is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
The complete text of this standard is mandatory.
This standard is developed in accordance with the relevant rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009
From the date of implementation, this standard replaces the Beijing local standards DB11/ 501-2007 Integrated emission standards of air pollutants and DB11/ 237-2004 Emission standard of air pollutants for metallurgical industry, building materials industry and other industrial furnaces. The pollution sources shall be subject to the following corresponding standards where applicable:
DB11/ 139 Emission standard of air pollutants for boilers
DB11/ 206 Emission controls and limits for oil-gas from fuel depot
DB11/ 207 Emission controls and measurement standard for oil-gas from tank truck
DB11/ 208 Emission controls and limits for oil-gas from gas station
DB11/ 447 Emission standards of air pollutants for petroleum refining and petrochemicals manufacturing industry
DB11/ 502 Emission standard of air pollutants for municipal solid wastes incineration
DB11/ 503 Emission standard of air pollutants for hazardous wastes incineration
DB11/ 847 Emission standard of air pollutants for stationary gas turbine
DB11/ 914 Emission standard of air pollutants for casting and forging industry
DB11/ 1054 Emission standard of air pollutants for cement industry
DB11/ 1055 Emission standard of air pollutants for waterproof sheet industry
DB11/ 1056 Emission standard of air pollutants for stationary internal combustion engines
DB11/ 1201 Emission standard of volatile organic compounds for printing industry
DB11/ 1202 Emission standard of air pollutants for wooden furniture manufacturing industry
DB11/ 1203 Emission standard of air pollutants for crematory
DB11/ 1226 Emission standards of air pollutants for industrial surface coating
DB11/ 1227 Emission standard of air pollutants for painting process of automobile manufacturing industry
DB11/ 1228 Emission standard of air pollutants for vehicle maintenance and repair industry
In addition to the above mentioned pollution sources, which are subject to the provincial professional standards of Beijing, and the emission of cooking fume for catering industry, which is subject to GB 18483 Emission standard of cooking fume (Trial), the emission control of air pollutants from other stationary sources shall be subject to this standard. After the issuance of this standard, if new provincial standards for emission of air pollutants applicable to relevant industries are issued in Beijing, the corresponding newly issued emission standards shall apply.
This standard was firstly issued in 2007, and this is the first revision. The following main changes have been made with respect to DB11/ 501-2007:
——The application scope of standard is adjusted;
——The emission limits of some air pollutants are revised;
——The monitoring requirements are detailed.
This standard was proposed by and is under the jurisdiction of Beijing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau.
This standard was approved by the People's Government of Beijing Municipality on December 29, 2016.
This standard is implemented under the organization of Beijing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau.
This standard is formulated in accordance with the Environmental protection law of the People's Republic of China, the Law of the People's Republic of China on the prevention and control of atmospheric pollution, the Beijing municipal air pollution prevention and control regulations and other laws and regulations with a view to strengthening the emission control of air pollutants, improving the ambient air quality, and protecting human health and ecological environment.
Since the implementation of Beijing provincial standard DB11/ 501-2007 Integrated emission standards of air pollutants, the standard has promoted the emission control of air pollutants in Beijing, and on this basis Beijing has successively formulated and issued a number of provincial standards for emission of air pollutants. In order to meet the new requirements of pollution source management and ambient air quality improvement in Beijing, this revision has adjusted the application scope of the standard and revised the emission limits of some air pollutants.
Integrated emission standards of air pollutants
1 Scope
This standard specifies the requirements for emission control of air pollutants from stationary sources in Beijing.
This standard is applicable to the emission control of air pollutants from existing stationary sources, and to the emission control of air pollutants during environmental impact assessment, design and completion acceptance as well as after completion of the new, renovation and expansion projects.
