Respiratory protection—Non-powered air-purifying respirators for escape
1 Scope
This document specifies the classification, grading, designation, technical requirements, marking and packaging of non-powered air-purifying respirators for escape (hereinafter referred to as respirator), and provides the test methods.
This document is applicable to disposable respirators for protecting toxic and harmful gases, vapors and particles during escape.
This document is not applicable to escape respirators used in oxygen deficiency environment.
2 Normative references
The following documents contain requirements which, through reference in this text, constitute indispensable requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 32166.2-2015 Personal protective equipment—Eye and face protection—Occupational eye and face protectors—Part 2: Test methods
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in GB/T 12903 and GB/T 18664, as well as the following, apply.
non-powered air-purifying respirators
respirator that can overcome the resistance of components by the wearer's independent breathing, filter toxic and harmful gases or vapors and particles in the environment, and supply clean air for the wearer to breathe
[Source: GB 2626-2019, 3.3, modified]
non-powered air-purifying respirators for escape
non-powered air-purifying respirator designed for use only when escaping from dangerous environment (3.1)
oxygen deficiency environment
place where the oxygen content in the ambient air is less than 19.5% (volume fraction)
[Source: GB 8958-2006, 3.1, modified]
full facepiece
tight-fitting facepiece capable of covering eyes, mouth, nose and lower jaw
[Source: GB 2626-2019, 3.6]
loose-fitting hood capable of completely covering the head, eyes, nose, mouth and neck, and covering part of the shoulder or be used with protective clothing
[Source: GB 30864-2014, 3.8, modified]
gas filter capacity
mass or volume of the specific test medium removed or retained by the anti-virus filter or comprehensive protective filter when it reaches the breakthrough concentration under the specified temperature, humidity, gas concentration and flow rate of the test medium
breakthrough concentration
concentration of the test medium after passing through the filter
breakthrough time
time from the beginning of the filter test to the time when the test medium gas and the specified reaction product detected in the outlet airflow to reach the specified breakthrough concentration
protective time
time from the beginning of the test medium passing through the filter to the time when the breakthrough concentration of the test medium reaches a limited value under the specified test conditions
Note: The protection time does not represent the effective working time of the respirator during actual service. Depending on the actual service conditions, the effective working time may be different from the protection time.
[Source: GB 2890-2022, 3.4, modified]
4 Classification, grading and designation
4.1 Classification
4.1.1 Classification by facepiece type is as follows:
a) full facepiece type non-powered air-purifying respirators for escape, with designation code of EF;
b) hood type non-powered air-purifying respirators for escape, with designation code of EH.
4.1.2 Classification by protection object type of filter is as follows:
a) particle filters, with filter efficiency of 95.00% and 99.97%, and designation code of KP95 and KP100;
b) integrated protective filters, with designation code of ABEK;
c) integrated protective filters for simultaneously protecting carbon monoxide, with designation code of ABEK CO;
d) filters with carbon monoxide protection and filtration efficiency of 99.97%, with designation code of CO KP100;
e) special protective filters specified by the manufacturer, with designation code of SX.
Foreword i 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 Classification, grading and designation 5 Technical requirements 6 Test methods 7 Marking, packaging and information provided by the manufacturer Bibliography