This standard specifies the raw material requirements, technical requirements, test methods, application method, label instructions and precautions for air disinfectant.
This standard is applicable to indoor air disinfectants with the main purpose of killing microorganisms in the air and meeting the disinfection requirements.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 26366 Hygienic standard for chlorine dioxide disinfectant
GB/T 26371 Hygienic standard for peroxide disinfectants
Technical standard for disinfection (Edition 2002) issued by [the Ministry of Health of the People's Republic of China (WEIFAJIANFA [2002] No.282)]
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
air disinfection
killing of microorganisms suspended in the air in closed space, so as to achieve harmless treatment
air disinfectant
disinfectant for air disinfection
aerosol spray
spraying method that can be applied where the diameter of mist particles is less than 50μm, and the particles with diameter of mist particles less than 20μm account for more than 90%, and the spraying flow rate is larger than 100 mL/min
fumigation disinfect ion
method of air disinfection by vaporizing disinfectant by heating
gas disinfection
method of air disinfection by chemical factors in gas state
4 Requirements for raw materials
Peroxide disinfectants shall meet the requirements of GB/T 26371; chlorine dioxide disinfectants shall meet the requirements of GB/T 26366; disinfectants of other components shall meet the requirements of corresponding standards.
5 Technical requirements
5.1 Physical and chemical indexes
Physical and chemical indexes such as the content of active ingredients, pH value and stability of disinfectants shall meet the requirements of relevant product standards.
5.2 Requirements for killing microorganisms
5.2.1 Laboratory germicidal test: the germicidal rate of Staphylococcus albus (8032) in the air shall be ≥99.90% after the disinfectant acts for ≤1 h at the temperature of 20℃~25℃ and relative humidity of 50%~70%. When aerosol spray method is applied for disinfection, the dosage of disinfectant shall be ≤10mL/m3
5.2.2 On-site test: the germicidal rate of natural bacteria in the air shall be ≥90.0% after the disinfectant acts for ≤1 h under natural conditions. When aerosol spray method is applied for disinfection, the dosage of disinfectant shall be ≤10mL/m3
5.3 Safety requirements
5.3.1 Toxicological safety Acute oral toxicity is actually non-toxic. Acute human toxicity is actually non-toxic. Mutagenicity test is negative. Corrosiveness to metal
Test of corrosiveness to metal shall be carried out, and the corrosion grade shall be indicated in the product specification.