1 Scope
This standard specifies fire precaution, exploration and fire extinction requirements from the construction to the operation of the nuclear power plant.
This standard is applicable to the water reactor, heavy water reactor and gcr nuclear power plant. But there is not contents covering sodium cooled fast breeder. Fire precaution measures for fast breeder system can be found.
2 Normative Reference Documents
The following normative documents contain provision which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this national standard. For dated reference, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies.
GB 5907-1986 Fundamental terminology of fire protection; Part 1
GB /T 14107 Fundamental terminology of fire protection; Part 2
HAD 102/11 nuclear power plant fire prevention
3 Terminologies Definition and Abbreviation
3.1 Terminologies
The following terms and definitions are applicable to this standard.
Disaster caused by the combustion that is out of control in time or space.
Fire barrier
A barrier used to restrict net fire effects, including wall, floor, ceiling or blockages such as devices of door aperture, valve, penetrating item and ventilation system etc.
The fire barrier is represented by fire endurance.
[HAD102/11, Glossary]
Fire compartment
Fire compartment is used for prevent fire spreading between plant buildings, or to plant buildings or part of the plant building in other places within the stipulated time limit,
And it consists of one or more rooms or space and shall be enclosed.
[HAD102/11, Glossary]
Fire cell
In the fire compartment and between items important to safety , fire control facilities (for instance: facilities to control the number, space separation , fixed fire extinguishing system, flame barrier coating and other facilities ) are set to isolate the fire subarea to prevent the segregated systems from dramatic damage.
[HAD102/11, Glossary]
Fire damper
In rated conditions, automatic operation device designed to prevent fire spreading via ducts.
[HAD102/11, Glossary]
Fire load
Sum total of heat energy released by the combustion of all combustible materials (including wall, separation wall, floor and surface coat of the ceiling) in the space.
[HAD102/11, Glossary]
Fire stop
A physical barrier used for controlling the fire in the cavity chamber within or between the building units.
[HAD102/11, Glossary]
Physical separation
Separation formed by geometrical separation (distance, direction), proper barrier or the combination.
[HAF102, Glossary]
Fire resistance
Capacities of loading, integrity and / (or) heat isolation and ((or)) Building structure, member or construction and (or) other specified predicted capacity are required for building structure, member or construction in the specified time range and with the standard fire test.
[HAD102/11, Glossary]
Total flooding
It is a kind of fire extinction mode by filling the limit protected space with a certain concentration of extinguishing agent (gas, high power foam, and so on).
[GB 5907-1986, Definition 5.2.8]
3.1.11 Deluge system
The fire extinguishing system composed of fire detection system, open sprinkler heads and deluge valve.
[GB 5907-1986, Definition]
Inserting system
The fire extinguishing system with inert gas of the appropriate concentration prevents the combustible gases, steam and dust to be burnt or exploded.
[GB 5907-1986, definition 5.2.7]
Fire risk
The possibility of fire
[GB 5907-1986, Definition1.16]
Fire hazard
Possible aftermath caused by fire.
[GB 5907-1986, definition1.17]
A name of a given system or device group, which keeps clear from the entity, electricity and the function of the redundant equipment.
3.2 Abbreviations
The following abbreviations are applicable to this standard.
FHA——fire hazard analysis
FPSA ——fire probabilistic safety analysis;
FSSA ——fire safe shutdown analysis.
4 Fire Prevention Program
4.1 Organization and Management
4.1.1 Every nuclear power generating station shall enact their fire prevention program. the fire prevention program shall help to make fire control policy for plant building and structure and structure of the construction.
4.1.2 Fire prevention program shall have the under-mentioned fundamental targets:
——prevent from fire;
——rapidity fix the fire position, control fire and extinguish fire;
——Nuclear power generating station safety related constructions, systems and components shall be provided with adequate protection to assure the safe shutdown of nuclear power generating station and prevent redundant safety systems, components and invalidity of the common mode of equipments.
——reduce the fire loss to the minimum.
4.1.3 Organization chart and function description of each post shall be used to specify the fire prevention responsibility of every organization and fire proof communication channels. The under-mentioned management posts shall be specified:
a) Management posts completely responsible to the enacting, implementation and effectiveness assessment of the nuclear power generating station fire prevention program;
Management posts directly responsible for the implementation and regular effectiveness assessment of the nuclear power generating station fire prevention program; shall regularly provide formal report of assessment result and improvement suggestion of management posts specified in a).
c) Management posts (fire prevention program managerial personnel) directly responsible for daily implementation of nuclear power generating station fire prevention program;
d) Posts independently responsible for examination, audition and follow-up rectification of nuclear power generating station factory fire prevention quality;
e) Nuclear power generating station fire brigade.
