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Codeofchina.com is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative. General specifications for low-power pulse transformers 1 Scope 1.1 Subject content This specification specifies the general requirements, quality assurance provisions and test methods for low power pulse transformer for electronic and communication device. 1.2 Application scope This specification is applicable to low-power pulse transformers with a peak pulse power not greater than 300 W and an average power no greater than 5 W. 1.3 Classification 1.3.1 Model designation The model specification of low-power pulse transformer (hereinafter referred to as transformer) shall be in the following form and shall comply with the provisions of the detailed specifications. Component Grade Class Expected life Turns ratio (1.3.2) (1.3.3) (1.3.4) (1.3.5) (1.3.6) 1.3.2 Name code The two letters "TP" are used to represent military low-power pulse transformer. 1.3.3 Grade The grade is identified by a single digit denoting metal encased, encapsulated, or open-type construction, and the ability of the transformers to withstand the environmental tests of Table 1. Table 1 Grade Test Grade 4 Metal encased Grade 5 Encapsulated Grade 6 Metal encased Grade 7 Encapsulated Grade 8 Open type Vibration of lower frequency × × × Vibration of hight frequency × × Shock × × × × × Temperature shock × × × × × Immersion × × × × Moisture resistance × × × × × Flammability × × × Note: "×” indicates that the test item shall be carried out. Grade 4 and Grade 6. Grade 4 and Grade 6 transformers are sealed, metal encased with separately fabricated headers and terminals. The grades do not include transformers which are encapsulated in a metal shell with an opening in either end or side of the shell, or with insulated lead wires extending through the metal shell. Grade 5 and Grade 7. Grades 5 and 7 transformers are encapsulated, including molded or embedded constructions, and transformers with a metal shell, open at one or both ends and filled with encapsulant material. Grade 8. Grade 8 transformers are open transformers, including transformers of end-sealed structure. 1.3.4 Class The class is identified by a single letter in accordance with Table 2, and denotes the maximum operating temperature (temperature rise (see 4.6.13) at which the expected life in Table 3 can be achieved plus maximum environmental temperature (see 6.3). Table 2 Class Symbol Maximum operating temperature ℃ Q R S T U V 85 105 130 150 170 >170, as specified 1.3.5 Expected life A letter that meets the requirements of Table 3 is used to represent the expected life (see 6.5). Table 3 Expected life Symbol Expected life h X Y Z Minimum value of 10,000 Minimum value 2,500 As required (see 3.1) 1.3.6 Turns ratio (see 6.6) Four numbers are used to represent the most basic turns ratio of four-winding transformer. For two-winding transformers, the last two numbers shall be zero; for three-winding transformers, the last number shall be zero. The turns ratio marking code is as follows: Turns ratio Symbol 1:1 (two-winding) 1100 1:2 (two-winding) 1200 1:1:1 (three-winding) 1110 1:1:1:1 (four-winding) 1111 Non-standard NNNN For transformers with non-standard turns ratio (for example, 7.1: 6; 7: 5.3) or transformers with more than four windings, the marking code shall be "NNNN". 1.3.7 Type A letter meeting those shown in Figure 1 is used to represent the type. Type A radial terminal Type B double-end terminal Type C unidirectional terminal Type D standard 9-pin tube base J9-1 Type E standard 7-pin tube base J7-1 Type L dual in-line 14 terminal Type M dual in-line 16 terminal Figure 1 Outline structure chart 2 Normative references The valid versions of the following documents within the scope specified in this specification constitute parts of this specification. In case of any discrepancy between the text of this specification and the cited documents, the provisions of this specification shall prevail. GB 191 Packaging - Pictorial marking for handling of goods GB 787 Dimensions of electronic tube bases GB 2423.28 Basic environmental testing procedures for electric and electronic products - Test T: Soldering GB 5048 Moisture-proof packaging GJB 150.10 Environmental test methods for military equipments - Fungus test GJB 179 Sampling procedures and tables for inspection by attributes