This standard presents detailed principles to be applied to the design of sampling programmes, to sampling techniques and the handling and preservation of samples of water from natural and man-made lakes.
Sampling for microbiological examination is not included.
This standard is applicable to natural and man-made lakes; the main objectives are specified in 1.1 to 1.3
1.1 Quality characterization measurement
Measurement of water quality over a long period of time for investigating the quality and development tendency of water of natural and man-made lakes.
1.2 Quality control measurement
Measurement of water quality over a long period of time at one or several defined places in a body of water.
1.3 Measurement for specific reasons
Identification and measurement of pollution, for example some species mortality, or other unusual phenomena (water bloom or color).
2 Normative References
GB 6816 Water quality – Vocabulary - Part 1 and Part 2
GB 12997 Water Quality - Technical Regulation on the Design of Sampling Programmes
GB 12998 Water Quality - Guidance on Sampling Techniques
GB 12999 Water Quality Sampling - Technical Regulation of the Preservation and Handling of Samples
3 Definitions
1 Scope and Field of Application 2 Normative References 3 Definitions 4 Sampling Equipment 5 Sampling Procedure 6 Safety Precautions 7 Sample Identification and Records Annex A Report - Sampling from Lakes, Natural and Man-made (Supplement) Annex B Measurements in the Field (Supplement) Additional Explanation: