1 General Provisions
1.0.1 This specification is applicable to the design of reconstructed or extended local transmission network SDH optical fiber cable transmission project, and the private communication network synchronous digital transmission equipment project may be implemented with reference to this specification.
1.0.2 The project design must comply with the principles and policies of the state or the relevant authorities and follow the scientificity, rationality and fairness of the design.
1.0.3 The design shall be of practicality, advanced technology and economic rationality. Multi-scheme technical and economic comparison shall be carried out to reduce the construction costs and improve the social benefits and economic benefits.
1.0.4 The design shall be appropriate to the integral development planning of the local communication, based on the short-term requirements, and in consideration of the long-term development, for the convenience of dilatation.
1.0.5 The telecommunication equipments adopted in project design shall have the telecommunication equipment network access licenses issued by the Ministry of Information Industry. The equipments without telecommunication equipment network access licenses issued by the Ministry of Information Industry shall not be used in the project.
The major equipment used in the public telecommunication network of the areas with the seismic fortification intensity of 7 or above in our country, shall have telecommunication equipment seismic performance testing quality certificates issued by the Ministry of Information Industry, and the telecommunication equipments without telecommunication equipment seismic performance testing quality certificates issued by the Ministry of Information Industry shall not be used in the project.
1.0.6 Under the premise of ensuring the communication quality, the convenience of the construction and maintenance, the tidiness and esthetic appearance of the machine room as well as the communication security under the natural disaster and emergencies shall be taken into consideration in the project design.
1.0.7 The parts not involved in this specification may refer to the design specifications of the current relevant projects.
1.0.8 When this specification conflicts with the national requirements, the national requirements shall be applied. Where it is difficult to implement some provision of this specification, sufficient reasons shall be stated in the design and shall be examined and approved by competent department.
2 Terms and Symbols
English abbreviation English full name Chinese name
ADM Add and Drop Multiplexer 分插复用器
BA Booster Amplifier 功率放大器,简称功放
BBER Background Block Error Ratio 背景误块比,背景差错块比
BER Bit Error Ratio 误码率,误比特率,比特差错比
BITS Building Integrated Timing Supply 大楼综合定时供给系统
BISPO Bring Into Service Performance Objective 投入业务性能指标
CMI Coded Mark Inversion 编码传号反转码
DDF Digital Distribution Frame 数字分配架
DXC Digital cross connect equipment 数字交叉连接设备
EMS Element Management System 网元级管理系统
ES Errored Second 误码秒,误块秒
ESR Errored Second Ratio 误码秒比,误块秒比
HRDS Hypothetical Reference Digital Section 假设参考数字段
HRP Hypothetical Reference Path 假设参考通道
LA Line Amplifier 线路放大器
LAN Local Area Network 局域网
LCF Local craft terminal 本地维护终端
MLM Multi-longitudinal Mode Laser 多纵模激光器
MPI Main Path Interface 主通道接口
NE Network Element 网元
NMS Network Management System 网络级管理系统
OA Optical Amplifier 光放大器
ODF Optical Distribution Frame 光纤分配架
OTU Optical Transponder Unit 光转换器单元
PA Pre-amplifier 前置放大器,简称前放
PC Plane Connection 平面连接
PDC Passive Dispersion Compensator 无源色散补偿器
PDH Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy 准同步数字系列
PMD Polarization Mode Dispersion 极化模色散
PEG Regenerator 再生器
RMS Radical Mean Square 均方根
Rx Receiver 接收机
SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy 同步数字系列
SES Severely Errored Second 严重误码秒,严重误块秒
SESR Severely Errored Second Ratio 严重误码秒比,严重误块秒比
SLM Single-longitudinal Mode Laser 单纵模激光器
SMS Sub Network Management System 子网级管理系统
SNCP Subnetwork Connection Protection 子网连接保护
SPM Self-phrase Modulation 自相位调制
STM Synchronous Transport Module 同步传送模块
TM Termination Multiplexer 终端复用器
Tx Transmitter 发送机
VC Virtual Container 虚容器
WDM Wavelength Division Multiplexing 波分复用
3 System Rate and Multiplex Structure
3.0.1 Bit ratio grade of SDH signal at the network node shall be in accordance with those specified in Table 3.0.1.
Table 3.0.1 Bit ratio grade of SDH signal at the network node
SDH Bit ratio (kbit/s)
STM-1 155520
STM-4 622080
STM-16 2488320
STM-64 9953280
3.0.2 The basic multiplex structure shall meet the requirements of Figure 3.0.2.
Note: 44 736 kbit/s interface is mainly used for transmitting IP service and image service
Figure 3.0.2 Basic multiplex mapping structure
4 Network Structure
4.0.1 Local SDH transmission network should be constructed by the layered structure including core layer, convergence layer and access layer and shall meet the requirements of Figure 4.0.1.
Figure 4.0.1 Schematic diagram of local transmission network layered structure
4.0.2 The network layer classification shall be determined according to the size of local transmission network. The local network of small size may be properly reduced with the transmission network layers.
4.0.3 The core layer network size should not be oversized; the convergence layer should be constructed by region and the node quantity in different convergence regions should be relative equilibrium; the access layer network should be constructed according to the service attribute.
4.0.4 The transmission nodes may be divided into the core node, convergence node and access node. The transmission nodes shall be set according to the general development plan of telecommunication network, in consideration of various factors.
5 Network Organization
5.1 Determination of Size and Capacity
5.1.1 The transmission rate and system capacity of the transmission system shall be selected and configured according to the requirements of project satisfaction period, service volume and network redundancy in the satisfaction period.
5.1.2 The requirements of miscellaneous services to the transmission network and the requirements of network redundancy shall be taken into comprehensive consideration in the service prediction.
5.1.3 Configuration of transmission system shall meet the following requirements:
1. The security requirements of the bearer services shall be taken into consideration in the system configuration.
2. When more than two low-rate transmission systems are configured, the possibility of selecting high-rate transmission systems shall be demonstrated.
3. The system mode and system rate shall be taken into comprehensive consideration in combination with the optical fiber resources and optical fiber technology conditions.
4. The then commercial level of the equipment shall be taken into consideration for the determination of transmission system mode and capacity.
5.2 SDH Network Organization Mode
1 General Provisions
2 Terms and Symbols
3 System Rate and Multiplex Structure
4 Network Structure
5 Network Organization
5.1 Determination of Size and Capacity
5.2 SDH Network Organization Mode
5.3 Network Security and Protection
6 Transmission System Design
6.1 Interface Design
6.2 Repeater Section Design
6.3 Optical Fiber Type and Operating Wavelength Selection
7 Channel Organization and Path Arrangement
8 Auxiliary System
8.1 Network Management System
8.2 Network Synchronization Design
8.3 Official Business Contact System
9 Interconnection and Intercommunication
9.1 Intercommunication between PDH and SDH Systems
9.2 Intercommunication between the Equipment Made by Different Manufacturers
10 Equipment Selection and Configuration
10.1 Equipment Selection
10.2 Equipment Configuration
11 Equipment Installation Design
11.1 Machine Room Plane Layout and Equipment Arrangement
11.2 Equipment Installation
11.3 Wiring Requirements and Wire Cable Selection
11.4 Power Supply System
11.5 Environmental Conditions of Machine Room
12 Transmission System Design Index
12.1 Hypothetical Reference Path and Digital Section
12.2 Error Index
12.3 Jitter and Wander
12.4 Usability Objective
13 Maintenance Tools and Instrument Configuration