This standard specifies the test methods for sampling, moisture, volatile matter, ash content, sulphur content, powder coke content and density of petroleum coke after calcination.
This standard is applicable to petroleum coke.
2 Normative references
GB/T 387 Dark petroleum products - Determination of sulphur content - Tubular oven method
SH 0229 Sampling method for solid and semi-solid petroleum products
Method A Sampling
3 General
3.1 Petroleum coke sampling method is based on SH 0229, and is supplemented with the provisions of this standard.
3.2 In principle, petroleum coke specimen shall be taken in the coke flow, and they may also be taken from the top of transport means (trains, cars, etc.) and the coke heap if conditions do not permit.
Foreword i Method A Sampling Method B Determination of moisture in petroleum coke Method C Volatile matter determination method Method D Petroleum coke ash content determination method Method E Petroleum coke sulphur content determination method Method F Powder coke content determination method Method G Petroleum coke density determination method after calcination