is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
This standard is developed in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This standard was proposed by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China.
This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee of Auto Standardization (SAC/TC 114).
Electromagnetic compatibility requirements and test methods of drive motor system for electric vehicles
1 Scope
This standard specifies the electromagnetic compatibility requirements and test methods of drive motor system for electric vehicles.
This standard is applicable to drive motor systems for battery electric vehicles, hybrid electric vehicles and fuel cell electric vehicles.
This standard considers the components of HV (high voltage) power supply system as a typical fully shielded system.
Note: There are usually two types of power supply systems for electric vehicles: the common LV (low voltage) system with a typical feature of unshielded structure, and the HV system with a typical feature of shielded structure.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 18384.3-2015 Electrically propelled road vehicles - Safety specifications - Part 3: Protection of persons against electric shock
GB/T 18655-2010 Vehicles boats and internal combustion engines - Radio disturbance characteristics - Limits and methods of measurement for the protection of on-board receivers
GB/T 19951 Road vehicles - Test methods for electrical disturbances from electrostatic discharge
GB/T 21437.2-2008 Road vehicles - Electrical disturbances from conduction and coupling - Part 2: Electrical transient conduction along supply lines only
GB/T 33014.1 Road vehicles - Component test methods for electrical/electronic disturbances from narrowband radiated electromagnetic energy - Part 1: General
GB/T 33014.2 Road vehicles - Component test methods for electrical/electronic disturbances from narrowband radiated electromagnetic energy - Part 2: Absorber-lined shielded enclosure
GB/T 33014.4 Road vehicles - Component test methods for electrical/electronic disturbances from narrowband radiated electromagnetic energy - Part 4: Bulk current injection (BCI)
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in GB/T 29259 and the following apply.
equipment under test; EUT
specifically the drive motor system for electric vehicles in this standard
low voltage; LV
a voltage corresponding to the Class A voltage specified in GB/T 18384.3-2015
high voltage; HV
a voltage corresponding to the Class B voltage specified in GB/T 18384.3-2015
high voltage artificial network; HV AN
a device that is connected in series in the high voltage DC power line of the EUT, provides, in a given frequency range, a specified load impedance for the measurement of disturbance voltage and isolates the EUT from the power supply
4 Requirements
4.1 Radiated electromagnetic emission
4.1.1 Limits for broadband radiated electromagnetic emission
The limits for broadband radiated emission from the EUT within the frequency range of 30MHz~1,000MHz are shown in Table 1 and Figure 1.
Table 1 Limits for broadband radiated electromagnetic emission [1]
Frequency f/MHz 30~75 75~400 400~1,000
Field intensity/(dBμV/m) 62-25.13 lg(f/30) 52+15.13 lg(f/75) 63
Note: The limit decreases linearly with the logarithm of the frequency from 30MHz to 75MHz and increases linearly with the logarithm of the frequency from 75MHz to 400MHz.
Figure 1 Limits for broadband radiated electromagnetic emission
4.1.2 Limits for narrowband radiated electromagnetic emission
The limits for narrowband radiated electromagnetic emission from the EUT within the frequency range of 30MHz~1,000MHz are shown in Table 2 and Figure 2.
Table 2 Limits for narrowband radiated electromagnetic emission
Frequency f/MHz 30~75 75~400 400~1,000
Field intensity/(dBμV/m) 52-25.13 lg(f/30) 42+15.13 lg(f/75) 53
Note: The limit decreases linearly with the logarithm of the frequency from 30MHz to 75MHz and increases linearly with the logarithm of the frequency from 75MHz to 400MHz.
Figure 2 Limits for narrowband radiated electromagnetic emission
4.2 Immunity
4.2.1 Electromagnetic radiation immunity
This test is carried out within the frequency range of 20MHz~2,000MHz using bulk current injection (BCI) method and absorber-lined shielded enclosure (ALSE) method in accordance with those specified in 5.2.1. The test level and functional state requirements for electromagnetic radiation immunity shall at least meet those specified in Table 3. The functional states are given in the Class B requirements in Annex A. During the application of the analog interference signal, the motor speed fluctuation of the EUT shall not be greater than ±10% of the test speed, and the torque fluctuation shall not be greater than ±10% of the test torque.
Table 3 Requirements for electromagnetic radiation immunity
Frequency f/MHz Test method Test level Functional state
20~200 Bulk current injection (BCI) method 60mA B
200~2,000 Absorber-lined shielded enclosure (ALSE) method 30V/m B
4.2.2 Transient conducted immunity along the power line
This test is carried out only on 12V or 24V LV modules. The immunity test level and functional state requirements for transient disturbances conducted along the power line shall at least meet those specified in Table 4. The test level is as defined in Annex B.
Table 4 Transient conducted immunity along the power line
Test pulse Immunity test level Functional state of system
2a III B
2b III C
3a/3b III A
4a III B
a Pulse 4 is only suitable for drive motor system for hybrid electric vehicles with a 12V or 24V power supply for starting the engine.