GJB 360.1 Test methods for electronic and electrical component parts - General GJB 360.2 Test methods for electronic and electrical component parts - Salt spray test GJB 360.4 Test methods for electronic and electrical component parts - Immersion test GJB 360.5 Test methods for electronic and electrical component parts - Barometric pressure test (reduced) GJB 360.6 Test methods for electronic and electrical component parts - Moisture resistance test GJB 360.7 Test methods for electronic and electrical component parts - Temperature shock test GJB 360.11 Test methods for electronic and electrical component parts - Flammability (external flame) test GJB 360.13 Test methods for electronic and electrical component parts - Vibration test of lower frequency GJB 360.15 Test methods for electronic and electrical component parts - Vibration test of hight frequency GJB 360.17 Test methods for electronic and electrical component parts - Impact shock test GJB 360.18 Test methods for electronic and electrical component parts - Solderability test GJB 360.20 Test methods for electronic and electrical component parts - Resistance to soldering heat GJB 360.21 Test methods for electronic and electrical component parts - Terminal strength test GJB 360.23 Test methods for electronic and electrical component parts - Shock (specified pulse) test GJB 360.25 Test methods for electronic and electrical component parts - Resistance to solvents GJB 360.27 Test methods for electronic and electrical component parts - Dielectric withstanding voltage test GJB 360.28 Test methods for electronic and electrical component parts - Insulation resistance test GJB 548 Test methods and procedures for microelectronic device 3 Requirements 3.1 Specification sheets The individual product requirements shall be as specified herein and in accordance with the specification sheets. In the event of any conflict between the requirements of this specification and the specification sheets, the latter shall govern. 3.2 Qualification Transformers furnished under this specification shall be products that have been identified as qualified or approved. 3.3 Materials The materials used in the structure of the transformer shall comply with the relevant material standards, which will enable the transformers to meet the performance requirements of this specification. Materials used for manufacturing transformers shall be non-flammable and non-explosive materials. Corrosive materials used in the manufacturing process shall be removed or neutralized to ensure that no corrosion will occur due to the use of such materials. Insofar as practicable, materials used in the construction of transformers shall be noncorrosive. When it comes to electrical properties, only natural color materials without dyes shall be used. 3.4 Design and construction 3.4.1 Screws and nuts The threads of the screws and riveting nuts for installation and terminal shall meet those specified in common thread series standards. The maximum torque during assembly shall be as follows: Screw size Torque (N·m) M 2.5 0.3 M 3 0.5 M 4 0.6 M 5 0.8 M 6 0.8 M 8 0.8 Nuts shall run down to within two threads of mounting surface. 3.4.2 Terminal Terminals shall meet the requirements of,, and, respectively, as applicable. If other types of terminals are used, these terminals shall meet relevant requirements (see 3.1). Hard wire terminal For the uninsulated wire terminals of Type A, B or C (see Figure 1), the length shall be not less than 40 mm and the diameter shall be not less than 0.5 mm. Pin-type terminal Pin-type terminals of Type D or E (see Figure 1) used in conjunction with electron tube socket shall meet the requirements of J7-1 standard 7-pin tube base or J9-1 standard 9-pin tube base specified in GB 787. Pins for Type L and M terminals shall be in accordance with relevant requirements (see 3.1). Solder terminal The solder terminals may be of any shape and are easy to weld. The height of the solder terminal shall be considered as the maximum distance from the terminal mounting surface to the highest point, including the additional height obtained if semi-flexible terminals are straightened. (It is not intended that the "hook" in the hook-type terminal be straightened from its normal hooked position.) The type of terminal and the maximum size of wire, which the terminal will accept externally, shall be as specified (see 3.1). Screw terminal When specified (see 3.1, external screw terminals shall be supplied with two nuts, two flat washers, and one lockwasher. For cased transformers, the height of the terminal assembly shall be the distance from the free end of the screw to the terminal mounting surface. The type of terminal, size of screw thread, and the exposed length of threads shall be as specified (see 3.1). 