4.1.4 Personnel shall be appointed to take charge of the following work;
a) Regular inspection to reduce total amount of the combustible substance;
b) Confirm the effectiveness of plant building management implementation;
c) Ensure the availability of all mobile and fixed extinguishing systems/ equipments and keep them in a standby state;
d) Rapidity and effectively implement rectification for defects ascertained in the fire prevention program of the nuclear power generating station;
e) Provide fire control training for nuclear power generating station staff;
f) Design, select and amend fire prevention systems and equipments;
g) Examination and test fire control equipments;
h) Assessment of fire control equipment inspection and inspection result;
i) Prepare for fire prevention practice assessment and confirm the level of training;
j) From the fire safety viewpoint, assess suggested activities including "fire work ";
k) Responsible workers of the contractor for proper fire prevention program adoption and practice method training;
l) Unavailable management of fire fighting system.
4.1.5 Qualification requirements for persons at the key posts of fire control organization shall be made and the lowermost qualification requirements for them are listed in the following:
a) The administrator of the fire prevention program shall be a trained engineer on nuclear power generating station fire control (or relevant persons);
b) Fire fighters shall satisfactorily complete the fire control training described in 7.2;
c) Personnel responsible for maintenance , test and examination of the fire prevention system and equipments shall have experience of nuclear power generating station fire service and shall have been trained on fire control ;
d) The fire brigade trainer shall be persons trained on and quality for fire control and have relevant experience.
4.2 Administrative Management
4.2.1 Overview
In order to reduce the nuclear power generating station fire hazard to the lowest level, administrative program shall be made.
Administrative program of the nuclear power generating station shall give specifications on the following aspects:
a) regular inspection shall be carried out;
b) during the nuclear power generating station construction , special attention shall be paid to combustibles, which shall be tried to reduce in number, and which shall be regularly inspected by fire management by personal supervision personnel ;
c) During the important maintenance activities, daily inspection shall be carried out;
d) The inspection result shall be recorded and rectify any deficiency.
4.2.2 Storage, application and processing of flammable materials
Oil products and all kinds of combustibles shall not be deposited in the plant buildings of running nuclear power generating station and substance storage places shall not be randomly set. The administrative program shall specify the requirements of storage, application and processing of inflammable materials:
1 Scope
2 Normative Reference Documents
3 Terminologies Definition and Abbreviation
3.1 Terminologies
3.2 Abbreviations
4 Fire Prevention Program
4.1 Organization and Management
4.2 Administrative Management
4.3 Fire Hazard Analysis (FHA)
4.4 Operation Fire Extinction Prediction Scheme
4.5 Quality Assurance
5 Overall Design of the Nuclear Power Generating Station
5.1 General Rules
5.2 Plant Building Buildings
5.3 Fire Load of the Plant Building
5.4 Separation of Plant Sides and Equipments
5.5 Fire Prevention of Holes on the Fire Barrier
5.6 Smoke Evacuation
5.7 Emergency Lighting
5.8 Oil Blocking and Drainage Facilities
6 Fire Fighting Systems and Equipments
6.1 General Rules
6.2 Fire Detection System and Warning System
6.3 Fire Extinguishing System
6.4 Fire Water
6.5 Valve Supervision
6.6 Fire Supply Main Pipes, Fire Hydrant and Plant Building Fire Water Main Pipes
6.7 Fire Extinguisher
7 Fire Brigade of the Nuclear Power Generating Station
7.1 Organization Structure
7.2 Training and Practice
7.3 Communication
7.4 Contact with the Out-plant Fire Control & Rescue Agencies
7.5 Equipments of the Nuclear Power Generating Station Fire Brigade
8 Special Considerations for Nuclear Risks
8.2 Safety Consideration of Nuclear Reactor
8.3 Radiation and Radioactive Pollution
9 Specific Fire Prevention Rules
9.1 Reactor Containment
9.2 Steam Turbine Plant
9.3 Electrical Equipment
9.4 Transformers
9.5 Control Plant Building
9.6 Cable Compact District
9.7 Other Areas