1 General Provisions
1.0.1 This code is formulated with a view to unifying the technical requirements for design and construction of the open type wharf on piles and guaranteeing the safety, applicability and durability of the wharf.
1.0.2 This code is applicable to design and construction for open type wharf on piles, dolphin type wharf on piles and wharf on breasting clustered piles, with superstructure adopting beam slab, without beam slab, truss and other types. Pile foundation wharf of other types may refer to it.
1.0.3 Open type wharf on piles should be used for foundation with pile sinking, such as cohesive soil, silty soil, sandy soil, gravel soil and weathered rock; where cast in-situ piles and rock-socketed piles, etc. are adopted, the conditions difficult of pile sinking may also apply.
1.0.4 Design and construction for open type wharf on piles shall not only comply with this code, but also those in the current relevant ones of the nation.
2 Terms
2.0.1 Pile-supported platform
It is short for pile foundation bearing platform. A structure constituted jointly by a group of foundation piles and upper platform connecting such foundation piles into an integral.
2.0.2 Front piled platform
Pile-supported platform directly bearing the action of ship load, etc. in open type wharf on piles.
2.0.3 Rear piled platform
Pile-supported platform not directly bearing ship load, behind and adjacent to the front piled platform in open type wharf on piles.
2.0.4 Concrete slabs and beams wharf
Open type wharf on piles that the superstructure of the pile-supported platform is mainly composed of beam and slab.
2.0.5 Dolphin wharf
Open type wharf on piles composed of berthing dolphin, mooring dolphin, working platform, pedestrian bridge and approach bridge.
2.0.6 Wharf of skeleton construction
Open type wharf on piles that the superstructure contains truss.
2.0.7 Wharf of concrete slabs without beam
Open type wharf on piles that the superstructure is not arranged with beam system and the slab is directly connected with foundation pile through pile cap.
2.0.8 Wharf with big water level difference
Open type wharf on piles that the design high and low water level difference is larger than 10m.
2.0.9 Breasting clustered piles
Structure absorbing all or partial berthing energy by adopting pile foundation and by virtue of elastic deformation of pile body.
2.0.10 Structure connecting shore
Structure at the conjunction of wharf platform or approach bridge and back-up land.
3 Basic Requirements
3.1 General Requirements
3.1.1 The structural type of open type wharf on piles shall be determined according to natural conditions, load conditions, service requirements, etc.
3.1.2 The structural type of open type wharf on piles should be simplified and prestressed concrete member shall be adopted to increase the integrity and durability of the structure under the premise of meeting service requirements, quality guarantee, economy and rationality, and feasible construction.
3.1.3 Open type wharf on piles may be divided into solid deck pier (Figure 3.1.3-1) and dolphin wharf (Figure 3.1.3-2) by plane layout; the solid deck pier may be divided into full hall and approach bridge type by connecting shore mode.
1 General Provisions
2 Terms
3 Basic Requirements
3.1 General Requirements
3.2 Action and Action Effect Combination
3.3 Layout of Pile Foundation and Longitudinal Rigidity Coefficient of Pile
3.4 Durability
4 Design of Concrete Slabs and Beams Wharf
4.1 General Requirements
4.2 Slab
4.3 Beam
4.4 Pile Cap
4.5 Berthing Member
5 Design of Wharf of Concrete Slabs without Beam
6 Design of Dolphin Wharf
7 Design of Wharf of Skeleton Construction
8 Design of Wharf with Big Water Level Difference
8.1 General Requirements
8.2 Multi-layer Berthing Structure
8.3 Independent Floating Berthing Structure
9 Design of Wharf of Breasting Clustered Piles
10 Design of Structure Connecting Shore and Bank Slope
11 Survey Positioning
11.1 General Requirements
11.2 Laying off of Horizontal Control Network of Construction
11.3 Laying off of Vertical Control Network of Construction
11.4 Construction Survey Positioning and Acceptance Survey
12 Pile Foundation Construction
12.1 Pile Sinking
12.2 Pile Clamping
13 Precasting, Lifting and Installation of Members
13.1 Member Precasting
13.2 Lifting, Storage and Shipment
13.3 Installation of Precast Members
14 Cast-in-situ Concrete
15 Construction of Structure Connecting Shore
Appendix A Distribution of Transverse Component of Horizontally Focused Force on Bent Frame
Appendix B Bending Moment Calculating of Slabs Simply Supported on Four Sides Bearing Loads of Concentrated Force
Appendix C Calculation of Hinged Panel Load in Transverse Distribution
Appendix D Partial Carrying Capacity Calculation of Top Surface of Pile Cap
Appendix E Internal Force Calculation of Flat Slab under Action of Concentrated Load
Appendix F Control Network Grade, Positioning Method and Aligner Selection
Appendix G Coordinate Transfer
Appendix H Bolt and Subplate of Pile Clamping
Appendix J Explanation of Wording in This Code
Additional Explanation