Type and specifications of lubricants for tractors
1 Scope
This standard specifies the selection of the types and specifications of lubricants for tractors.
This standard is applicable to tractors.
2 Normative references
The following documents for the application of this document are essential. Any dated reference, just dated edition applies to this document. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 260 Determination of water content in petroleum products
GB/T 265 Petroleum products - Determination of kinematic viscosity and calculation of dynamic viscosity
GB/T 511 Petroleum, petroleum products and additives - Method for determination of mechanical admixtures
GB/T 1995 Petroleum products - Calculation of viscosity index
GB 3142 Lubricants - Determination of load-carrying capacity (four-ball method)
GB/T 3535 Petroleum products - Determination of pour point
GB/T 3536 Petroleum products - Determination of flash and fire points - Cleveland open cup method
GB 5096-1985 Petroleum products - Corrosiveness to copper - Copper strip test
GB 11118.1 Hydraulic fluids of L-HL, L-HM, L-HV, L-HS and L-HG type
GB 11122-2006 Diesel engine oils
GB/T 11143-2008 Standard test method for rust-preventing characteristics of inhibited mineral oil in the presence of water
GB/T 11145 Standard test method for measurement of low-temperature viscosity of lubricants - Brookfield viscometer method
GB/T 12579 Determination of foaming characteristics of lubricating oils
GB 13895 Heavy duty gear oils for automobile (GL-5)
GB/T 14832 Test methods for compatibility between hydraulic fluids and standard elastomeric materials
NB/SH/T 0306-2013 Standard test method for evaluating the scuffing load capacity of oils (FZG visual observation)
SH/T 0103 Standard test method for shear stability of polymer containing fluids using an European diesel injector apparatus
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
hydraulic and transmission oil
oil with performance of vehicle gear oil and hydraulic oil, which can be applied simultaneously for tractor drive and hydraulic systems other than wet clutch and wet brake
multifunctional transmission oil
oil with performance of vehicle gear oil and hydraulic oil as well as certain friction characteristics, which can be applied simultaneously for tractor drive, hydraulic and brake systems with wet clutch and wet brake
tractor chassis lubricant
lubricant for mechanical, hydraulic and friction components of tractor chassis
tractor diesel engine oil
oil for tractor diesel engine assembly
FZG low speed gear wear test
test using the FZG standard test stand at low speed and heavy load in order to evaluate the performance of tractor lubricant under gear wear protection according to tractor gear wear results
lubricant thermal oxidation stability test
test to detect the oxidation resistance of lubricant by introducing hot air at a certain rate into an oil sample of fixed volume for a certain period of time, and evaluate the oxidation resistance of lubricant under specified conditions according to the changes of physical and chemical indexes such as the kinematic viscosity of the lubricant and the deposition of sludge deposit
friction characteristics test of wet friction plate and disc
friction test on the wet friction pair by simulating the actual working condition of the wet friction pair (combination of friction plate and dual disc) using standard friction test stand for wet friction plate and disc
Note: If factors such as friction materials and related structural dimensions are fixed, the friction characteristics of lubricant shall be judged according to the curve trends under various friction coefficients and the wear of friction plate and disc.
4 Tractor chassis lubricant
4.1 Selection of tractor chassis lubricant
Foreword I 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 Tractor chassis lubricant 4.1 Selection of tractor chassis lubricant 4.2 Selection of viscosity grade 5 Tractor diesel engine oil 5.1 Quality grade 5.2 Application scope 5.3 Selection of viscosity grade Annex A (Normative) Major quality indexes of medium duty vehicle gear oil Annex B (Normative) Major quality indexes of hydraulic and transmission oil Annex C (Normative) Major quality indexes of multifunctional transmission oil Annex D (Informative) FZG low speed gear wear test D.1 Overview of test method D.2 Test instruments and materials D.3 Preparation D.4 Test procedures D.5 Metering D.6 Test report Annex E (Informative) Example of lubricant thermal oxidation stability test E.1 Test description E.2 Test conditions E.3 Evaluation result Annex F (Informative) Example of friction characteristics test of wet friction plate and disc F.1 Test description F.2 Test method F.3 Evaluation result Figure D.1 FZG standard test bench Figure E.1 Example of schematic diagram for lubricant thermal oxidation stability test Figure E.2 Evaluation of deposit conditions after test Figure F.1 Schematic diagram for friction test Table 1 Tractor chassis lubricant Table 2 Viscosity grade of tractor chassis lubricant at different ambient temperatures Table 3 Quality grade and application scope of tractor diesel engine oil Table 4 Viscosity grade of tractor diesel engine oil at different ambient temperatures Table A.1 Major quality indexes of medium duty vehicle gear oil Table B.1 Major quality indexes of hydraulic and transmission oil Table C.1 Major quality indexes of multifunctional transmission oil Table D.1 Test Record Sheet Table E.1 Test conditions for lubricant thermal oxidation stability test Table F.1 Test conditions for the friction characteristics test of wet friction plate and disc Table F.2 Test conditions for the correlation test between the friction coefficient and engagement pressure, and between relative rotation speed and oil temperature (μPVT)