is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
This Standard is modified in relation to EN 14682: 2007 "Safety of Children's Clothing-Cords and Drawstrings on Children's Clothing-Specifications" (English version).
Compared with EN 14682: 2007, this Standard has the following major changes:
——The foreword and introduction of the European Standard were deleted;
——"Scope" in the European Standard was modified;
——The provisions of "children's clothing" in the European Standard were deleted; the contents related to height in the provisions of "young child" and "older child and young person" were modified; the provisions of "stirrup" and "shoulder strap" were deleted;
——The provisions related to the specifications and specification measuring methods of the cords and drawstrings in the European Standard were deleted; it is specified that "The specification requirements for the drawstrings on children's clothing shall be in accordance with the requirements of GB/T 22702";
——Provision 3.5 in the European Standard was changed from "Lower hems of garments which hang below the crotch" to "Lower hems of garments which hang below the hip line";
——Provision 4.7.2 was added to specify the drawstrings and cords on the short sleeves;
——Informative Appendix A, Appendix B, Appendix C, Appendix D and Appendix E were deleted;
——Appendix F "Examples of cords and drawstrings" were adjusted to the corresponding provisions.
This Standard was proposed by China National Textile and Apparel Council.
This standard is under the jurisdiction of National Technical Committee 219 on Garments of Standardization Administration of China (SAC/TC 219).
The National Technical Committee 219 on Garments of Standardization Administration of China is responsible for the explanation of this Standard.
Chief drafting organizations of this standard: Shanghai Garment Research Institute, Red Yellow Blue Group Co., Ltd., Quanzhou Green Garments Co., Ltd., Shanghai Yaduo Garments Co., Ltd.
Chief drafting staffs of this standard: Shi Qin, Nie Yayuan, Xu Jian, Xie Xiandong, Lei Ting, Zheng Yafang, Qin Wei.
Safety Specifications for Cords and Drawstrings on Children’s Clothing
1 Scope
This standard specifies the safety specifications for cords and drawstrings on children's clothing under the age of 14. This standard does not cover the specifications of cords and drawstrings.
This standard does not apply to:
——Child use and care articles for example bibs, nappies and soother holders;
——Shoes, boots and similar footwear;
——Gloves, hats, bonnets and scarves;
——Neckties designed to be worn with a shirt or blouse;
——Belts and braces;
——Religious clothing that may be worn all the time, and celebratory clothing such as that worn at civil or religious ceremonies or regional or national festivals;
——Specialist sportswear and activity wear generally worn for limited periods and under supervision, for example rugby shorts, wet suits, and dancewear, except where those garments are commonly worn as day wear or night wear;
——Theatrical costumes used for theatrical performances;
2 Normative References
The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this standard. For dated reference, subsequent amendments to (excluding correction to), or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. However, the parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies.
GB/T 1335.3 Standard sizing systems for garments - Children
GB/T 15557 Standard terminology relating to apparel
GB/T 22702 Standard safety size for drawstrings on children’s upper wear
3 Terms and Definitions
For the purposes of this standard, the terms and definitions established in GB/T 15557 and the following ones apply.
Young child
The child from birth to 7 years old (height: 130cm or below).
Older child and young person
The child from 7 to 14 years old.
Note: in this standard, refer to GB/T 1335.3 for the child height.
Cord, chain, ribbon, string or tape of any textile or non-textile material with or without embellishment, such as a toggle, pom-pom, feather, or bead which passes through a channel, loop(s) or eyelet(s) or similar, to adjust the size of the opening, or part of the garment or to fasten the garment itself
Functional cord
Cord, chain, ribbon, string or tape of any textile or non-textile material with or without embellishment, such as toggle, pom-pom, feather or bead, of fixed length, which is used to adjust the size of the opening, or part of the garment or to fasten the garment itself
Decorative cord
Non-functional cord, chain, ribbon, string or tape of any textile or non-textile material with or without embellishment such as toggle, pom-pom, feather or bead, of fixed length which is not intended to be used to adjust the size of the garment opening or fasten the garment itself
Elastic cord
Cord containing yarns of rubber or elastodiene or elastane polymer or similar, having high extensibility and complete or near complete recovery
Halter neck cord
Functional cord worn round the back of the neck holding the garment (for example dress, blouse or bikini) top leaving the shoulder and back bare
Tied belt and sash
Drawstring, functional cords and decorative cord or piece of textile material of not less than 3cm width tied round the waist area of a garment
Wooden, plastic, metal or otherwise composed piece attached to or present on, a drawstring, functional cord or decorative cord
Cord or narrow strip of fabric curved in shape, which may be fixed or adjustable in length, where both ends are attached to the garment
Hood and neck area
Part of the body from the top of the head to the top of the chest, level with the top of the armpits (axillae) and in between points on shoulder straight up from armpit, see Figure 1.
Chest and waist area
Part of the body from the top of the chest level with the armpits (axillae) to the hip level with the crotch, see Figure 1.
Below hip area
Part of the body below the hip, level with the crotch, see Figure 1.
Back area
Posterior part of the body and legs, see Figure 1.
Zip puller
Fitting attached to the slider to facilitate manipulation
Zip slider
Moving component consisting essentially of a slider body and, normally, a puller, which opens or closes the fastener by separating or engaging the interlocking members
Adjusting tab
Small strip of fabric not less than 20 mm in width intended to adjust the size of opening on a garment.