3.4.3 Mounting studs When specified (see 3.1), external mounting studs shall be provided with a flat washer and locknut, or with a flat washer, lockwasher, and a nut. 3.4.4 Internal wire leads Internal wire leads shall provide adequate electrical connection and mechanical strength. 3.4.5 Paint If the specified surface is painted (see 3.1), the paint color shall be light and semi-glossy. The manufacturer shall not paint the mounting surface. 3.4.6 Shell material Unless otherwise specified (see 3.1), the shell may be made of metal material or non-metal material. 3.4.7 Magnetic core If required (see 3.1), the magnetic core shall be connected to the shell and grounded, and the magnetic core shall be able to be connected in electrical terms. 3.4.8 Potting, filling, or encapsulating material The amount and coverage of potting, filling, or encapsulating material used shall be essentially the same for all units of a specific design. Potting, filling, or encapsulating material shall not flow from the shell of the transformer during any of the applicable tests. 3.5 Solderability When tested as specified in 4.6.2, transformers shall meet the applicable criteria for terminal evaluation in the test method. 3.6 Resistance to solvents When transformers are test as specified in 4.6.3, there shall be no evidence of mechanical damage, and the markings shall remain legible. Paint coating or surface coating shall not show signs of softening, peeling or other deterioration. 3.7 Aging According to the requirements, if specified (see 3.1), the transformers are tested as specified in 4.6.4, there shall be no evidence of physical and mechanical damage, and the specified electrical test requirements shall be met. 3.8 Resistance to soldering heat When transformers are tested as specified in 4.6.5, there shall be no softening of insulation, or loosening of the winding or terminals. 3.9 Terminal strength When transformers are tested as specified in 4.6.6 to, there shall be no evidence of loosening, rupturing, or other mechanical damage of the terminal. Bends shall not be considered as damage unless terminal surface cracking is evident. Except for flexible leads, there shall be no rotation of the terminals. 3.10 Seal When transformers are test as specified in 4.6.7, there shall be no evidence of liquid leakage or bubble overflow. 3.11 Dielectric withstanding voltage When transformers are tested as specified in 4.6.8, there shall be no arcing, flashover, breakdown on insulation, or other evidence of damage. Leakage current shall not exceed that specified in the specification sheets. 3.12 Induced voltage When transformers are tested as specified in 4.6.9, there shall be no continuous arcing or breakdown on insulation, or any sudden change of input current. 3.13 Winding continuity When transformers are tested as specified in 4.6.10, all windings shall be electrically continuous. 3.14 Insulation resistance When transformers are tested as specified in 4.6.11, the minimum insulation resistance shall meet those specified in relevant specification sheets and be not less than one of the following values: a. 10,000MΩ b. 1,000MΩ c. 100MΩ 3.15 Electrical characteristics (including waveform parameters) When transformers are tested as specified in 4.6.12, the applicable electrical characteristics (including waveform parameters as defined according to 6.6) shall be as specified (see 3.1). 3.16 Temperature rise When transformers are tested as specified in 4.6.13, the temperature rise of any winding above the specified maximum ambient temperature (see 3.1) shall not exceed the value specified (see 3.1), and there shall be no evidence of physical damage. 