This document specifies the classification and marking, technical requirements, inspection rules, as well as the requirements for the marking, packaging, transport, and storage of positive pressure self-contained closed-circuit compressed oxygen breathing apparatus, and describes the test methods.
This document applies to positive pressure self-contained closed-circuit compressed oxygen breathing apparatus (hereinafter referred to as “oxygen breathing apparatus”).
2 Normative references
The following documents contain requirements which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 1226 General pressure gauge
GB/T 2410 Determination of the luminous transmittance and haze of transparent plastics
respiratory protection equipment that isolates the wearer's breathing organs from harmful ambient air using a mask, and utilizing compressed oxygen as the breathing gas source, absorbing carbon dioxide from exhaled gas, replenishing oxygen, and supplying it back to the wearer to form a complete breathing cycle, ensuring that the pressure within the low pressure system remains no lower than the ambient pressure throughout any breathing cycle
high pressure system
high pressure gas circuit of breathing apparatus, consisting of components and connectors that contain high pressure oxygen, including gas cylinder, cylinder valve, pressure reducer, manual supply valve, pressure indicator, and alarm
medium pressure system
medium pressure gas circuit of breathing apparatus, composed of components and connectors that contain medium pressure oxygen, including constant-flow supply valve and automatic supply valve
low pressure system
low pressure gas circuit of breathing apparatus, composed of components and connectors that contain low pressure oxygen, including mask, exhalation valve, inhalation valve, breathing hose, purifier canister, cooling system, exhaust valve, and breathing bag or breathing chamber
4 Classification and marking
4.1 Classification
4.1.1 Classification by rated protection time
By rated protection time, positive pressure self-contained closed-circuit compressed oxygen breathing apparatus is classified into the following four types:
a) one-hour positive pressure oxygen breathing apparatus, code: 1h;
b) two-hour positive pressure oxygen breathing apparatus, code: 2h;
c) three-hour positive pressure oxygen breathing apparatus, code: 3h;
4.1.2 Classification by storage structure of low pressure section
By storage structure of low pressure section, positive pressure self-contained closed-circuit compressed oxygen breathing apparatus is classified into the following two types:
a) bag-type positive pressure oxygen breathing apparatus, code: N;
b) chamber-type positive pressure oxygen breathing apparatus, code: C.
4.1.3 Classification by gas cylinder
By the type of gas cylinder, positive pressure self-contained closed-circuit compressed oxygen breathing apparatus is classified into the following two types:
a) oxygen breathing apparatus with fully wrapped carbon fibre reinforced composite gas cylinders with aluminium alloy liners, code: F;
b) oxygen breathing apparatus with seamless aluminum alloy gas cylinders, code: L.
4.2 Marking
4.2.1 Product marking consists of product name, serial number of this document, rated protection time, storage structure of low pressure section, and gas cylinder type, or follows relevant industry standards.
Example: four-hour bag-type positive pressure oxygen breathing apparatus using fully wrapped carbon fibre reinforced composite gas cylinders with aluminium alloy liners is marked as:
4.2.2 The mask shall bear a permanent marking of production date and serial number, where "S" represents small size, "M" represents medium size, and "L" represents large size.
Contents Foreword III 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 Classification and marking 5 Technical requirements 6 Test methods 7 Inspection rules 8 Marking, packaging, transport and storage Annex A (Normative) Test method for practical performance Figure 1 Schematic diagram of the apparatus for the reverse leakage test of exhalation and inhalation valves Figure 2 Schematic diagram of the apparatus for the ventilation resistance test of exhalation and inhalation valves Figure 3 Schematic diagram of the respiratory protection performance test Figure 4 Schematic diagram of the heat exchanger Figure 5 Schematic diagram of the connector Figure 6 Schematic diagram of the humidifier Figure 7 Schematic diagram of the test headform Figure 8 Schematic diagram for principle of the impact tester Figure 9 Schematic diagram of the impact tester Figure A.1 Block model Table 1 Total weight of the oxygen breathing apparatus Table 2 Values of indicated by the pressure indicator Table 3 Exhalation and inhalation resistance of the oxygen breathing apparatus Table 4 Parameters for protective performance test (I) Table 5 Parameters for protective performance test (II) Table 6 Inspection items Table A.1 Time and frequency for the simulation operation test of the oxygen breathing apparatus