4.2.3 Electrostatic discharge immunity
When direct contact discharge and air discharge tests are performed in the cases that the EUT is not energized and is only provided with LV power supply, the functional state requirements of the EUT shall meet those specified in Table 5.
Foreword I 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 Requirements 4.1 Radiated electromagnetic emission 4.1.1 Limits for broadband radiated electromagnetic emission 4.1.2 Limits for narrowband radiated electromagnetic emission 4.2 Immunity 4.2.1 Electromagnetic radiation immunity 4.2.2 Transient conducted immunity along the power line 4.2.3 Electrostatic discharge immunity 5 Test methods 5.1 Radiated electromagnetic emission test 5.1.1 Broadband radiated electromagnetic emission test 5.1.2 Narrowband radiated electromagnetic emission test 5.2 Immunity test 5.2.1 Electromagnetic radiation immunity 5.2.2 Transient conducted immunity test along the supply line 5.2.3 Electrostatic discharge immunity test 6 Test report Annex A (Normative) Classification of functional states Annex B (Normative) Immunity test level Annex C (Informative) Test report requirements Bibliography
窄带辐射发射限位——1 m 平均值检波器——带宽120 kHz 图2窄带电磁辐射发射限值 4.2抗扰度 4.2.1 电磁辐射抗扰度 在20 MHz~2 000 MHz频率范围内,依据5.2.1的规定采用大电流注入(BCI)法和电波暗室(ALSE)法进行试验。电磁辐射抗扰度试验等级及功能状态要求至少应满足表3的规定。功能状态见附录A中的B类要求。在模拟干扰信号施加过程中,EUT的电机转速波动应不大于测试转速的±10%,扭矩波动应不大于测试扭矩的±10%。 表3 电磁辐射抗扰度要求 频率f/MHz 试验方法 试验等级 功能状态 20~200 大电流注入(BCI)法 60 mA B 200~2 000 电波暗室(ALSE)法 30 V/m B
4.2.2沿电源线的瞬态传导抗扰度 仅对12 V或24 V的LV模块进行试验。对于沿电源线传导的瞬态骚扰的抗扰试验等级及功能状态要求至少应满足表4的规定。试验等级定义见附录B。 表4对沿电源线瞬态传导的抗扰度 试验脉冲 抗扰试验等级 系统的功能状态 1 Ⅲ C 2a Ⅲ B 2b Ⅲ C 3a/3b Ⅲ A 4a Ⅲ B a 脉冲4仅适用于使用12 V或24V电源启动发动机的混合动力汽车用驱动电机系统。
4.2.3静电放电抗扰度 在EUT不通电和仅LV供电的2种情况下分别进行直接接触放电和空气放电试验时,EUT功能状态要求应满足表5的规定。 表5静电放电抗扰度要求 工作状态 放电类型 试验等级 功能状态 不通电 直接接触放电 ±8 kV C 空气放电 ±15 kV C 仅LV供电 直接接触放电 ±8 kV A 空气放电 ±15 kV A
说明: 1——EUT; 2——接地平面; 3——低相对介电常数材料支撑(εr≤1.4)厚度50 mm; 4——接地带; 5——LV线束; 6——HV线束; 7——LV负载模拟器; 8——阻抗匹配网络(可选); 9——LV AN; 10——HV AN; 11——LV电源线; 12——HV电源线; 13——LV电源; 14——附加屏蔽盒; 15——HV电源(置于ALSE内的应屏蔽); 16——电源线滤波器; 17——光纤馈通; 18——壁板连接器; 10——激励和监测系统; 20——电磁抗扰测试设备; 21——优质同轴电缆(50 Ω),例如双层屏蔽; 22——光纤; 23——喇叭天线; 24——RF吸波材料; 25——电机; 26——电机三相电源线; 27——机械连接; 28——过滤的机械轴承; 29——制动或驱动电机; 30——50 Ω负载。 图5使用频率在1 GHz以上时使用喇叭天线的辐射抗扰度试验布置示例 5.2.2 电源线瞬态传导的抗扰度试验 按GB/T 21437.2—2008规定,应在LV电源线以及可能连接到LV电源线的其他连接线上施加试验脉冲1.2a,2b,3a,3b和4。EUT应处于待机状态,HV和LV正常供电。试验过程中应对EUT的控制器实时进行监控。