GB/T 44186-2024 Fixed compressed air foam fire extinguishing system
1 Scope
This document specifies the technical requirements, test report, use and maintenance instructions and marking of indoor, outdoor or indoor & outdoor compressed air foam fire extinguishing systems, and describes the test methods.
This document is applicable to the design, manufacture and inspection of fixed compressed air foam fire extinguishing system products for industrial sites and civil buildings.
This document is not applicable to the technical safety requirements for the design and manufacture of air compressor sets, compressed gas bottle sets and other driving devices and pump sets.
Note 1: Special hazards arising from the particular conditions under which these systems are used are outside the scope of this document.
Note 2: Hazards relating to any kind of mechanical, electrical, hydraulic, pneumatic, and other equipment dealt with by the respective standards for such equipment are outside the scope of this document.
Note 3: Hazards arising from the noise of systems are outside the scope of this document.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced documents (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 2421 Environmental testing - General and guidance (GB/T 2421-2020, IEC 60068-1:2013, IDT)
GB 20031 General technical specifications for foam fire extinguishing systems and components
GB 24541 Hand protection - Protective gloves against mechanical risks
GB/T 25208-2010 Environmental test methods for fixed extinguishing systems
GB 50151 Technical standard for foam extinguishing systems
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
air delivery rate
volume of air, in normal condition, that is fed into a fixed compressed air foam system per unit of time
Note: While inside the system, the air volume will be compressed according to the pressure applied. Once it leaves the system from the nozzle to the atmosphere, the air will expand to its normal volume again.
air/foam solution volume ratio
ratio stating how many parts of air (at normal condition) are mixed with the foam solution in a fixed compressed air foam system
Note: The ratio is expressed as the pair of values x parts air to one part foam solution (x:1).
compressed air foam; CAF
homogenous foam produced by the combination of air or nitrogen, water and foam concentrate under pressure
compressed air foam generating method
method of generating compressed air foam using a mixing chamber to combine air or nitrogen under pressure, water, and foam concentrate in the correct proportions
Note: The resulting compressed air foam flows through piping to the hazard being protected.
compressed air foam discharge device
device specifically designed to discharge compressed air foam in a predetermined pattern
fixed compressed air foam system; fixed CAFS
system employing compressed air foam discharge devices attached to a piping system through which foam is transported from a mixing chamber
Note: Discharge of fixed CAFS begins with automatic actuation of a detection system, or manual actuation that opens valves permitting compressed air foam, generated in the mixing chamber, to flow through a piping system and discharged over the area served by the discharge devices.
drainage time 25%
time taken for 25% of the foam to collapse into solution
wet foam
foam produced by a fixed compressed air foam system and which has a foam air/solution volume ratio of between 3:1 to 10:1
dry foam
foam produced by a fixed compressed air foam system and which has a foam air/solution volume ratio of more than 10:1
foam expansion ratio
ratio of the volume of expanded foam and its solution
foam solution
mixture of foam concentrate and water at specific proportion
(foam solution)delivery rate
volume (of water plus foam concentrate) delivered per unit of time by a system
Note: At proportioning ratios of up to 1%, the difference between water delivery rate and foam solution delivery rate can be neglected.
foam quality
quality of foam based on foam expansion ratio and 25% drainage time
specially designed device that can discharge foam in a predetermined pattern
operation pressure of fixed compressed air foam system
pressure at the system input connection at which all performance and safety requirements are met and which shall be specified by the fixed compressed air foam system
operation range
range (of conditions) specified by the manufacturer of a system and within which the system can be operated as normal while achieving the intended performance characteristics
proportioning ratio
volume of foam concentrate added to water by volume, given as a percentage of the solution
4 Abbreviated terms
The following abbreviated terms apply to this document.