This standard specifies the types, basic parameters, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging, transportation and storage of inertia vibrating feeder (hereinafter referred to as feeder).
This standard is applicable to inertia vibrating feeder driven by inertia vibrator, which uniformly and continuously feeds loose blocky, powdery and granular materials into material receiving device through storage bunker or hopper. Feeder may be installed horizontally or obliquely.
2 Normative References
The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this standard. For dated references, subsequent amendments to (excluding amending errors in the text), or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. However, all parties coming to an agreement according to this standard are encouraged to study whether the latest edition of the normative document is applicable. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document applies.
GB/T 1239.1-1989 Cold Coiled Helical Tension Springs - Technical Specifications (neq JIS B 2708:1981)
GB/T 3768 Acoustics - Determination of Sound Power Levels of Noise Sources Using Sound Pressure - Survey Method Using an Enveloping Measurement Surface Over a Reflecting Plane (GB/T 3768-1996, eqv ISO 3746:1995)
GB/T 8923-1988 Rust Grades and Preparation Grades of Steel Surfaces Before Application of Paints and Related Products (eqv ISO 8501-1:1988)
GB/T 9286-1998 Paints and Varnishes - Cross Cut Test for Films (eqv ISO 2409:1992)
GB 10068 Mechanical Vibration of Certain Machines with Shaft Heights 56mm and Higher - Measurement, Evaluation and Limits of Vibration (GB 10068-2000, idt IEC 60034-14:1996)
GB 10069.3 Measurement of Airborne Noise Emitted by Rotating Electrical Machines and the Noise Limits - Part 3: Noise Limits (GB 10069.3-2006, IEC 60034-9:1997, IDT)
3 Types and Basic Parameters
Foreword I 1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 Types and Basic Parameters 3.1 Types 3.2 Models 3.3 Basic Parameters and Dimensions 3.4 Marking Examples 4 Technical Requirements 4.1 Operating Conditions 4.2 Feeder Performances 4.3 Chute Body 4.4 Inertia Vibrator 4.5 Isolation Spring 4.6 Other Requirements 5 Test Methods 6 Inspection Rules 7 Marking, Packaging, Transportation and Storage