is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
This Standard is formulated with a view to implementing “the Environmental Protection Law of the People’s Republic of China” and “the Prevention Law of the People’s Republic of China on Solid Wastes”, strengthening the pollution control of hazardous wastes, protecting environment and ensuring people’s health.
This Standard covers the pollution control for the whole process of hazardous waste incineration, taking concentrated continuous incineration facilities as standard and the actual conditions of our country into consideration; comprehensive utilization of thermal energy shall be considered for incineration facilities provided with heat recovery plants.
This Standard is proposed by the Pollution Control Department of the State Environmental Protection Administration.
This Standard is under the jurisdiction of the Science and Technology Standard Department of the State Environmental Protection Administration.
This Standard is drafted by the State Environmental Monitoring General Station and China University of Science and Technology.
This Standard (including implementation date) is identical to Pollution Control Standard for Hazardous Wastes Incineration (GWKB 2-1999) issued by the State Environmental Protection Administration on December 3, 1999. From its implementation date, this code replaces GWKB 2-1999.
The State Environmental Protection Administration is responsible for the interpretation of this Standard.
Pollution Control Standard for Hazardous Wastes Incineration
1. Scope
This Standard specifies the site selection principle for hazardous wastes incineration facilities, basic technical specifications for incineration, the maximum allowable effluent limits for incineration exhaust pollutants, the disposal rules for incineration residues and corresponding environmental monitoring from the need of environmental pollution control during the treatment of hazardous wastes incineration.
This Standard is applicable to the design, environmental impact evaluation and acceptance of hazardous wastes incineration facilities except those for explosive and radioactive wastes, as well as the pollution control during operation.
2. Normative References
The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this standard, and become valid equivalently to this Standard.
GHZB 1-1999 Environmental quality standard for surface water
GB 3095-1996 Ambient air quality standard
GB/T 16157-1996 Determination of particulates and sampling methods of gaseous pollutants
emitted from exhaust gas of stationary source
GB 15562.2-1995 Graphical signs for environmental protection-Solid waste storage (disposal) site
GB 8978-1996 Integrated wastewater discharge standard
GB 12349-90 Method of measuring noise at boundary of industrial enterprises
HJ/T 20-1998 Technical specifications for sampling and specimen preparing of industrial solid wastes
The latest version of the above standards shall be adopted when they are revised.
3. Terminology
3.1 Hazardous waste
It’s referred to the hazardous waste listed in the national catalogue of hazardous wastes or determined by the determination standard and method for hazardous wastes stipulated by the State.
3.2 Incineration
It’s referred to the process during which hazardous wastes are burnt, decomposed and made harmless.
3.3 Incinerator
It’s referred to the main body device that burns hazardous wastes.
3.4 Incineration quantity
It’s referred to the weight of hazardous wastes burnt by incinerator per hour.
3.5 Incineration residues
It’s referred to the combustion slag and fly ash emitted from the incineration of hazardous wastes and the solid substances produced by the tail gas purifying devices.
3.6 Loss content on ignition
It’s referred to the percentage of mass loss on ignition of incineration slag to the original mass of incineration slag, which is calculated as follows:
Where: P - loss content on ignition, %;
A - the dried mass of original incineration slag at ambient temperature, g;
B - the mass of incineration slag cooled to the ambient temperature after ignited at 6000C (±25℃) for 3 hours, g.
3.7 Flue gas resident time
It’s referred to the time taken by the flue gas emitted from incineration to go from the final air jet or burner outlet to the heat exchanging surface (e.g. the heat exchanger of heat recovery steam generator) or the duct cold air intake.
3.8 Temperature of incinerator
It’s referred to the central temperature at the outlet of the incinerator combustion chamber.
3.9 Combustion efficiency (CE)
It’s referred to the percentage of CO2 concentration to the concentration sum of CO and CO2 in the flue gas, which is expressed as follows:
Where: [CO2] and [CO] are the concentration of CO2 and CO in the exhaust gas after combustion respectively.
3.10 Destruction and removal efficiency (DRE)
It’s referred to the percentage lost from a certain organic substance after incineration, which is expressed as follows:
Where: Wi - mass of a certain organic substance in the wastes burnt
W0 - sum of weight of organic substances corresponding to Wi in the flue gas and incineration residues.
3.11 Dioxine
A general term for polychlorinated biphenyl + para-dioxine and polychlorinated biphenyl + furan.
3.12 Toxicity equivalent of dioxine (TEQ)
The toxicity equivalent factor (TEF) of dioxine is the ratio of affinity to Ah receptor of dioxine equivalents to 2,3,7,8 tetrachloro biphenyl +para-dioxine, which can be calculated by the following equation:
3.13 Standard condition
It’s referred to the gaseous condition with a temperature of 273.16 K and a pressure of 101.325 kPa. The effluent limits specified by this Standard for various pollutants are the concentrations converted under the standard condition with 11% O2 (dry air) as the conversion standard.
4. Technical Requirement
4.1 Site selection principle for incineration plant
4.1.1 No incineration plants shall be built in the functional areas with Class I and II environmental quality for surface water specified by GHZB 1 and Class I functional area for environmental air quality specified by GB 3095, i.e. natural protection zones, scenic spots and other areas requiring special protection. It is not allowed for the concentrated hazardous incineration plant to be built in densely populated residential
quarters, business quarters and cultural quarters.
4.1.2 No incineration plants shall be built upwind of the prevailing wind direction in living quarters.
4.2 Requirements for incineration wastes
All wastes can be burnt except explosive and radioactive wastes.
4.3 Height of incinerator exhaust chimney
4.3.1 For the height of incinerator exhaust chimney, refer to Table 1.
Table 1 Height of Incinerator Exhaust Chimney
Incineration quantity (Kg/h) Type of wastes Minimum allowable height of exhaust chimney (m)
≤300 Hospital clinic wastes 20
Hazardous wastes stipulated in Clause 4.2 except the hospital clinic wastes 25
300~2,000 Hazardous wastes stipulated in Clause 4.2 35
2,000~2,500 Hazardous wastes stipulated in Clause 4.2 45
≥2 500 Hazardous wastes stipulated in Clause 4.2 50
4.3.2 For the newly-built concentrated hazardous wastes incineration plant, its exhaust chimney shall be 5m higher than the tallest building if there is any building existing within the 200m radius area of the incinerator exhaust chimney.
4.3.3 For the incineration plant with several exhaust sources, the exhaust gas shall be concentrated to one chimney or concentrated multi-chimney used.
Foreword 1. Scope 2. Normative References 3. Terminology 4. Technical Requirement 4.1 Site selection principle for incineration plant 4.2 Requirements for incineration wastes 4.3 Height of incinerator exhaust chimney 4.4 Technical specifications for incinerator 4.5 Storage of hazardous wastes 5. Control Limits for Pollutants (Items) 6.1 Monitoring of exhaust gas 6.2 Monitoring of loss content on ignition 7. Implementation of Standard