1 General Provisions
1.0.1 This code is formulated to standardize the monitoring technology and the cofrespondingprecaution analysis to ensure advanced technologies, reliable data, and reasonable cost formonitoring of building and bridge structures.
1.0.2 This code applies to monitor, high-rise buildings and struetures, long-span spatialstructures, bridge structures, isolated structures, and existing structures influenced by crossing
1.0.3Monitoring of building and bridge structures shall meet the requirements of this code andthe relevant current national standards.
2 Terms and Symbols
2.1 Terms
2.1.1 structural monitoring
Frequently and continuously observing or measuring the structural state
2.1.2 construction monitoring
Structural monitoring during construction.
2.1.3 post construction monitoring
Structural monitoring during service life
2.1.4 monitoring system
Software and hardware integration with certain monitoring functions composed of monitoringequipment.
2.1.5 monitoring equipment
General designation of hardware such as, tfansducers/sensors, acquisition instruments, etc. ,in the monitoring system.
2.1.6 transducer/sensor
Instruments or devices be able to sense measured signals and convert them to usable outputsignals according to a specific rule,and usually consisting of sensing and transduction elements.
3Basic Requirements
3.1General Requirements
3.1.1Structural monitoring of buildings and bridges shall be divided into construcfion monitoring
and post construction monitoring.3.1.2Construction monitoring should be combined with mensuration, observation, inspection,and engineering control. Post construction monitoring should be carried out by using a monitoring
system with automatic data acquisition.
3. 1.3 Patrol inspection and system maintenance shall be carfiedout during monitoring.
3.1.4Construction monitoring should be considered in conjunction with post construction monitoring.
3. 1.5 Before monitoring, the monitoring purpose shall be clarified according to the monitoringrequirements of all parties and design documents, The monitoring scheme shall be formulated incombination with factors such as engineering strictura characteristics, site and surroundingenvironmental conditions.
3. 1.6 Monitoring requirements shall be put forward at the design stage dor structures that needto be monitored :
4 Monitoring Methods
4.1 General Requirements
4.1.11Monitoring items should include stress and strain, deformation and crack, temperature andhumidity, vibration, earthquake and seismic response, wind field and wind-induced response, cableforce, and corrosion.
4.1.22onitoring parameters can be divided into static and dynamic parameters. The selection ofmonitoring parameters shall meet the requirements for monitoring, precaution, and evaluation olstructural state.
1General Provisions
2 Terms and Symbols
2.1 Terms
2.2 Symbols
3 Basic Requirements
3.l General Requirements
3.2 Monitoring System, Point and Equipment
3.3 Construction Monitoring
3.4 Post Construction MonitoringMonitoring Methods
4 Monitoring Methods
4.1 General Requirements
4.2 Stress Monitoring
4. 3 Deformation and Crack Monitoring
5 High-rise Buildings and Structures
6 Long-span Spatial Structures
6.l General Requirements
6.2Construction Monitoring
6.3 Post Construction Monitoring7 Bridge Structures
7.1 General Requirements
7.2 Construction Monitoring
7.3 Post Construction Monitoring
8Other Structures
Appendix A Technique Requirement of Sensors
Appendix B Monitoring Requirement of Different Types of Bridges
Explanation of Wording in This Code
List of Quoted Standards