General provisions
1.0.1This standard is formulated to prevent and control soil erosion caused by production andconstruction activities, protect and rationally utilize soil and water resources, improve ecologicalenvironment,and ensure sustainable economic and social development.
1.0.2 This standard is applicable to the prevention and control of soil erosion in the production andconstruction projects ( PCPs) that may cause soil erosion in the process of construction or production.
1.0.3 The prevention and control of soil erosion caused by the PCPs shall stick to the principles offocusing on prevention , prioritizing protection, adapting to loeal conditions, and being safe, reliable.technically feasible, and economically viable, and it s encouraged to adopt advanced technologies,innovative technies,and new materials.
1.0.4 The technologies of soil and water conservation for the PCPs shall comply with not only thisstandard ,but also current relevant standards of the nation.
2 Terms
2.0.1 responsibility range for soil and water conservation
An area where a production and construction entity shall be responsible for sóil erosion preventionand control according to laws.
2.0.2 principal part of project(PPP)A collective definition of main and affiliated parts of a production and construction projeet.
2.0.3 line-type production and construction project (PCP)
A PCP with a large layout span in linear distribution.
2.0.4 block-type production and construction project (PCP
A PCP with relatively concentrated layout in block distribution.
2.0.5 constructive projectA completed project without any further land disturbance such as excavation, earth (rock, sand )borrow ,and spoil (rock,dreg,fly ash,mullock,tailings) disposal during its operation period.
2.0.6constructive and productive projeetA completed project still with land disturbance such as excavation,eárth (rock, sand) borrow , andspoil (rock,dreg,fly ash,mullock,tailings) disposal during its production period.
2.0.7 target year of design
The year that soil and water conservation measures defermined in a soil and water conservationscheme are implemented and initially generate benefits.
3 Basic requirements
3.1 General requirements
3.1.1 The technical work of soil and water conservation for the PCP shalf mainly include thecompilation of soil and water conservation scheme, soil and water conservation measure design.construetion, supervision and monitoring, and the acceptance of soil and water conservation facilitiesThe technical work of soil and water conservation for the PCP shall beleonducted simultaneously witheach stage of the project, The soil and water conservation chapter in preliminary feasibility study stage( project proposal) report, the contents of soil and water conservation scheme and the contents of thespecial chapter in the preliminary design report of soil and water conservation measures shall complywith the provisions in Appendixes A ,B and C,respecrively
3.1.2The soil erosion prevention and controlfor the PCP shall meet the following requirements :
1During the whole process of project, the disturbance and destruction on original topographicfeatures , vegetation, and water systems shall be controlled and minimized , and the original vegetation.topsoil, crust and sand crust, lichen,ete. shall be protected. Water yse and land occupation shall bereduced by utilization efficieney imprevement.
2Prevention and control measures such as retaining, slope protection, water interception anddrainage shall be taken for,the areas of excavation, filling,and disposal.
3The spoil (roek,dreg) shall be comprehensively afilized,and the unusable should be piled up ina special storage placé.
4 Temporary protective measures shall be taken during civil construction.
5land remediation shall be timely carried out for finished construction sites to restore its utilizingfunctionx
3.1.3The soil erosion prevention and control for the PCP shall achieve the following targets:
1. Increased soil erosion in the construetion scope of a project shall be controlled effectively , andoriginal soil erosion shall be treated.
2 Soil and water conservation facilities shall be safe and efficient.
3Soil and water resources, as well as forest and grass vegetation shall be protected and restoredto the greatest extent.
4The six indicators including the percentage of controlled soil erosion area, proportion of soilerosion control, pereentage of blocked dregs and soil, percentage of protected topsoil, percentage olrecovered forest and grass, and percentage of forest and grass coverage shall meet the requirements olcurrent national standard,GB/T 50434 Standard of Soil Erosion Control for Production andConsiruction Projects.