This part of GB 7956 specifies terms and definitions, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules as well as marking, packaging, transport and storage of rescue fire fighting vehicles.
This part is applicable to rescue fire fighting vehicles.
2 Normative References
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated reference, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB 4208-2008 Degrees of Protection Provided by Enclosure (IP code)
GB 7956.1-2014 Fire Fighting Vehicles - Part 1: General Technical Specifications
GB 15052-2010 Cranes - Safety Signs and Hazard Pictorials—General Principles
GB 26755-2011 Fire Mobile Illuminating Device
GB 50149-2010 Erection Works of Electrical Installations - Code for Construction and Acceptance of Bus-bar Device
3 Terms and Definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in GB 7956.1-2014 and the following apply. For the convenience of application, some terms and definitions specified in GB 7956.1-2014 are listed below.
rescue fire fighting vehicle
fire fighting vehicle mainly equipped with emergency rescue equipment, vehicle mounted crane or vehicle mounted forklift capable of lifting, winch and illuminating system and used for implementing emergency rescue on fire site
[definition 3.3.2 in GB 7956.1-2014]
rated lining load
net load which is allowed to be lifted by vehicle mounted crane under various specified operating ranges in safety operation or is allowed to be lifted by vehicle mounted forklift in safety operation
operating range
horizontal distance from vertical line of hook center of vehicle mounted crane to gyration center line
maximum lifting load
net load of the object which is allowed to be lifted by vehicle mounted crane within minimum operating range
minimum operating range
minimum horizontal distance from vertical line of hook center to gyration center line when vehicle mounted crane is able to work effectively
maximum operating range
maximum horizontal distance from vertical line of hook center to gyration center line when the lifting arm of vehicle mounted crane is unfolded to its utmost length and placed horizontally
layer of steel cable
layer of steel cable when totally winded on the drum; the most inner layer is first layer, and the rest may be deduced by analogy
effective length of steel cable
length between marked place of fixed end of steel cable to free end of steel cable
rated pulling force
pulling force value which is allowed to be borne by the first layer of steel cable during normal operation of winch
illuminating system
illuminating apparatus composed of generator (set), control cabinet, lifting device, illuminating fixture, etc. and permanently installed on vehicle
4 Technical Requirements
4.1 Basic Requirements
Rescue fire fighting vehicle shall comply with the requirements in GB 7956.1-2014 and the requirements of this part.
4.2 Complete Vehicle Requirements
4.2.1 Rescue fire fighting vehicle shall consist of chassis, vehicle mounted crane or vehicle mounted forklift capable of lifting, winch, illuminating system, etc. and shall be equipped with emergency rescue equipment which is able to lift, tow, illuminate, etc.
4.2.2 Volume of fuel tank of rescue fire fighting vehicle shall ensure that after running 100 km, the vehicle mounted crane is able to complete 50 operating cycles.
Foreword i 1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 Terms and Definitions 4 Technical Requirements 4.1 Basic Requirements 4.2 Complete Vehicle Requirements 4.3 Chassis Remanufacture Requirements 4.4 Special Device Requirements 4.5 Requirements for Instruments and Apparatus 4.6 Arrangement, Fixation and Allocation of the Equipment 4.7 Warning Lights 4.8 Vehicle Mounted Documents, Tools and Vulnerable Parts 5 Test Methods 5.1 Tests with Basic Requirements 5.2 Tests with Complete Vehicle Requirements 5.3 Test with Chassis Remanufacture Requirements 5.4 Tests with Special Device Requirements 5.5 Tests for Apparatus and Instruments 5.6 Inspection for Allocation, Arrangement and Fixation of the Equipment 5.7 Tests for Warning Lights 5.8 Inspection on Documents Delivered along with Vehicle as well as Vehicle Mounted Tools and Vulnerable Parts 6 Inspection Rules 6.1 Inspection Classification 6.2 Judgment Rules 7 Marking, Packaging, Transport and Storage 7.1 Marking 7.2 Packaging 7.3 Transport 7.4 Storage