is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
This document is developed in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2020 Directives for standardization — Part 1: Rules for the structure and drafting of standardizing documents.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. The issuing body of this document shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
This document was proposed by the National Medical Products Administration of People's Republic of China.
This document is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee on Biological Evaluation on Medical Device of Standardization Administration of China (SAC/TC 248).
The normal keratinocytes obtained from healthy volunteers may be cultured at the gas-liquid interface on the film or filter paper for several days to form a three-dimensional skin model, including the basal layer, stratum spinosum, granular layer and functional stratum corneum, that is, the reconstructed human epidermis model. This model was originally developed to detect outer skin irritation of pure chemical objects. In recent years, such models have also been used to detect stimulating substance in medical devices.
In vitro skin irritation test for medical devices
1 Scope
This document specifies a method for test for medical devices using a reconstructed human epidermis (RhE) model.
This document is applicable to in vitro skin irritation test using RhE model to evaluate the potential skin irritation of medical devices.
2 Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 16886.10 Biological evaluation of medical devices — Part 10: Tests for irritation and skin sensitization
GB/T 16886.12 Biological evaluation of medical devices — Part 12: Sample preparation and reference materials
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in GB/T 16886.10 and GB/T 16886.12 apply.
4 Test principle
The polar and non-polar extracts of medical devices/materials or the devices/materials themselves may directly contact the upper surface of the RhE model; wash and remove the test samples on the epidermis after incubation for a certain time, and then detect the cell activity of the RhE model by methyl thiazolyl tetrazolium (MTT) test; compare with the negative control to obtain the tissue activity, and predict the irritation of the test samples according to the tissue activity.
5 Material
5.1 RhE model
The commercial RhE model is used for the test. See Annex A for instructions of RhE model.
Epidermal cells shall be taken from healthy volunteers whose antigens are negative for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 1 and 2 antibodies, HCV-Ab, hepatitis B. Users of this document should establish corresponding safety and health regulations to ensure biosafety.
5.2 Instruments and apparatus
Instruments and apparatus are as follows:
a) bechtop;
b) biosafety cabinet;
c) cell incubator;
d) balance;
e) microplate reader;
f) horizontal shaking table;
g) vortex oscillator;
h) pipettor (200 μL, 1 mL), piston displacement pipettor (100 μL), continuous liquid separator;
i) timer.
5.3 Reagent consumables
Reagent consumables are as follows:
a) skin model culture medium (provided by the skin model manufacturer and used together with the skin model);
b) Dulbecco's phosphate-buffered saline (DPBS, 1 ×);
c) sodium chloride injection (mass concentration: 0.9%);
d) sesame oil (high purity or medicinal grade);
e) MTT;
f) sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS, mass concentration: 20%);
g) isopropanol (analytically pure);
h) 6-well culture plate, 24-well culture plate and 96-well culture plate (flat bottom).
i) aseptic centrifuge tube;
j) flushing liquid collection bottle;
k) angled blunt nose tweezers;
l) large funnel;
m) sealing film;
n) tin foil;
o) sterile cotton swab.
6 Test procedure
6.1 Preparation of extract and control solution
6.1.1 Preparation of extract
The extracts of medical devices and/or materials shall be prepared according to GB/T 16886.12, and attention shall be paid to aseptic operation.
0.9% sodium chloride injection should be used as polar extraction vehicle to prepare polar extraction solution, and sesame oil should be used as non-polar extraction vehicle to prepare non-polar extraction solution. If other extraction vehicle is used, it shall be proved that the extraction vehicle will not affect the test system.
The extraction time and temperature should be demonstrated based on GB/T 16886.12.
When testing medical devices and/or materials that are not suitable for extraction, their suitability should be demonstrated.
6.1.2 Preparation of control solution Negative control
Sterile DPBS (1 ×). Vehicle control
The vehicle control shall be placed in the extraction container, and the same extraction procedure as the medical device and/or material shall be carried out. Positive control
1% SDS solution. Take 0.5 mL of 20% SDS aqueous solution and 9.5 mL of corresponding extraction vehicle, and mix well with vortex oscillator.
Note 1: The positive control prepared freshly on the day of test is used, and it is recommended to use 20% commercial SDS solution to prepare positive control. SDS positive control may be prepared by sterile DPBS when the test samples are not suitable for extraction.
Note 2: If the test sample reacts with MTT reagent, or the tissues or cells are stained; and there is still a certain amount of residue after washing, the test results may be disturbed.
In this case, an appropriate control may be set to eliminate interference.
