is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
This standard specifies the emission limits of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) per unit coating area of the automobile surface coating line, the emission concentration limits and emission rates of VOCs in the process, the concentration limit at fugitive emission reference point, the monitoring requirements, as well as the production process and management requirements for controlling VOCs emission in the automobile manufacturing industry.
This standard is developed in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
From the implementation date of the emission limits in each period of this standard, this standard will replace the corresponding contents of local standard of Guangdong Province DB44/27-2001 Emission limits of air pollutants.
All technical contents of this standard are compulsory.
This standard was proposed by and is under the jurisdiction of the Department of Environmental Protection of Guangdong Province.
This standard was approved by the People's Government of Guangdong Province on October 22, 2010.
This standard was issued on October 22, 2010 for the first time.
This standard is formulated with a view to implementing laws and regulations such as Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China, Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Atmospheric Pollution, strengthening the control of VOCs emission in Guangdong Province, improving regional atmospheric environment quality and promoting the automobile manufacturing process and pollution control technology.
Emission standard of volatile organic compounds for surface coating of automobile manufacturing industry
1 Scope
This standard specifies the emission control requirements of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) for surface coating of the automobile manufacturing industry within the jurisdiction of Guangdong Province.
This standard is applicable to the emission control of VOCs from existing automobile manufacturing industry, and the emission control of VOCs from pollution sources during environmental impact assessment, design and completion acceptance as well as after completion of the new, renovated and extended projects.
2 Normative References
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this standard. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 3186 Paints, varnishes and raw materials for paints and varnishes - Sampling
GB/T 15089 Classification of power-driven vehicles and trailers
GB/T 16157 Determination of particulates and sampling methods of gaseous pollutants emitted from exhaust gas of stationary source
GB 16297 Integrated emission standards of air pollutants
GB 24409 Limit of harmful substances of vehicle coatings
HJ/T 1 Fixing installation for gas measuring and sampling
HJ/T 55 Technical guidelines for fugitive emission monitoring of air pollutants
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
non-track-loaded vehicles driven by power and having four or more wheels, mainly used for carrying people and/or goods; traction of the vehicle carrying people and/or goods; and other special purposes
The term also includes: a) vehicles connected to power lines, such as trolleybus; b) vehicles with the complete vehicle kerb mass exceeding 400kg.
surface coating
process of coating the surface of a car body with a film to protect or decorate it
drying room
place to make the coating on the surface of car body polymerized, dry or solidified by heating and baking
volatile organic compounds
organic compounds of which the boiling point is lower than or equal to 250℃ under the standard atmospheric pressure of 101,325 Pa, which is referred to as VOCs
standard state
state where the temperature is 273.15 K and the pressure is 101,325 Pa. Standard values specified in this standard are benchmarked against the dry air under standard state
[GB 16297-1996, Definition 3.1]
maximum acceptable emission concentration
limit which shall not be exceeded by the pollutant concentration in any one hour in the emission pipe after treatment, or the limit which shall not be exceeded by the average pollutant concentration in any one hour in the emission pipe without treatment facilities [GB 16297-1996, Definition 3.2]
maximum acceptable emission rate
upper limit of mass of pollutants emitted in any one hour by an emission pipe at a certain height
[GB 16297-1996, Definition 3.3]
fugitive emission
unregulated emission without passing through an emission pipe
concentration limit at fugitive emission reference point
value that the average concentration of air pollutants in any one hour at the reference point (determined according to HJ/T 55) shall not exceed under standard state
emission pipe height
height from the ground level where the emission pipe (or its main building structure) is located to the outlet of the emission pipe
[GB 16297-1996, Definition 3.10]
total VOCs emission of automobile surface coating line
amount of VOCs emitted from the beginning of electrophoresis (or any other type of primer coating) to the final surface coating finish, repairing and wax injection, and the total emission from cleaning (including on-line cleaning and shutdown cleaning) of process equipment (spraying room, other fixed equipment) using solvents
4 Definition of pollution sources and time period division
4.1 Definition of pollution sources
Existing sources refer to pollution sources that have been established and put into operation or whose environmental impact assessment documents have been approved before the implementation date of this standard (November 1, 2010); new sources refer to new, renovated and extended pollution sources whose environmental impact assessment documents have been approved from the implementation date of this standard (November 1, 2010).
4.2 Time period division
4.2.1 Different emission limits are applied for existing and new sources at different time period. The limits of Period I shall apply for existing sources from the implementation date of this standard to 31 December 2012, and the limits of Period II shall apply from January 1, 2013; the limits of Period II shall apply for new sources from the implementation date of this standard.
4.2.2 If the emission limits and technical and management regulations are not divided into time periods, they shall be implemented from the implementation date of this standard.
5 Technical contents
5.1 VOCs emission limit per unit coating area of the automobile surface coating line
The VOCs emission per unit coating area of the automobile surface coating line shall not exceed those specified in Table 1.
Table 1 VOCs emission limit per unit coating area of the coating line
Model range VOCs emission limit per unit coating area
(g/m2) Remark
Period I Period II
Passenger car 40 20 Refer to automobiles of category M1 as specified in GB/T 15089.
Truck cab 75 55 Refer to cab of automobiles of categories N2 and N3 as specified in GB/T 15089.
Truck, panel van 90 70 Refer to automobiles of categories N1, N2 and N3 as specified in GB/T 15089, excluding cab.
Bus 225 150 Refer to automobiles of categories M2 and M3 as specified in GB/T 15089.
Note: According to the requirements of GB/T 15089, automobiles of categories M1, M2, M3, N1, N2 and N3 are defined as follows:
Automobiles of category M1 refer to the passenger vehicles accommodating a maximum of 9 seats including the driver's seat;
Automobiles of category M2 refer to passenger automobiles with more than 9 seats including driver's seats and the maximum designed total mass not exceeding 5,000kg;
Automobiles of category M3 refer to passenger automobile with more than 9 seats including driver's seats and the maximum designed total mass exceeding 5,000kg;
Automobiles of category N1 refer to goods automobile with the maximum designed total mass not exceeding 3,500kg;
Automobiles of category N2 refer to the goods automobiles with the maximum designed total mass exceeding 3,500kg but not exceeding 12,000kg;
Automobiles of category N3 refer to the goods automobiles with the maximum designed total mass exceeding 12,000kg
5.2 VOCs emission limits of emission pipe
The waste gas from the drying room shall be treated with a waste gas purification apparatus, and the total VOCs removal efficiency shall reach 90%, and the limit of the total VOCs concentration emitted from the emission pipe is 50mg/m3. The limits of VOCs concentration emitted by other emission pipes shall meet the requirements of Table 2.
Foreword i Introduction ii 1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 Terms and definitions 4 Definition of pollution sources and time period division 4.1 Definition of pollution sources 4.2 Time period division 5 Technical contents 5.1 VOCs emission limit per unit coating area of the automobile surface coating line 5.2 VOCs emission limits of emission pipe 5.3 VOCs concentration limit at fugitive emission reference point 5.4 Requirements for emission pipe height and emission rate 6 Monitoring 6.1 Point distribution 6.2 Sampling analysis 6.3 Requirements for monitoring conditions 7 Standard implementation Annex A (Normative) Production process and management requirements for controlling VOCs emission Annex B (Normative) Calculation of VOCs emission per unit coating area of the coating line Annex C (Informative) Interpolation method and extrapolation method to determine the maximum acceptable emission rate of the emission pipe Annex D (Informative) Calculation method of relevant parameters of equivalent emission pipe Annex E (Normative) Monitoring methods of VOCs Bibliography