This part of jB/T 12651 specifies the terms and definitions, classification, technical requirement, testmethod, inspection rule, sign, packaging, transport and storage of filter paper used in internalcombustion engine.
This part is appli cable to filter papers used in air filter, oil filter and fuel filter for internal combustionengines, which are abbreviated as air filter, paper, oil filter paper and fuel filter paper respectively, andare collectively referred to as filter paper. This part doesn't apply to crinkling paper, pure glass fibresfilter paper and pure non-woven. Filter paper for other filters can refer to this part.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For datedreferences, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenceddocument (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T451.1-2002, Paper and board--Determination ofsize and deviation
GB/T 2828.1, Sampling procedures for inspection by attributes - Part 1: Sampling schemes indexed byacceptance quality limit (AOL) for lot-by-lot inspection
GB/T10342, Paper--Package and mark
GB/T 12651.2, Internal combustion engines-Filter paper for filters-Part 2: Test method
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes ofthis document, the terms and definitions given in jB/T 12651.2 apply.
4 Classification
4.1 According to the fluid types in the filtration process, filter papers are classified into air filter paper,oil filter paper and fuel filter paper.
4.2 According to the resin treatmenit, filter papers are classified into cured flter paper and non-curedfilter paper.
4.3 According to the shapes, flter papers are classified into fluted filter paper and flat filter paper.
4.4 According to the fame retardancy, air filter papers are classifed into fire-retardant filter paper andnon-fre-retardant filter paper.
4.5 According to the lifetime, oil filter papers are classified into long lifetime oil filter paper and generalfilter paper.
4.6 According to the fltration efficiency, fuel filter papers are classified into high eficiency fuel filter
Contents Foreword 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and defnitions. 4 Classification 5 Technical requirement 5.1 Moisture content 5.2 Volatiles.. 5.3 Grammage.……… 5.4 Thickness.. 6hmghiiiimiii 5.5 Flute depth 5.6 Bursting strength 5.7 Machine direction stiffness 5.8 Air permeance 5.9 Pore size 5.10 Resistance to humidity 6Testmet 7.2 Test classifcation. 7.3 Deliveryinspecton 7.4 Type inspection 7.5 Method ofsample inspection and product quality 8 Sign, packaging, transport and storage 8.1 Sign and packaging 8.2 Transport.. 8.3 Storage 8.4 0thers