Loading Tests on Tower and Pole Structures of Overhead Line
1 Scope
This standard specifies the test method on tower and pole structures of overhead line.
This standard is applicable to loading tests on full-scale tower and pole structures of overhead line with voltage grade of 35kV or above. Loading tests on power transformation framework, tower and pole with low voltage grade, tower and pole for communication, overhead electrification framework for railway or rail, support for street lighting, wind turbine tower or sling framework may be carried out by reference to this standard. This standard is not applicable to model test.
Materials used for tower and pole in this standard include (but not limited to) metal, concrete, wood, plywood and synthetic materials.
2 Normative References
The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this standard, constitute provisions of this standard. For dated reference, subsequent amendments to (excluding corrections to), or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. However, the parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies.
GB/T 228-2002 Metallic Materials - Tensile Testing at Ambient Temperature [eqv ISO 6892:1998 (E)]
GB/T 15481-2000 General Requirements for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories (ISO/IEC 17025:1990, idt)
3 General
3.1 This standard is hereby formulated with a view to standardizing loading tests on tower and pole structures.
3.2 Limit state design theory based on probability theory is uniformly adopted to analyze and judge whether the tested tower and pole pass the test.
4 Terms and Definitions
For the purpose of this standard, the following terms and definitions apply.
Organization that signs the contract with the test station and provides the technical requirements of the test.
Design load
Design load of towers and poles.
Loading case
Load combination used for design of tower and pole structures.
Main control loading case
A kind of or several kinds of loading case controlling the strength or stability of primary member under normal operation.
Failure load
Critical load at the failure of tower and pole structures.
Test report
Summary document of information, data and conclusion relevant to the test.
5 Test Classification
According to different test purposes and acceptance criteria, tests on tower and pole are classified into verification test and sampling test.
5.1 Verification test
Verification test is used to design and verify full-scale tower and pole, the test purposes are as follows:
a) As part of the study or development of new tower and pole;
b) To inspect the conformance of design characteristics for tower and pole structures (may be regarded as type test);
c) To study and verify new design criteria or design methods;
d) To study and verify new manufacturing process.
Integral structure should be adopted for verification test on tower and pole, partial or local structure may also be adopted.
Design load shall be at least carried out for main control loading case of verification test.
5.2 Sampling test
Sampling test is used to inspect the manufacturing quality and material quality of the batch of tower and pole prior to use or in the production process. The tested tower and pole shall be randomly chosen from the towers and poles.
Sampling test shall be carried out to the load specified in the technical requirements of the test (provided by client).
6 Basic Requirements
6.1 For verification test [about b) and c) of 5.1], materials and manufacturing process used for the tested tower and pole shall be of the same technical conditions and technical requirements with towers and poles. These technical conditions and requirements include property of member section, connection construction (such as bolt specification and weld size), material grade and production process. Whether tower and pole members used for verification test contain anticorrosive coating shall be determined by client. Client or representative of client shall enter the test station to supervise the whole process of the test, and may directly propose specific requirements relevant to the test to the test station in the test process.
6.2 For sampling test, samples shall be randomly chosen from the batch of towers and poles.
6.3 Whether verification test or sampling test, the tested tower and pole shall bear the load specified in the technical requirements for the test.
6.4 The test station shall pass the examination recognition and measurement certification of external agency in accordance with "General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories" (GB/T 15481-2000).
7 Technical Requirements for the Test
Foreword I
1 Scope
2 Normative References
3 General
4 Terms and Definitions
5 Test Classification
6 Basic Requirements
7 Technical Requirements of the Test
8 Test Scheme
9 Installation
10 Load
11 Measurement
12 Loading Case Order
13 Image Record
14 Early Failure
15 Acceptance
16 Member Inspection
17 Test Report
18 Record and Traceability