This standard is not applicable to emission control of air pollutants from boilers, stationary gas turbines and internal combustion engines, fuel depots, tank trucks, gas stations, petroleum refining and petrochemicals manufacturing industry, casting and forging industry, cement industry, waterproof sheet industry, municipal solid wastes and hazardous wastes incineration, crematory, printing industry, wooden furniture manufacturing industry, vehicle maintenance and repair industry, automobile manufacturing industry (surface painting), industrial surface coating, and catering industry. The above-mentioned stationary sources shall comply with the corresponding professional standards for emission of air pollutants of Beijing or the state.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GBZ 2.1 Occupational exposure limits for hazardous agents in the workplace
GB 9801 Air quality - Determination of carbon monoxide - Non-disperisive infrared spectrometry
GB/T 14669 Air quality - Determination of ammonia - Ion selective electrode method
GB/T 14675 Air quality - Determination of odor - Triangle odor bag method
GB/T 14676 Air quality - Determination of trimethylamine - Gas chromatography
GB/T 14678 Air quality - Determination of sulfuretted hydrogen, methyl sulfhydryl, dimethyl sulfide and dimethyl disulfide - Gas chromatography
GB/T 14680 Air quality - Determination of carben disulfide - Diethylamine spectrophometric method
GB/T 15432 Ambient air - Determination of total suspended particulates - Gravimetric method
GB/T 15439 Air quality - Determination of benz[a]pyrene in ambient air - High performance liquid chromatography
GB/T 15501 Air quality - Determination of nitrobenzene (mononitro- and dinitro-compound) - Reduction by zinc-N-(1-Naphthyl) ethylene diamine dihydrochloride spectrophotometric method
GB/T 15502 Air quality - Determination of aniline - N-(1-naphthyl) ethylene diamine dihydrochloride spectrophotometric method
GB/T 15516 Air quality - Determination of formaldehyde - Acetylacetone spectrophotometric method
GB/T 16157 Determination of particulates and sampling methods of gaseous pollutants emitted from exhaust gas of stationary source
HJ 480 Ambient air - Determination of the fluoride - Filter sampling followed by fluoride ion-selective electrode method
HJ 481 Ambient air - Determination of the fluoride - Lime-paper sampling followed by fluoride ion selective electrode method
HJ 482 Ambient air - Determination of sulfur dioxide - Formaldehyde absorbing-pararosaniline spectrophotometry
HJ 533 Air and exhaust gas - Determination of ammonia - Nessler’s reagent spectrophotometry
HJ 534 Ambient air - Determination of ammonia - Sodium hypochlorite-salicylic acid spectrophotometry
HJ 539 Ambient air - Determination of lead - Graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry
HJ 540 Ambient air and waste gas - Determination of arsenic - Silver diethyldithiocarbamate spectrophotometric method (Provisional)
HJ 542 Ambient Air - Determination of mercury and its compounds - Cold atomic fluorescent spectrophotometry after sulfhydryl cotton preconcentraction (Provisional)
HJ 638 Ambient air - Determination of phenolic compounds by high performance liquid chromatography
HJ 644 Ambient Air - Determination of volatile organic compounds - Sorbent adsorption and thermal desorption / gas chromatography mass spectrometry method
HJ 646 Ambient air and stationary source emissions - Determination of gas and particle-phase polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons with gas chromatography/mass spectrometry
HJ 647 Ambient air and stationary source emissions - Determination of gas and particle-phase polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons - High performance liquid chromatography
HJ 657 Ambient air and stationary source emission - Determination of metals in ambient particulate matter - Inductively coupled plasma/mass spectrometry (ICP-MS)
HJ 675 Determination of nitrogen oxide emissions from stationary sources by acid-base titration method
HJ 683 Ambient air - Determination of aldehyde and ketone compounds - High performance liquid chromatography
HJ 693 Stationary source emission - Determination of nitrogen oxides - Fixed potential by electrolysis method
HJ 732 Emission from stationary sources - Sampling of volatile organic compounds - Bags method
HJ 734 Stationary source emission - Determination of volatile organic compounds - Sorbent adsorption and thermal desorption gas chromatography mass spectrometry method
HJ 738 Ambient air - Determination of nitroaromatics - Gas chromatography
HJ 739 Ambient air - Determination of nitroaromatics - Gas chromatography mass spectrometry
HJ 759 Ambient air - Determination of volatile organic compounds - Collected by specially-prepared canisters and analyzed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry
HJ 77.2 Ambient air and flue gas - Determination of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) - Isotope dilution HRGC-HRMS
HJ 777 Ambient air and waste gas from stationary sources emission - Determination of metal elements in ambient particle matter - Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry
DB11/1195 Technical specification for monitoring sites setting of stationary pollution sources
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this standard, the following terms and definitions apply.
