,仅该日期对应的版本适用于本文件;不注日期的引用文件,其最新版本(包括所有的修改单)适用于 本文件。
GB1103.1 棉花 第1部分:锯齿加工细绒棉
GB1103.2 棉花 第2部分:皮辊加工细绒棉
GB/T1103.3 棉花 天然彩色细绒棉
GB/T 19635 棉花 长绒棉
3 术语和定义
批样 lot sample
实验室样品 laboratory sample
试验样品 test sample
试验试样 test specimen
按批试验 test by batch
对取自同一批棉花不同棉包的样品按规定均衡分组混合后部分抽取形成的一份或多份样品分别进 行测试,以了解其某些性能或结果的行为。
按样试验 test by sample
对取自同一批棉花不同棉包的样品逐个进行测试,或将全部样品合并成一个样品进行测试,以了解 其某些性能或结果的行为。
4 原理
从一批棉花中取出批样,从批样中取出实验室样品,从实验室样品中取出试验样品,从试验样品中 取出一个或一个以上的试验试样的全部或部分步骤组合的取样方法。其每一步都在尽量减少棉纤维的 数量,而又保持着被试验棉纤维的代表性。取样流程见图1。