如有必要,应采取措施对辅助监控装置进行隔离。 5.2.3静电放电抗扰度试验 按GB/T 19951规定进行试验。试验应依次进行EUT不通电状态和仅LV供电情况下的测试。 在EUT不通电状态时,模拟在装配过程中或维修时人体对EUT的直接放电,对EUT搬运时容易触及的(但不限于)凹形连接管脚、壳体、按钮、开关、显示屏、壳体上的螺母和开口施加放电。使用截面积为0.5 mm2~2 mm2、长度不大于25 mm的绝缘实心金属丝引出凹形连接管脚。 如果一个连接器内有多个密集管脚,难以逐个施加放电时,要像凹形管脚一样,使用横截面积为0.5 mm2~2 mm2、长度不大于25 mm的绝缘实心金属丝引出。 在EUT仅LV供电的情况下,不对EUT的连接器针脚及针座进行直接放电测试。列车内成员容易触及的表面、按键、开关、缝隙等位置进行试验。 各放电试验点在每种电压等级下承受至少3次正电压放电和3次负电压放电,放电间隔至少为5 s。在每种电压等级下,EUT的放电试验点先承受一种极性的放电试验,再承受相反极性的放电试验。在每连续3次放电期间和放电之后,检验EUT是否符合4.2.3的判据要求。 6试验报告 除本标准要求记录到试验报告中的内容外,试验报告的其他要求参见附录C。 附录A (规范性附录) 功能状态分类 A.1 目的 本附录规定了EUT的功能状态分类方法。所描述的状态仅适用于本标准给出的EUT抗扰性能测试。 A.2 EUT的功能状态分类 EUT的功能状态分类如下: A类:EUT在施加骚扰期间和之后,能执行其预先设计的所有功能。 B类:EUT在施加骚扰期间,能执行其预先设计的所有功能;其中,除存储功能之外,可以有一项或多项的功能指标超出规定的偏差。在停止施加骚扰之后,所有功能自动恢复到正常工作范围内。 C类:EUT在施加骚扰期间,不执行其预先设计的一项或多项功能,但在停止施加骚扰之后能自动恢复到正常操作状态。 D类:EUT在施加骚扰期间,不执行其预先设计的一项或多项功能,在停止施加骚扰之后,需要通过简单的“操作或使用”复位动作,才能恢复到正常操作状态。 E类:EUT在施加骚扰期间和之后,不执行其预先设计的一项或多项功能,且如果不修理或不替换装置或系统,则不能恢复其正常操作。 注:此处的“功能”系指电气/电子系统执行的功能。 附录B (规范性附录) 抗扰试验等级 B.1 目的 本附录规定了EUT对沿电源线传导的瞬态骚扰的扰扰试验等级。 B.2抗扰试验等级 EUT对沿电源线传导的瞬态骚扰的抗扰试验等级应按表B.1和表B.2中规定的试验等级Ⅲ进行选择。 表B.1 12 V系统的抗扰试验等级 试验脉冲a 试验等级Ⅲ,Usb 最少脉冲数或 短脉冲循环时间或脉冲重复时间 V 试验时间c 最小 最大 1 2a 2b 3a 3b 4 -75 +37 +10 -112 +75 -6 500个脉冲 500个脉冲 10个脉冲 1 h 1 h 1个脉冲 0.5 s 0.2 s 0.5 s 90 ms 90 ms d 5 s 5 s 5 s 100 ms 100 ms d a 试验脉冲,如GB/T 21437.2—2008中5.6所述。 b 幅度为GB/T 21437.2—2008中5.6每一试验脉冲所确定的Us值。 c 耐久性试验的脉冲数量或试验时间。 d 由于试验脉冲最少为1个,因此未给出脉冲循环时间。当施加多个脉冲时,脉冲之间应允许1 min的最小延迟时间。
表B.2 24 V系统的抗扰试验等级 试验脉冲a 试验等级Ⅲ,Usb 最少脉冲数或 短脉冲循环时间或脉冲重复时间 V 试验时间c 最小 最大 1 2a 2b 3a 3b 4 -450 +37 +20 -150 +150 -12 500个脉冲 500个脉冲 10个脉冲 1 h 1 h 1个脉冲 0.5 s 0.2 s 0.5 s 90 ms 90 ms d 5s 5s 5s 100 ms 100 ms d a 试验脉冲,如GB/T 21437.2—2008中5.6所述。 b 幅度为GB/T 21437.2—2008中5.6每一试验脉冲所确定的Us值。 c 耐久性试验的脉冲数量或试验时间。 d 由于试验脉冲最少为1个,因此未给出脉冲循环时间。当施加多个脉冲时,脉冲之间应允许1 min的最小延迟时间。
附录C (资料性附录) 试验报告要求 为了保证上述试验的可重复性,试验报告宜包括; ——受试设备、辅助设备的信息,例如商标,型号,序列号等; ——受试设备、辅助设备的典型工作状态; ——试验设备的信息,例如制造商,型号,序列号等; ——试验的一般要求,例如试验布置、频率范围、测试等级、性能判据等; ——试验时采用的特殊条件或要求,例如屏蔽外壳、不同的试验等级以及环境条件等; ——由制造商和需求方定义的性能水平; ——在测试干扰施加过程中或之后,受试设街上观察到的任何现象,和该现象持续的时间; ——合格/不合格判定的基本原则; ——受试设备的特殊使用条件,例如,电缆的长度或类型,屏蔽或接地,或工作条件等; ——任何其他需要在试验报告中说明的问题。 参考文献 [1]ECE R10 Rev.5 Uniform provisions concerning the approval of vehicles with regard to elec-tromagnetic compatibility [2]CISPR 25:2016 Vehicles,boats and internal combustion engines—Radio disturbance charac-teristics—Limits and methods of measurement for the protection of on-board receivers