3.17 Life When transformers are tested as specified in 4.6.14, there shall be no evidence of physical or electrical damage as indicated by an open circuit (a break in the continuity of any electrical circuit within the transformer tested) or short circuit occurring within the transformer (such as shorted turns or faulty insulation between layers, between turns, between windings, between winding and shell or core, or between windings and shield). In addition, transformers shall meet the following requirements: a. Insulation resistance——Shall be as specified in 3.14. b. Dielectric withstanding voltage (at atmospheric pressure)——Shall be as specified in 3.11. c. Induced voltage——Shall be as specified in 3.12. The electrical characteristics shall remain within the tolerance or limits specified (see 3.1). 3.18 Salt spray (If required, see 3.1) When transformers are tested as specified in 4.6.15, there shall be no evidence of corrosion as exhibited by any visible degradation of the surfaces that can be attributed to flaking, pitting, blistering or otherwise loosened protective coating or metal surface. 3.19 Vibration When transformers are tested as specified in 4.6.16, there shall be no leakage of filling material and no evidence of other physical damage such as cracks, bursting, or bulging of the shell. 3.20 Shock When transformers are tested as specified in 4.6.17, there shall be no leakage of filling material and no evidence of other physical damage such as cracks, bursting, or bulging of the shell or corrosion affecting the mechanical or electrical operation. 3.21 Temperature shock When transformers are tested as specified in 4.6.18, there shall be no leakage of filling material; and no evidence of other physical damage such as cracks, bursting, or bulging of the shell or corrosion affecting the mechanical or electrical operation. 3.22 Water immersion When transformers are tested as specified in 4.6.19, there shall be no leakage of filling material and no evidence of other physical damage such as cracks, bursting, or bulging of the shell or corrosion affecting the mechanical or electrical operation. 3.23 Moisture resistance When transformers are tested as specified in 4.6.20, there shall be no leakage of filling material; and no evidence of other physical damage such as cracks, bursting, or bulging of the shell or corrosion affecting the mechanical or electrical operation. 3.24 Overload When the transformers are tested as specified in 4.6.21, there shall be no leakage of filling material, no evidence of other physical damage such as cracks, bursting, or bulging of the case. 3.25 Visual and mechanical examination (post test) When the transformers are examined as specified in, not more than 10 percent of the surface shall have peeling, flaking, chipping, cracking, crazing, or other impairment of the protective coating. There shall be no leakage of the filling material, no evidence of other physical damage, such as cracks, bursting, or bulging of the shell or corrosion affecting the mechanical or electrical operation of the transformers. 3.26 Flammability When the transformers are tested as specified in 4.6.22, there shall be no evidence of violent burning which results in an explosive-type fire, and the coating material used on the transformers shall be self-extinguishing. A transformer shall not be considered to have failed, in the event that it is consumed by the applied flame, unless dripping of flaming material or an explosive-type flame has occurred. A transformer shall be considered to have failed only if an explosion of dripping of flaming material occurs, an explosive-type flame is produced, or if visible burning continues beyond the allowable duration of 3 minutes after removal of the applied flame. Material will be considered self-extinguishing if the following conditions are met: a. The duration of visible flame does not exceed 3 minutes after removal of the applied flame. b. There is no explosion, nor any violent burning which results in an explosive-type flame. c. There is no dripping of flaming material from the transformer under test. 3.27 Fungus (if required, see 3.1) All external materials shall be nonnutrient to fungus growth or shall be suitably treated to retard fungus growth. The manufacturer shall certify that all external materials are fungus resistant (see 4.6.23) or shall perform the test specified in 4.6.23. There shall be no evidence of fungus growth on the external surfaces. 