ICS 61.020 Y 75 GB 中华人民共和国国家标准 GB/T 22705—2008
童装绳索和拉带安全要求 Safety specifications for cords and drawstrings on children’s clothing
2008-12-31发布 2009-08-01实施 中华人民共和国国家质量监督检验检疫总局 发布 中国国家标准化管理委员会 前 言 本标准修改采用欧洲标准EN 14682:2007《童装绳索和拉带安全要求》(英文版)。 本标准与EN 14682:2007的主要差异如下: ——删除了欧洲标准的前言、引言; ——修改了欧洲标准的“范围”; ——删除了欧洲标准的“儿童服装”条文,并修改了“幼童”、“大童和青少年’’条文中的身高内容;删除了“箍筋”、“肩带”条文; ——删除了欧洲标准关于绳索和拉带规格及规格测量方法的条文,并明确规定“儿童服装上使用的拉带规格要求按GB/T 22702的规定执行”; ——修改了欧洲标准3.5条文,将“腰围线以下的服装下摆”改为“臀围线以下的服装下摆”; ——增加了4.7.2条文,对短袖上的拉带和绳索提出要求; ——删除了资料性附录A、附录B、附录C、附录D、附录E; ——调整附录F“绳索和拉带图示说明”至对应条文中。 本标准由中国纺织工业协会提出。 本标准由全国服装标准化技术委员会(SAC/TC 219)归口。 本标准由全国服装标准化技术委员会负责解释。 本标准主要起草单位:上海市服装研究所、红黄蓝集团有限公司、泉州格林服装有限公司、上海雅多服装有限公司。 本标准主要起草人:施琴、聂雅渊、许鉴、叶显东、雷艇、郑雅芳、秦威。 童装绳索和拉带安全要求 1 范围 本标准规定了在14岁以下儿童服装上使用绳索和拉带的安全要求。本标准不包括绳索和拉带的规格。 本标准不适用于以下情况: ——儿童使用及护理用品中,比如围兜、尿片或奶嘴拉手; ——鞋子、靴子和类似的脚部穿着物; ——手套、帽子、围巾; ——衬衣或T恤上的领带; ——腰带和护腕; ——宗教服装和节庆服装; ——只在特定时期和监护下才穿着的专业运动服和运动时穿的服装,比如橄榄球短裤、西服、戏服和舞衣,但不包括经常白天穿着和晚上穿着的服装; ——演出时穿着的戏服; ——围裙。 2 规范性引用文件 下列文件中的条款通过本标准的引用而成为本标准的条款。凡是注日期的引用文件,其随后所有的修改单(不包括勘误的内容)或修订版均不适用于本标准,然而,鼓励根据本标准达成协议的各方研究是否可使用这些文件的最新版本。凡是不注日期的引用文件,其最新版本适用于本标准。 GB/T 1335.3 服装号型 儿童 GB/T 15557 服装术语 GB/T 22702 儿童上衣拉带安全规格 3 术语和定义 GB/T 15557确立的以及下列术语和定义适用于本标准。 3.1 幼童 young child 从出生到7岁(身高130 cm及以下)的儿童。 3.2 大童和青少年 older child and young person 从7岁到14岁的儿童。 注:在本标准中,儿童身高参考GB/T1335.3。 3.3 拉带 drawstring 穿过绳道、绳线环、孔眼或类似部件,带有或不带有装饰物(如套环、绒球、羽毛或念珠等),以各种纺织或非纺织材料制成的绳索、链条、系带、绳带或绳线,用于调整服装开口部位或部件穿着时的尺寸松紧度,或用于系紧服装本身。 3.4 功能性绳索 functional cord 带有或不带有装饰物(如套环、绒球、羽毛或念珠等)、以各种纺织或非纺织材料制成、固定长度的绳索、链条、系带、绳带或绳线,用于调整服装开口或部件穿着时的尺寸松紧度,或用于系紧服装本身。 3.5 装饰性绳索 decorative cord 非功能性绳索,带有或不带有装饰物(如套环、绒球、羽毛或念珠等)、以各种纺织或非纺织材料制成、固定长度的绳索、链条、系带、绳带或绳线,并非用于调整服装开口或部件穿着时的尺寸松紧度,或用于系紧服装本身。 3.6 弹性绳索 elastic cord 一种用橡胶、橡皮筋、弹性聚合物或类似材料的纱线制成的绳索,具有高度弹性、完全或几乎完全回复性。 3.7 三角背心颈部系绳 halter neck cord 露肩和露背上装(例如连衣裙、女衬衫或比基尼泳装)中,把服装固定住、绕后颈一周的功能性绳索。 3.8 打结腰带或装饰腰带 tied belt and sash 环绕腰部的拉带、绳索、不窄于3 cm的纺织织物。 3.9 套环 toggle 连在拉带末端的,以木质、塑料、金属或其他复合材料做成的配件,用于装饰或防止拉带从绳道中抽出。 3.10 带袢 loop 弯曲的绳索或窄条,长度固定或可调整,两端固定在服装上。 3.11 风帽和颈部 hood and neck area 头顶至两腋窝前点水平线、两腋窝前点向上延伸至肩部的区域,见图1。 3.12 胸腰部 chest and waist area 两腋窝前点水平线至会阴点水平位置之间的区域,见图1。 3.13 臀部以下 below hip area 会阴点水平位置以下的区域,见图1。 3.14 背部 back area 人体躯干和腿的后部,见图1。 3.15 拉链头 zip puller 附于拉链滑块上便于操作的拉链组件。 3.16 拉链滑锁 zip slider 由拉链滑块和拉链头组合的可移动组件,通过分离或咬合拉链齿来打开或关闭拉链。 3.17 可调节搭袢 adusting tab 不窄于20 mm的小布条,用于调整服装开口大小。