QJ 1046-1986 Specification for measuring pressure of solid rocket motors
This standard is applicable to the measurement of pressure balancing segment of combustion chamber in ground test of solid rocket motor. The range of measured pressure is 1 × 102 to 3 × 104 KPa.
The uncertainty of test run data provided by digital measurement system in this standard shall be less than 0.5%, and that provided by analog measurement system shall be less than 1.5%. The uncertainty of the measurement system is calculated according to the professional standard Evaluation of measurement uncertainty of solid rocket motor.
1 Design requirements for pressure measurement system
1.1 Composition of measurement system
a. The composition of the digital measurement system is generally shown in Figure 1. The digital measurement system provides the official data of the motor test.
b. The composition of the analog measurement system is generally shown in Figure 2. Analog measurement system is an independent recording system from digital measurement system in terms of electrical relationship, which is used to provide reference data for test.
c. In case of failure of the digital measurement system during test, the records of the analog system shall be taken as the official test data.
1.2 Technical requirements
The instruments and equipment such as calibrated pressure source, pressure sensor, coupler, transmission line, data acquisition and processing device and their performance must meet the technical requirements of this specification.
2 Measuring instruments and equipment
2.1 Pressure sensor
For purpose of this standard, resistance strain type pressure sensors shall be used.
2.1.1 Ambient conditions
The ambient conditions shall meet the conditions specified in the sensor manual.
2.1.2 Range
The sensor shall operate in the range of 70% to 80% of the nominal full scale (except for single-chamber dual-thrust motor). Predictable transient overload must be within the allowable overload range of the sensor.
2.1.3 Sensor coefficient
Sensor coefficients shall be adapted to data acquisition and recording devices. 1 ~ 3 mV/V is generally selected.
2.1.4 Accuracy
The accuracy of the sensor shall be less than 0.2%.
1 Design requirements for pressure measurement system
2 Measuring instruments and equipment
3 Operating method
4 Data acquisition and processing
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