This standard specifies the principle, procedure and content as well as assessment mode for the preparation of tourism planning (including tourism development planning and tourism area planning) and proposes the composition of tourism planning developers and assessors and their quality requirements.
This standard is applicable to the preparation of tourism development plannings at all levels and plannings for various types of tourism areas.
2 Normative References
The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this standard. For dated reference, subsequent amendments to (excluding any corrigendum), or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. However, parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated below. For any undated references, the latest edition of the document referred to applies.
GB 3095-1996 Ambient Air Quality Standard
GB 3096-1993 Standard of Environmental Noise of Urban Area
GB 3838 Environmental Quality Standard for Surface Water
GB 5749 Standards for Drinking Water Quality
GB 9663 Hygienic Standard for Hotel
GB 9664 Hygienic Standard for Public Place of Entertainment
GB 9665 Hygienic Standard for Public Bathroom
GB 9666 Hygienic Standard for Barber Shop and Beauty Shop
GB 9667 Hygienic Standard for Swimming Place
GB 9668 Hygienic standard for Gymnasium
GB 9669 Hygienic Standard for Library, Museum, Art Gallery and Exhibition
GB 9670 Hygienic Standard for Shopping Centre and Book Store
GB 9671 Hygienic Standard for Hospital Waiting Room
GB 9672 Hygienic Standard for Waiting Room of Publictransit Means
GB 9673 Hygienic Standard for Public Means of Transportation
GB 12941-1991 Water Quality Standard for Scenery and Recreation Area
GB 16153 Hygienic Standard for Dining Room
GB/T 18972 Classification, Investigation and Evaluation of Tourism Resources
3 Terms and Definitions
For the purposes of this standard, the following terms and definitions apply.
Tourism development plan/Tourism development planning
The objective system formulated according to the history, current status and market factor variations of tourism industry, and the arrangement for tourism development factors under specific development conditions for the purpose of realizing objective system.
Tourism area
The space or region with tourism and its relevant activities as main function or one of main functions.
Tourism area plan/Tourism area planning
The overall deployment and specific arrangement for various tourism factors for the purpose of protecting, developing, utilizing and operating & managing tourism area to make it play various functions and roles.
Tourist source market
As tourists are the main body of tourism activities, tourist source market refers to the real and possible purchasers of a certain tourism product in tourism area.
Tourism resources
Various objects and factors that can be developed and utilized by tourism industry as well as attract tourists and bring economic, social and environmental benefits in the natural world and human society.
Tourism product
Tourism resources become tourism product after being planned, developed and constructed. Tourism product, as the object and target of tourism activities, may be classified into natural, humanistic and comprehensive types.
Tourism carrying capacity
Under the premise of sustainable development, the minimum scale and strength of tourism and relevant activities bearable by the natural, artificial and social economic environment in tourism area at a specific period.
Foreword i Introduction ii 1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 Terms and Definitions 4 Requirements for Tourism Planning Preparation 5 Programming of Tourism Planning 6 Tourism Development Planning 7 Tourism Area Planning 8 Assessment, Submitting for Approval and Revision of Tourism Planning Appendix A (Informative) Selection Guide of Tourism Planning Index