3.28 Marking Each transformer shall be clearly marked, and its contents shall at least include product model or mark; manufacture date or production batch number. The marking may be applied to more than one side of the shell if the required marking necessitates more space than is available on the one side. Where the surface areas are insufficient for all of the required information, as many as possible of the markings shall be applied using the order of priority as listed above. Markings shall remain legible after all tests. Any markings of a classified nature shall not be included. Unless otherwise specified (see 3.1), terminals shall be identified by appropriate numbers. Where space does not permit numbering, terminals shall be identified by color coding in accordance with Table 4. Table 4 Terminal color code Black 0 Brown 1 Red 2 Orange 3 Yellow 4 Green 5 Blue 6 Violet 7 Gray 8 White 9 3.29 Workmanship The transformers shall be processed in such a manner as to be uniform in quality and shall meet the requirements of 3.3, 3.4, and 3.28, as applicable, and shall be free of defects that will affect life or appearance. 4 Requirements for quality assurance 4.1 Responsibility for inspection Unless otherwise specified in the contract or order, the manufacturer shall be responsible for completing all inspection items specified in this specification. Unless otherwise specified in the contract or order, the manufacturer may use its own or any other facilities suitable for completing the inspections specified in this specification, except those not be allowed for use by the competent department concerned. If necessary, the ordering party or superior competent department has the right to examine any of the inspection items described in the specification. 4.1.1 Responsibility for qualification All products must meet all requirements given in clauses 3 and 5 of the specification. The inspections specified in this specification shall be an integral part of the entire inspection system or quality program of the manufacturer. If the contract includes inspection requirements not specified in this specification, the manufacturer shall also ensure that the products submitted for acceptance meet the contract requirements. It is neither allowed to submit products that are known to be defective in quality conformance sampling, nor to require the ordering party to receive defective products. 4.1.2 Test equipment and inspection facilities Test and measuring equipment and inspection facilities of sufficient accuracy, quality and quantity to permit performance of the required inspection shall be established and maintained by the manufacturer. At the same time, a calibration system to control accuracy of the measuring and test equipment shall be established and maintained. 4.2 Classification of inspections The inspections included in this specification shall be classified as follows: a. Qualification inspection (see 4.4); b. Conformance inspection (see 4.5). 4.3 Inspection conditions Unless otherwise specified herein, all inspections shall be performed under the standard atmospheric conditions specified in clause 4 of GJB 360.1. 4.3.1 Test frequency When a nominal test frequency is specified herein, the frequency used shall be within ±2 percent of the nominal value. 4.3.2 Test voltage During the dielectric withstanding voltage test, the peak value of the applied test voltage shall not exceed 5% of the peak value of the standard sine wave voltage. 4.4 Qualification inspection Qualification inspection shall be performed at a laboratory acceptable to the competent department concerned (see 6.2) on sample produced with equipment and procedures normally used in production. 4.4.1 Qualification of transformers based on complete testing Sample size The number of sample of transformers to be submitted for inspection shall be as specified in Annex A. Inspection procedures The samples shall be subjected to qualification inspection in accordance with the test items and order shown in Table 5, as well as the provisions in Annex A of this specification. Table 5 Qualification inspection Examination or test Grade Requirement paragraph Method paragraph 4 5 6 7 8 Group I (4 samples) Solderability 2) × × × × × 3.5 4.6.2 Resistance to solvents (4 samples) 1) × × × × × 3.6 4.6.3 Group II (all samples) Aging (when specified) × × × × × 3.7 4.6.4 Visual and mechanical examination (external) × × × × × 3.1 and 3.3 3.4~ 3.4.5~3.4.7 3.28~3.29 Resistance to soldering heat 2) × × × × × 3.8 4.6.5 Terminal strength × × × × × 3.9 4.6.6 Seal × × × × 3.10 4.6.7 Dielectric withstanding voltage (at atmospheric pressure) × × × × × 3.11 Dielectric