Foreword i
Introduction ii
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 Test principle
5 Material
6 Test procedure
7 Data calculation steps
8 Acceptance criteria for test
9 Result judgment
10 Test report
Annex A (Informative) Description of the RhE model
ICS 11.040.01
CCS C 30
YY/T 1808—2021
In vitro skin irritation test for medical devices
2021-09-06发布 2022-09-01实施
国家药品监督管理局 发布
本文件按照GB/T 1.1—2020《标准化工作导则 第1部分:标准化文件的结构和起草规则》的规定起草。
本文件由全国医疗器械生物学评价标准化技术委员会(SAC/TC 248)归口。
1 范围
2 规范性引用文件
GB/T 16886.10 医疗器械生物学评价 第10部分:刺激与皮肤致敏试验
GB/T 16886.12 医疗器械生物学评价 第12部分:样品制备与参照材料
3 术语和定义
GB/T 16886.10和GB/T 16886.12界定的术语和定义适用于本文件。
4 试验原理
5 材料
5.1 RhE 模型
5.2 仪器设备
a) 超净工作台。
b) 生物安全柜。
c) 细胞培养箱。
d) 天平。
e) 酶标仪。
f) 水平摇床。
g) 涡旋振荡器。
h) 移液器(200μL、1mL)、活塞排代式移液器(100μL)、连续分液器。
i) 计时器。
5.3 试剂耗材
a) 皮肤模型培养基(由皮肤模型制造商提供,与皮肤模型配套使用)。
b) 杜氏磷酸缓冲盐溶液(DPBS,1×)。
c) 氯化钠注射液(质量浓度:0.9%)。
d) 芝麻油(高纯度或药用级)。
e) MTT。
f) 十二烷基硫酸钠(SDS,质量浓度:20%)。
g) 异丙醇(分析纯)。
h) 6孔培养板、24孔培养板、96孔培养板(平底)。
i) 无菌离心管。
j) 冲洗液收集瓶。
k) 弯头钝头镊子。
l) 大漏斗。
m) 封口膜。
n) 锡箔纸。
o) 无菌棉棒。
6 试验步骤
6.1 浸提液及对照液的制备
6.1.1 浸提液的制备
应按照GB/T 16886.12制备医疗器械和/或材料浸提液,注意无菌操作。
宜基于GB/T 16886.12论证浸提时间和温度。
6.1.2 对照液的制备 阴性对照
无菌DPBS(1×)。 介质对照
应将介质对照置于浸提容器中并进行与医疗器械和/或材料相同的浸提程序。 阳性对照
1%的SDS溶液。取0.5mL 20%SDS水溶液与9.5mL相应浸提介质,用漩涡振荡器充分混匀。
6.2 RhE 模型的准备及预孵育
6.3 加样和冲洗
6.3.1 总则
6.3.2 准备
6.3.3 加样
注2:因模型表面是疏水的,所以要确保100μL溶液均匀涂布在表皮的整个表面。在表面张力作用下,有时极性溶剂微滴只能分布到表皮的外缘。这种情况下,可使用枪头铺开样品或使用镊子敲击小室使样品覆盖整个表皮。另外,对于油性浸提液或1% SDS芝麻油乳浊液,可使用头端球状的玻璃器具或移液器吸头铺开液体以保证其与整个表皮完全接触。
6.3.4 冲洗
6.4 RhE模型MTT孵育及吸光度测定
6.4.1 MTT孵育 MTT母液配制
将MTT粉末溶解于DPBS中,质量浓度为5mg/mL。MTT充分溶解后,使用0.22μm滤膜过滤,用锡箔纸包裹避光-20℃保存,可保存1年。 MTT工作液配制
注:MTT工作液要现配现用。 转移及孵育
从临时存储板中移出小室,使用无菌吸水纸或无菌棉签拭干小室底部,然后将其转移至预先加入0.3mL MTT工作液的24孔板中,使用锡箔纸包裹避光。将培养板放入培养箱(37℃±1℃,5%CO2±1%CO2,相对湿度95%)孵育180min±5min。 萃取
注:上述密封平板在不振荡条件下可在室温或冰箱内避光过夜萃取(18 h~24 h).收集萃取液前使用振荡器振荡平板至少15min。
6.4.2 吸光度测定
7 数据计算步骤
a) 空白对照:计算6个空白对照孔的平均OD值作为空白对照组OD值。
b) NC:NC组每块组织3个复孔的OD值均减去空白对照OD值后再相加求和,其和除以3得NC组每块组织的OD值,然后计算NC组3块组织OD值的平均值作为NC组OD值。
c) PC: 同法计算PC组每块组织的OD值。用下式计算PC组每块组织的组织活度:
d) 同法计算试验样品和VC组每块组织的组织活度,然后计算各组3块组织平均组织活度作为各组的组织活度。
e) 根据各组每块组织的组织活度计算各组3块组织的组织活度的标准差(SD)。
8 试验接受准则
8.1 NC和VC接受准则
a) NC或VC的3块组织OD570平均值大于或等于0.7且小于3.0,则NC或VC的组织活度通常符合接受准则。
注:0.7和3.0是经济合作与发展组织化学品试验导则439(OECD TG439)中几种RhE模型NC和VC的最小和最大OD值,每种模型组织的范围可能有所差异。
b) 除了符合a)外,每种模型NC和VC的OD值范围应符合制造商各自的接受准则。
c) 孵育后NC或VC3块组织的组织活度的SD小于或等于20%。
d) VC组的组织活度应为NC的80%~120%。
8.2 PC接受准则
8.3 试验样品数据接受准则
9 结果判定
表1 皮肤刺激结果的判定
试验结果 判定
至少一个浸提液组的组织活度小于或等于阴性对照的50% 刺激性(I)
两个浸提液组的组织活度均大于阴性对照的50% 非刺激性(NI)
10 试验报告
OECD TG 439中收录了已经经过验证的6种RhE模型:EpiSkinTM (SM)、EpiDermTM SIT(EPI-200)、SkinEthicTM RHE、LabCyte EPI-MODEL24 SIT、epiCS和Skin+。另外,文件中还提供了模型验证方案与接受准则。其他模型若能通过对6种RhE模型比对试验相同的刺激及非刺激材料进行的实验室间(至少3个实验室)3轮(3个生产批号的RhE模型)盲法验证试验,证明其预测能力、实验室内及实验室间变异性与已收录某种模型有等同的表现,则可证明其与已收录模型的等效性。
ISO/TC 194相关工作组采用以上6种模型中的EpiDermTM (EPI-200)和SkinEthicTM RHE两种模型对医疗器械体外皮肤刺激试验进行了国际实验室间比对,验证了这两种模型的有效性。
其他模型如果通过了以上两种形式的比对试验即追随验证试验(catch-up validation),则认为可用于医疗器械体外皮肤刺激试验。
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