Implementation Regulations for Compulsory Certification of Automobile Seats and Seat Head Restraints (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) are prepared according to the requirements of “Implementation Rules for Compulsory Certification - Automobile Seats and Seat Head Restraints” (CNCA-C11-12: 2014) (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) as an auxiliary document and are jointly used with the Rules.
The applicable product range and certification basis of the Regulations are consistent with those in the Rules and adjusted according to the announcement on contents definition and adjustment issued by the Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as CNCA).
The Regulations are prepared and published on the principles of maintaining effectiveness of product certification, improving product quality, serving certification enterprises and controlling certification risk. The implementation requirements of compulsory product certification of automobile seats and seat head restraints are defined in the Regulations through establishing requirements for classification management of manufacturer in combination with manufacturer classification.
0.1 Terms and Definitions
0.1.1 Testing at manufacturer's premises (hereinafter referred to as TMP method)
The engineer from the designated laboratory conducts testing with the testing equipment that belongs to the factory laboratory, assisted by the testing personnel dispatched by the factory. Relevant designated laboratory shall be responsible for approval and issuance of testing report.
0.1.2 Witnessed manufacturer's testing (hereinafter referred to as WMT method)
The engineer from designated laboratory witnesses all the testings completed under the plant laboratory testing conditions and with the equipment of the plant laboratory or witnesses partial testing conditions and items in allusion to the testing plan submitted by the plant. The testing personnel of plant laboratory is responsible for issuing original record and draft, in conjunction of the witness engineer from designated laboratory, the testing report according to the format required. Relevant designated laboratory shall be responsible for approval and issuance of testing report.
0.2 Classification Management Requirements of Manufacturer
CQC collects and arranges various kinds of information related to the certification product and the manufacturer's quality, and conducts dynamic classification management for the manufacturer. Certification client, producer and manufacturer shall coordinate with CQC.
CQC classifies manufacturers into four categories, i.e. Category A, Category B, Category C and Category D.
The quality information on which manufacturer classification are based on contain at least the following aspects:
(1) Factory inspection result (including initial factory inspection and post-certification follow-up inspection);
(2) Sample testing and/or supervision sampling testing results (including type test, production site sampling or market sampling) and sample authenticity;
(3) Results of national or provincial random inspection and CCC special random inspection;
(4) The cooperation of certification client, producer and manufacturer for post-certification supervision;
(5) Judicial decision, complaint, arbitration, media exposure and consumer quality information feedback;
(6) Quality condition of certification product;
(7) Other information.
See the table below for the principles for manufacturer classification.
Table 1 Principles for Manufacturer Classification
Enterprise category Classification principle
Category A
Category B enterprise provides conformance information to CQC, and CQC conducts integrated risk assessment for the collected quality information and that provided by the enterprise, and then determines the classification result. The assessment shall at least include the following aspects:
1. Factory inspection: initial factory inspections/post-certification follow-up inspections in the last two years (including the current year) are free of non-conformance items affecting the product consistency;
2. Results of testing and random inspection for products: there is no non-conformance item found in post-certification supervision and testing in the last two years (including the current year); all national and provincial inspections and CCC special inspection are deemed as "acceptable";
3. Product inspection capacity: manufacturer (or its producer and parent company) shall possess testing capacity required by certification standards, and conform to technical capability requirements specified in Chapter 5 of GB/T27025 (IEC 17025);
4. Output: the output of the product covered by CCC certificate is maintained at a certain level within the supervision period;
5. Other information related to the quality of certification product and its manufacturer.
Category B Other manufacturers except those of Categories A, C and D.
As for a manufacturer without any quality information, its classification grade is Category B by default.
Category C Meeting any of the following conditions:
1. Manufacturers whose factory inspection conclusion is judged as "on-site verification" (except for the reasons of revised standard);
2. Where product quality problem due to the manufacture’s responsibilities exists, but the severity is not as such to suspend the certificate;
3. Manufacturers which need to be adjusted to Category C as considered by CQC as per the results of comprehensive assessment on quality information related to the manufacturers and their certification products.
Category D Meeting any of the following conditions:
1. The manufacture with conclusion of factory inspection judged as "rejected";
2. The manufacture with the result of post-certification supervision and testing judged as "rejected" (except the rejected instructions/mark marks);
3. The manufacture rejecting sampling for inspection and/or supervision without justifiable reasons;
4. The manufacture with big product quality problem due to the its own responsibilities, where the severity is enough to suspend or revoke the certificate;
5. The manufacturer not passing national, provincial and CCC special inspections and the problems affect the product safety performance (except rejected instructions/marks);
6. The manufacturer which need to be adjusted to Category D as considered by CQC as per the results of comprehensive assessment on quality information related to the manufacturers and their certification products.
CQC determines the classification result (category) according to various quality information collected in real time and the above-mentioned classification principle.
CQC reclassifies the manufacturers periodically or aperiodically according to various information so as to realize dynamic management. If there is any change, classification is subject to CQC public documents. In principle, the result of manufacturer classification must be gradually upgraded in the sequence of D-C-B-A while degraded in the sequence of A-B-C-D, or directly adjusted to corresponding category after risk assessment.
Foreword I 0. Introduction 0.1 Terms and Definitions 0.2 Classification Management Requirements of Manufacturer 0.3 Utilization Requirements of the Manufacturer's Testing Resources 1. Application Scope 2. Certification Standards 3. Certification Mode 3.1 Basic Mode of Certification 3.2 Applicability of Certification Mode 4. Certification Unit Division 5. Certification Entrustment 5.1 Proposal and Acceptance of Certification Application 5.2 Application Data 5.3 Implementation Arrangement 6. Certification Implementation 6.1 Type Test 6.2 Initial Factory Inspection 6.3 Certification Assessment and Decision 6.4 Time Limit for Certification 6.5 Maintenance Parts of Vehicle Off-production Type 7. Post-certification Supervision 7.1 Post-certification Follow-up Inspection 7.2 Production Site Sampling Testing or Inspection 7.3 Market Sampling Testing/Inspection 7.4 Frequency and Duration of Post-certification Supervision 7.5 Record of Post-certification Supervision 7.6 Assessment on Post-certification Supervision Result 8. Certificate 8.1 Certificate Maintenance 8.2 Certificate Contents 8.3 Certificate Alteration 8.4 Cancellation, Suspension and Revocation of Certificate 8.5 Use of Certificate 9. Certification Mark 9.1 Allowable Pattern of Mark 9.2 Use Requirements 10. Charge 11. Certification Responsibilities 12. Requirements for Process and Time Limit Related to Technology Disputes, Complaint and Appeal Annex 1 Requirements of Production Consistency Control Plan Annex 2 Certification Implementation of After-sale Maintenance Spare Parts of Off-production Vehicle Type