This standard specifies the classification, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, symbols, packing and transport of siliceous refractory mortars; it is applicable to laying siliceous refractory mortars used for hot blast stove, coke oven and glass furnace of blast furnace. This standard may also be applicable to the siliceous refractory mortars for other silica brick masonry.
2 Normative References
GB 5024.2 Test Method for Setting Time of Refractory Mortar
GB 5024.3 Test Method for Cold Rupture Bonding Strength of Refractory Mortar
GB 6901 Chemical analysis of silica refractories
GB 7316 Test method for refractoriness of refractory mortar
GB 7318 Test method for sieve analysis of refractory mortar
YB 4024 Test methods for refractoriness under load of refractory mortar
3 Products Classification
The siliceous refractory mortars are divided into four classes (seven grades in total) according to the characteristics of furnace and the physical and chemical parameters of slurry.
3.1 The siliceous refractory mortars for hot blast stove: RGN-94.
3.2 Siliceous refractory mortars for coke oven: JGN-92 and JGN-85.
3.3 Siliceous refractory mortars for glass furnace: BGN-96 and BGN-94.
3.4 Siliceous slurry insulation: GGN-94 and GGN-92.
4 Technical Requirements
The physical and chemical parameters of siliceous refractory mortars shall meet the requirements of Table 1, Table 2, Table 3 and Table 4.
Table 1 Siliceous Refractory Mortar for Hot Blast Stove
Item RGN-94
Former index Refractoriness, seger cone No. (WZ) 169
Present index Refractoriness, cone No. CN 170
Table 2 Siliceous Refractory Mortars for Coke Oven
Item JGN-92 JGN-85
Former index Refractoriness, seger cone No. (WZ) 167 158
Present index Refractoriness, cone No. CN 166 158
Table 3 Siliceous Refractory Mortars for Glass Furnace
Item BGN-96 BGN-94
Former index Refractoriness, seger cone No. (WZ) 171 169
Present index Refractoriness, cone No. CN 172 170
Table 4 Siliceous Refractory Mortars Insulation
Item GGN-94 GGN-92
Former index Refractoriness, seger cone No. (WZ) 169 167
Present index Refractoriness, cone No. CN
5 Test Methods
5.1 The inspection of refractoriness shall meet the provisions of GB 7316.
5.2 For the inspection of cold rupture bonding strength, the slurry consistency is required to be 340~380; the specimen number after burning is 6; after insulation, the cooling rate of specimen shall not exceed 1℃ per minute; Others shall meet the provisions of GB 5024.3.
5.3 The inspection of setting time shall meet the provisions of GB 5024.2.
5.4 The grading analysis shall meet the provisions of GB 7318.
5.5 The chemical analysis shall meet the provisions of GB 6901.
5.6 The inspection of refractoriness under load shall meet the provisions of YB 4024.