industrial furnace and kiln
thermal equipment by which materials or workpieces are subjected to procedures such as smelting, calcination, sintering, melting and heating with the heat generated from fuel burning or electric energy conversion during industrial production
air pollutants emission concentration
mass of air pollutants contained per m3 of dry exhaust gas in stack under standard conditions (at 273K and 101.3kPa), in mg/m3
The maximum allowable emission concentration of air pollutants specified in this standard refers to the upper limit of the average concentration of pollutants in the stack in any 1h.
stack height
height from the ground level where the stack is located to the outlet of the stack
air pollutants emission rate
mass of pollutants emitted in any 1h from a stack at a certain height, in kg/h
The maximum allowable emission rate of air pollutants specified in this standard refers to the upper limit of the mass of pollutants emitted in the stack in any 1h.
fugitive emission
unregulated emission of air pollutants without passing through an emission pipe
concentration limit at fugitive emission reference point
upper limit of the average concentration of air pollutants in any 1h at the reference point (determined according to HJ/T 55) under standard conditions (at 273K and 101.3kPa), in mg/m3
odor concentration
dilution ratio necessary for diluting the foul gas (including peculiar smell) with odorless air till the gas is odorless exactly
volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
organic compounds involved in photochemical reaction in atmosphere or the organic compounds determined through measurement or calculation according to the specified method
non-methane hydrocarbon
generic term of hydrocarbon compounds to which the detector has obvious response by adopting the specified monitoring method, except for methane, (measured by carbon)
This standard adopts "non-methane hydrocarbon (NMHC)" as the integrated control index for the volatile organic compound emission of stack and unit border.
closed vent system
a system that collects and delivers air pollutants emitted or escaped from process equipment or workshops to pollution control equipment or emission pipelines so that the delivered gases are not in direct contact with the atmosphere
O2 content
spare free oxygen contained in the flue gas after combustion of the fuel, which is usually expressed with dry basis volume percentage
existing pollution source
pollutant emission unit or production facility that has been constructed and put into operation or of which the corresponding environmental impact assessment documents have been examined and approved before the implementation of this standard
new pollution source
newly-built, renovated and extended construction projects of which the corresponding environmental impact assessment documents have been examined and approved from the implementation date of this standard
4 Requirements for emission control of air pollutants
4.1 Division of periods
4.1.1 Existing pollution sources shall be subject to corresponding standard limits in two Periods I and II respectively. Period I is from the implementation date of this standard to December 31, 2017, and Period II is from January 1, 2018.
4.1.2 For new pollution sources, the criteria of Period II shall be implemented from the implementation date of this standard.
4.1.3 If the periods are not divided, the emission limits and technical and management regulations shall be applied from the date of implementation of this standard.
4.2 Pollution source emission requirements
4.2.1 The air pollutants emission limit for industrial furnaces and kilns in Period I shall be subject to those specified in Table 1. The emission limits of major air pollutants for industrial furnaces and kilns in Period II shall be in accordance with those specified in Table 2, and the emission limits of other particular air pollutants shall be in accordance with those specified in Table 3. The concentration limit at fugitive emission reference point of a pollutant emission unit containing industrial furnaces and kilns at its border shall be in accordance with those specified in Table 3.
Table 1 Air pollutants emission limit for industrial furnaces and kilns in Period I
No. Pollutant Maximum allowable emission concentration of air pollutants
mg/m3 Maximum allowable emission rate of air pollutants corresponding to stack height
4.2.2 The emission limits of air pollutants from production process exhaust gas and other exhaust gases shall be in accordance with those specified in Table 3.
4.2.3 The controlled process facilities and pollutants for typical pollution sources are shown in Annex A.
Foreword II Introduction IV 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 Requirements for emission control of air pollutants 5 Technical and management requirements 6 Monitoring requirements 7 Standard implementation Annex A (Informative) Controlled process facilities for typical pollution sources and pollutants Annex B (Normative) Calculation of maximum allowable emission rate of air pollutants Annex C (Normative) Requirements for the records of pollution control