1General Provisions
1.0. 1 These Guidelines are intended to implement the national technjcal and economic policies.unify the ventilation design standards of highway tunnels,gvide the highway tunnel ventilationdesign to conform to the principles of scientific , reasonable ,economic , safe and efficient utilizationand provide a ventilation technical reference for tunnel operation.
Background :
For more than ten years ,asthe construction Size of highwgy tunnels generally enlarged, we gainedrich experience in construction and operation of highwaytunnels, and made progress in relevanttechnology. Moreover, the technological progress of automobile industry makes its pollutantsemissions generally declined and ventilation-related product performance improved. Therefore , it isnecessary to formulate appropriate design standards for ventilation technology progress ,automobileindustry technology sigtus and others.
1.0.2 TheseGuidelines are applicable to the newly-built and upgraded mountain tunnel ofClass-I.Class-ll,Class-Il and Class-IV highways.expressway
Background :
The Guidelines are prepared for the mountain tunnels of highways at different classes. Other tunnelssuch as submerged tunnel , urban tunnel and mountain tunnel have no basic difference in ventilationmode, ventilation calculation and other aspects, but their main difference lies in ventilationstandards.
1.0.3Highway tunnel ventilation shall be incorporated into the overall design of a tunnel.
Background :
Tunnel ventilation plays an important role in the overall design ofa tunnel, which is closely relatedto tunnel length , longitudinal grade and others. The increase oftunnel length and longitudinal gradewill lead to the increase of ventilation system size ,operation and maintenance cost. The layout offan room and ventilation shaf in long and extra-long tunnels is related to the topography andgeological conditions of tunnels, An inappropriate site selection will greatly increase theconstruction cost. As a result, ventilation design shall be incorporated into the overall design, andjointly selected by alignment, structure , geology, ventilation and other professional engineers tominimize the overall cost and risk and reduce the operating costs in future.
1.0.8When the tunnel portal or ventilation shaft opening has environmental protectionrequirements , the pollutants emissions should be controlled to meet the applicable external relevantprovisions of environmental protection.
Background :
Only relevant ventilation standards for the operating environment inthe tunnel are proposed ,and noair quality standard outside the tunnel is taken into consideration herein. Ifthe tunnel passesthrough environmentally sensitive areas and pollutant emissions from the tunnel may afect airquality nearby, the concentration and difusion range of pollutants shall comply with localenvironmental protection regulations; and the following corresponding measures shall be taken ifnecessary:
2Terms and Symbols
2.1 Terms
2.1.1 Design carbon monoxide concentrationThe volume of carbon monoxide ( CO)in the polluted air per unit tunnel volume, which iscalculated with volume concentration.
2.1.2 Design concentration of particulate mattersThe degree of polluted air caused by particulate matters,which is determined by measuring thetransmittance of light through particulate matters at a distance of 100m in poluted air , an indicatorof visibility in tunnel and also known as extinction coefficient.
2.1.3 Required air wolume flow
The amount of required fresh air calculated pursuant to the tunnel conditions based on theenvironmental index to ensure the safe operation of the tunnel.
2.1.4Design air volume flow
The air volume flow achieved after fan configuration based on the calculated required air volumeflow for the tunnel and meeting operational requirements.
1General Provisions
Ventilation Planning and Suryey
2 Terms and Symbols
2.1 Terms
3.1 Ventilation planning
3.2 Ventilation survey
3.3 Traffic volume
4 Ventilation Mode
4.1 Selection of ventilation mode
4.2 Tunnehventilation requirements
5 Ventilation Standard
5.2Designconcentration of particulate mattersDesign concentration of CO and NO,
5.4 Ventilation requirements
Required Air Volume Flow
6.2 Required air volume flow for particulate matters dilution
6.3 Required air volume flow for CO dilution
6.4Required air volume flow for tunnel ventilation
7 Ventilation Calculation
9 Fan Room and Ventilation1 Shaft
9.2 Aboveground fan poom
9.3 Underground fan room
9.4 Ventilation shaft
9.5 Ventilation tower
Smoke Prevention and Extraction in Case of Tunnel Fire
10.2Smoke extraction in case of tunnel fire
10.3 Tunnel smoke ventilator
10.4Smoke prevention of escape passage and shelter
10.5 Smoke prevention and extraction of ancillary buildings
11Fan Selection and Layout
11.1 General
11.2Selection and layout of jet fan
11.3Selection ,layout and air volume flow adjustment of axial fan12 Design Principles of Ventilation Control