This document defines the requirements of the vehicle during the concept phase, including:
--Definition of relevant items
--Hazard analysis and risk assessment
--Functional safety concepts.
This document applies to safety-related systems containing one or more electrical/electronic systems installed on mass-produced road vehicles other than mopeds.
This document does not apply to specific electrical/electronic systems on special purpose vehicles, for example, vehicle systems designed for drivers with disabilities. Note: Other special safety standards can be used as a supplement to this document, and vice versa.
Systems and their components that have completed production release or are under development prior to the date of this document do not apply to this document. When changes are made to the system and its components that were released in production prior to the release of this document, the document is based on these changes to the safety lifecycle activities for tailoring. When a system not developed in accordance with this document is integrated with a system developed in accordance with this document, the safety lifecycle is trimmed in accordance with this document.
This document addresses possible hazards caused by abnormal functional performance of safety-related electrical/electronic systems, including possible hazards caused by the interaction of these systems. This document does not address hazards related to electric shock, fire, smoke, heat, radiation, toxicity, flammability, reactivity, corrosiveness, energy release, and similar hazards, unless the hazards are directly caused by abnormal functional performance of safety-related electrical/electronic systems.
This document proposes a framework for functional safety development of safety-related electrical/electronic systems, which is intended to integrate functional safety activities into an enterprise-specific development framework. This document specifies the technical development requirements for achieving functional safety of the product, and also specifies the development process requirements for organizations with corresponding functional safety capabilities.
This document does not address the nominal performance of electrical/electronic systems.
Appendix A outlines the objectives, prerequisites, and work products of this document.
2 Normative References
The contents of the following documents constitute essential provisions of this document through the normative references in the text. Among them, note the date of the cited documents, only the date of the corresponding version applies to this document; do not note the date of the cited documents, the latest version (including all the change orders) applies to this document.
GB/T 34590.1 Functional safety of road vehicles Part 1: Terminology (GB/T 34590.1-2022, ISO 26262-1:2018, MOD)
GB/T 34590.2-2022 Functional safety of road vehicles Part 2: Functional safety management (ISO 26262-2:2018, MOD)
Note: There are no technical differences between what is cited in GB/T 34590.2-2022 and what is cited in ISO 26262-2:2018.
GB/T 34590.4-2022 Functional safety of road vehicles Part 4: Product development: System level (ISO 26262-4:2018, MOD)
3 Terms and definitions
The terms and definitions defined in GB/T 34590.1 are applicable to this document.
4 Requirements
4.1 Purpose
This chapter specifies :
a) How to comply with GB/T 34590;
b) how to interpret the tables used in GB/T34590
c) how to explain the applicability of each chapter based on the different ASIL. levels.
4.2 General requirements
If the statement to meet the requirements of GB/T 34590, should meet each requirement, not one of the following cases:
a) in accordance with the requirements of GB/T 34590.2-2022, the safety activities of the cut-out has been implemented and shows that these requirements do not apply; or
b) the reasons for not meeting the requirements exist and are acceptable, and the reasons are assessed in accordance with the requirements of GB/T 34590.2-2022.
Marked with a "note" or "example" of the information is only used to assist in understanding or clarifying the requirements, should not be used as the requirements themselves and do not have completeness. The results of security activities as a work product. Should have the results of the last two phases of work as a "prerequisite" information. If some of the requirements of the chapter is in accordance with the ASIL definition or can be trimmed, some of the work product can not be used as a prerequisite.
"Supporting information" is information that can be referenced, but in some cases, GB/T34590 does not require it as a result of the previous phase of work, and can be provided by external sources different from the person or organization responsible for functional safety activities.
5 Definition of related items
5.1 Purpose
The purpose of this chapter is to:
a) To define and describe the relevant items at the vehicle level, including the function, its dependencies and interactions with the driver, environment and other relevant items; and
b) to support the full understanding of the relevant items for the implementation of the subsequent phases of activities.
5.2 General Provisions
This chapter sets out the requirements and recommendations for establishing a definition of a relevant item, including its function, interface, environmental conditions, regulatory requirements and hazards. The definition for the implementation of the subsequent sub-phase: "hazard analysis and risk assessment" (see Chapter 6) and "functional safety concept" (see Chapter 7) provides sufficient information on the relevant items.
Note: Table A.1 provides an overview of the purpose, prerequisites and work products of the concept phase. 5.3 Inputs to this chapter
5.3.1 Prerequisites
5.3.2 Supporting information
The following information may be considered :
Any existing information related to related items, e.g. product concept, project overview, relevant patents, pre-test results, documentation from previous related items, relevant information from other related items.
6 Hazard analysis and risk assessment
6.1 Purpose
The purpose of this chapter is to:
(a) identify and classify hazard events caused by abnormal functional performance in related items; and
b) to develop safety objectives to prevent the occurrence of hazard events or to mitigate the degree of hazard and its corresponding ASIL level, in order to avoid unreasonable
(b) establish safety objectives to prevent or mitigate hazards and their corresponding ASIL levels to avoid unreasonable risks.
6.2 General Provisions
Hazard analysis, risk assessment and ASIL level determination are used to determine the safety objectives of the relevant items. For this purpose, the relevant items are evaluated according to the potential hazard events of the relevant items. The determination of ASIL levels requires consideration of severity, probability of exposure and controllability. The determination of severity, exposure probability, and controllability is based on the functional behavior of the item in question, and therefore does not necessarily require knowledge of the design details of the item in question.
7 Functional Safety Concepts
7.1 Purpose
The purpose of this chapter is to
a) To define the functional behavior or degraded functional behavior of the relevant items in accordance with the security objectives.
b) Define the constraints used to detect and control related failures in a reasonable and timely manner, in accordance with the safety objectives
c) Define policies or measures at the item level to achieve the required fault tolerance or to adequately mitigate the impact of the associated fault through the item itself, the driver, or external measures;
d) Assigning functional safety requirements to the system architecture design or external measures.
(e) Validate functional safety concepts and define safety validation criteria.
Appendix A (informative) Overview of the conceptual phase and workflow
Appendix B (Informative) Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment
1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 Terms and definitions 4 Requirements 5 Definition of related items 6 Hazard analysis and risk assessment 7 Functional Safety Concepts Appendix A (informative) Overview of the conceptual phase and workflow Appendix B (Informative) Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment Bibliography