1 Scope
This standard specifies the membrane covered galvanic cell electrochemical method and electrolytic electrochemical method for the determination of trace oxygen in gaseous ethylene or propylene.
This standard is applicable to the determination of trace molecular oxygen with content not less than 1mL/m3 in ethylene and propylene for industrial use.
2 Normative References
The following document contains provisions which, through reference into this standard, constitute provisions of this standard. At time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All the standards will be revised; all parties coming to an agreement according to this standard are encouraged to study whether the latest editions of the following standards are applicable.
GB/T 6682-1986 Water for Analytical Laboratory Use - Specification and Test Methods (neq ISO 3696:1987)
GB/T 13289-1991 Ethylene for Industrial Use - Sampling in the Liquid and the Gaseous Phase (neq ISO 7382:1986)
GB/T 13290-1991 Propylene and Butadiene for Industrial Use - Sampling in the Liquid Phase (neq ISO 8563:1987)
3 Method Summary
Foreword I
1 Scope
2 Normative References
3 Method Summary
4 Instruments and Materials
5 Sampling
6 Determination Process
7 Result Expression
8 Report