This Standard specifies the technical requirements, test methods, Packaging, marking, Storage and acceptance of delivery for the industrial mineral oil.
This Standard is suitable for the industrial mineral oil which is prepared with the fractions of the petroleum lubricant through dewaxing, chemical refining or hydrogenation.
This product may be used for chemical fiber, aluminium product processing insecticide sprays and rubber plasticization; for lubricating textile machinery and precise instruments and for sealing compressors.
2 Normative References
The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this standard. Unless otherwise specified in the standard, the normative standards below shall be valid and current.
GB/T 259 "Petroleum Products-Determination of Water-soluble Acids and Alkalis"
GB/T 260 "Determination of Water Content in Petroleum Products"
GB/T 265 "Petroleum Products-Determination of Kinematic Viscosity and Calculation of Dynamic Viscosity"
GB/T 511 "Petroleum Products and Additives-Determination of Mechanical Impurities-Gravimetric Method"
GB 3535 "Petroleum oils; Determination of Pour Point"
GB 3536 "Petroleum Products; Determination of Flash and Fire Points; Cleveland Open Cup Method"
GB 3555 "Petroleum products-Determination of Saybolt Color-Saybolt Chromometer Method"
GB/T 4756 "Petroleum Liquids -- Manual Sampling"
GB/T 5096 "Petroleum Products; Corrosiveness to Copper; Copper Strip Test"
SH 0164 "Petroleum Products -- Rules for Packaging, Storage, Transport, Delivery and Acceptance"
3 Technical Requirements (see Table 1)
1 Subject Content and Application Scope 2 Normative References 3 Technical Requirements (see Table 1) 4 Marking, Packaging, Storage, Transport, Delivery and Acceptance 5 Sampling Appendix A Sulfuric Acid Chromogenic Test (Normative) Appendix B Nitronaphthalene Test (Additional)