1.0.1 This Technical Specification is stipulated to standardize the technical specifications for External Thermal Insulation on Walls, guarantee engineering quality and to realize advanced technologies, safety, reliability and economic feasibility.
1.0.2 This Technical Specification applies the External Thermal Insulation on Walls of concrete or with masonry structure in newly-built residential buildings.
1.0.3 Besides this Technical Specification, External Thermal Insulation on Walls will also conform to relevant current provisions of national mandatory standards.
2. Terms
2.0.1 External Thermal Insulation System
Referred to the generic term of non-bearing thermal insulation structures comprised of Thermal Insulation Layers, Protecting Coats and fixing pieces (like adhesives and fasteners) and applying being fitted on external wall surfaces.
2.0.2 External Thermal Insulation on Walls
Referred to the building entities forming through assembling, fitting up, building or installing External Thermal Insulation Systems onto the external wall surfaces.
2.0.3 Wall Composed with External Thermal Insulation
Referred to the walls comprised of Substrates and External Thermal Insulation Systems.
2.0.4 Substrate
Referred to the external walls to which External Thermal Insulation Systems are attached.
2.0.5 Thermal Insulation Layer
Referred to such structural layers as are comprised of thermal insulation materials and act as thermal insulation agent in External Thermal Insulation Systems.
2.0.6 Rendering Coat
Referred to the structural layers which, nipping an enhancement network in the middle, are plastered on and protect Thermal Insulation Layers, as well as resist crack, water and impact. Rendering Coat can be divided into thin Rendering Coat and thick Rendering Coat. Where designed for Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) Boards and Insulation Mortar Consisting of Gelatinous Powder and EPS Pellets, the Rendering Coats are thin rendering, while for EPS Boards with Metal Networks, the Rendering Coats in question, thick rendering.
2.0.7 Finish Coat
Referred to the external decoration coats of External Thermal Insulation Systems
2.0.8 Protecting Coat
Referred to the generic term of Rendering Coats and Finish Coats
2.0.9 Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) Board
Referred to such polystyrene foamed plastic boards with closed-cell structures as are made by heating and pre-frothing volatile polystyrene pellets and then heat molding in moulds.
2.0.10 Insulation Mortar Consisting of Gelatinous Powder and Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) Pellets
Referred to the thermal insulation mortar which is comprised by gelatinous powder and EPS pellet aggregate and whose EPS pellet volume rates are not smaller than 80%.
2.0.11 EPS Board with Metal Network
Referred to such three-dimensional core boards with networks as are made by interpolating ventral-threads into EPS Boards and welding metal networks outside hereof.
2.0.12 Adhesive
Referred to the adhesive materials applied between EPS Boards and Substrates as well as between EPS Boards.
2.0.13 Rendering Coat Mortar
Referred to such materials as are used as Rendering Coats in Thin Rendering External Thermal Insulation Systems with EPS Boards
2.0.14 Anti-crack Mortar
Referred to the mortar which is made from proportional cement, proportional sand and such proportional anti-crack agents as are made from polymer emulsion and admixture and which can satisfy certain deformation but keep no crack.
2.0.15 Interface Treating Mortar
Referred to the polymeric compound mortar designed to improve the surface bond performance of Substrates or Thermal Insulation Layers.
2.0.16 Mechanical Fastener
Referred to the special fasteners designed to fasten systems to Substrates.
3. Fundamental Provisions
3.0.1 External Thermal Insulation on Walls will be adaptable to the normal deformation of Substrates and will not form any crack or hollow expansion.
3.0.2 External Thermal Insulation on Walls will be able to sustain self weight for long term, instead of forming harmful deformation.
3.0.3 External Thermal Insulation on Walls will be able to sustain the functions of wind loads, instead of causing any destruction.
3.0.4 External Thermal Insulation on Walls will have the ability to sustain the repetitive functions of the outdoor climates, instead of causing any destruction.
3.0.5 External Thermal Insulation on Walls will not break off from Substrates during rare Earthquake strikes.
3.0.6 High-rise External Thermal Insulation on Walls will adopt fire resistance structural measures.
3.0.7 External Thermal Insulation on Walls will have water penetration resistance performance.
3.0.8 The performances in thermal insulation, heat insulation and humidity resistance of Walls Composed with External Thermal Insulation will meet relevant provisions under current national standards GB 50176-Thermal design code for civil building, JCJ 26-Energy conservation design standard for new heating residential buildings, JCJl34-Design standard for energy efficiency of residential buildings in hot summer and cold winter zone and JCJ 75-Design standard for energy efficiency of residential buildings in hot summer and cold winter zone.
3.0.9 All parts of External Thermal Insulation on Walls will have physical-chemical stability. All constructional materials will be consistent to each other and have non-corrodibility. Subject to potential biologic infringement (like damage by wild rats or insects), External Thermal Insulation on Walls will also have the performance of resisting biologic infringement.
3.0.10 Under the condition of right usage and normal maintenance, the service lives of External Thermal Insulation on Walls will not be less than 25 years.
1. General Provisions 2. Terms 3. Fundamental Provisions 4. Performance Requirements 5. Design and Construction 6. Structures of and Specifications for External Thermal Insulation Systems 6.1 Thin Rendering External Thermal Insulation Systems with EPS Boards 6.2 External Thermal Insulation Systems with Insulation Mortar Consisting of Gelatinous Powder and EPS Pellets 6.3 Cast-in-place Concrete External Thermal Insulation Systems with EPS Boards 6.4 Cast-in-place Concrete External Thermal Insulation Systems with EPS Boards with Metal Networks 6.5 External Thermal Insulation Systems with External Thermal Insulation Systems with Mechanical Fastening EPS Boards with Metal Networks 7. Acceptance of Works Annex A. External Thermal Insulation Systems, Their Constructional Materials and Performance Test Methods Annex B Field Test Procedures Explanation to the Wording of This Technical Specification Commendatory on This Technical Specification