1.0.1 This code was established with the view to unity the design code and technical requirements for oilfield water injection (including polymer injection), to make the design achieve state-of-art technology, economy and rationality, safety and suitability.
1.0.2 This code is applicable to design of water injection for the onshore oilfield, construction for polymer injection, extension and reconstruction projects.
1.0.3 Not only the requirements stipulated in this code, but also those in the current relevant ones of the nation shall be complied with for design of oilfield water injection and polymer injection.
Foreword 1 General provision 2 Terms 3 Basic requirements 4 Water-injection stations 4.1 Station site 4.2 Water injection pump room 4.3 Water storage tank 4.4 Water injecting and distributing house 5 Water injection pipeline 5.1 Calculation for compressive strength of the metallic pipe 5.2 Design for water injection pipeline 6 Distributing room for water injection and well head 6.1 Distributing room for water injection 6.2 Water injection well head 7 Polymer preparing station 8 Polymer injection station and polymer injection pipe network 8.1 Polymer injection station 8.2 Polymer injection pipe network 9 Public Works 9.1 Power Supply and Distribution 9.2 Instrument and Monitoring 9.3 Heating and ventilation 9.4 Road in station site Annex A The permissible stress of metallic pipeline materials Explanation of Wording in this Code