withstanding voltage (at reduced barometric pressure) (When applicable) × × 3.11 Induced voltage × × × × × 3.12 4.6.9 Winding continuity × × × × × 3.13 4.6.10 Insulation resistance × × 3.14(a) 4.6.11 Insulation resistance × × 3.14(b) 4.6.11 Insulation resistance × 3.14(c) 4.6.11 Electrical characteristics (including waveform parameters) × × × × × 3.15 4.6.12 Temperature rise (2 samples) × × × × × 3.16 4.6.13 Group III (2 samples) Life × × × × × 3.17 4.6.14 Induced voltage × × × × × 3.12 4.6.9 Winding continuity × × × × × 3.13 4.6.10 Insulation resistance × × 3.14(a) 4.6.11 Insulation resistance × × × 3.14(b) 4.6.11 Insulation resistance × 3.14(c) 4.6.11 Dielectric withstanding voltage (at reduced voltage) × × × × × 3.11 Electrical characteristics (including waveform parameters) × × × × × 3.15 4.6.12 Visual and mechanical examination (external) × × × × × 3.1 and 3.3 3.4~ 3.4.4~3.4.7 3.28~3.29 Group 4 (6 samples) Salt spray (when required) × × × × 3.18 4.6.15 Vibration (lower frequency) × × × 3.19 Vibration (hight frequency) × × 3.19 Shock × × × × × 3.20 4.6.17 Winding continuity × × × × × 3.13 4.6.10 Induced voltage × × × × × 3.12 4.6.9 Dielectric withstanding voltage (at reduced voltage) × × × × × 3.11 Temperature shock × × × × × 3.21 4.6.18 Winding continuity × × × × × 3.13 4.6.10 Immersion × × × × 3.22 4.6.19 Moisture resistance × × × × × 3.23 4.6.20 Induced voltage × × 3.12 4.6.9 Winding continuity × × 3.13 4.6.10 Insulation resistance × × 3.14(a) 4.6.11 Dielectric withstanding voltage (at reduced voltage) × × 3.11 Overload × × × 3.24 4.6.21 Induced voltage × × × 3.12 4.6.9 Winding continuity × × × 3.13 4.6.10 Insulation resistance × × × 3.14(b) 4.6.11 Insulation resistance × 3.14(c) 4.6.11 Dielectric withstanding voltage (at reduced voltage) × × 3.11 Visual and mechanical examination (external) (post test) × × × × × 3.25 Electrical characteristics (including waveform parameters) × × × × 3.15 4.6.12 Flammability (2 samples) × × × 3.26 4.6.22 Visual and mechanical examination (internal) (3 samples) × × × × × 3.3, 3.4.4, 3.4.7, 3.4.8 3.29 Group V Fungus 3) × × × × × 3.27 4.6.23 Notes: 1) Printed circuit type transformers only, or when specified (see 3.1). 2) Solderable type terminals only: If the soldering iron method ( of the solderability test is performed, then the resistance to soldering heat test ( need not be performed. 3) Test shall not be performed if the manufacturer provides certification that all external materials are fungus resistant. 4) "×” indicates that the test item shall be carried out. 1 Scope 1.1 Subject content 1.2 Application scope 1.3 Classification 2 Normative references 3 Requirements 3.1 Specification sheets 3.2 Qualification 3.3 Materials 3.4 Design and construction 3.5 Solderability 3.6 Resistance to solvents 3.7 Aging 3.8 Resistance to soldering heat 3.9 Terminal strength 3.10 Seal 3.11 Dielectric withstanding voltage 3.12 Induced voltage 3.13 Winding continuity 3.14 Insulation resistance 3.15 Electrical characteristics (including waveform parameters) 3.16 Temperature rise 3.17 Life 3.18 Salt spray 3.19 Vibration 3.20 Shock 3.21 Temperature shock 3.22 Water immersion 3.23 Moisture resistance 3.24 Overload 3.25 Visual and mechanical examination (post test) 3.26 Flammability 3.27 Fungus (if required, see 3.1) 3.28 Marking 3.29 Workmanship 4 Requirements for quality assurance 4.1 Responsibility for inspection 4.2 Classification of inspections 4.3 Inspection conditions 4.4 Qualification inspection 4.5 Quality conformance inspection 4.6 Methods of inspection 5 Delivery preparation 5.1 Packaging 5.2 Marking 5.3 Transport 5.4 Storage 6 Instructions 6.1 Ordering document information 6.2 Qualification (see 3.2) 6.3 Temperature and life 6.4 Instructions for aviation application 6.5 Increase in environmental temperature during overload test 6.6 Definitions of waveform parameters Annex A (Supplement) Procedures for qualification inspection 小功率脉冲变压器总规范 1 范围 1.1 主题内容 本规范规定了电子和通信设备用小功率脉冲变压器的一般要求、质量保证规定和试验方法。 1.2 适用范围 本规范适用于峰值脉冲功率不大于300W、平均功率不大于5W的小功率脉冲变压器。 1.3 分类 1.3.1 型号命名 小功率脉冲变压器(以下简称变压器)的型号规格应采用下列形式,且应符合详细规范的规定。 元件 类别 级别 预期寿命 匝比 (1.3.2) (1.3.3) (1.3.4) (1.3.5) (1.3.6) 1.3.2 名称代号 用两个字母“TP”表示军用小功率脉冲变压器。 1.3.3 类别 用一个数字表示类别,类别表示金属壳密封、灌注密封或开放式结构,以及变压器耐受表1规定的环境试验的能力。 表1 类别 试验 4类 金属壳密封 5类 灌注密封 6类 金属壳密封 7类 灌注密封 8类 开放式 低频振动 高频振动 冲击 温度冲击 浸渍 耐湿 易燃性 × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × 注:表中“×”表示应做的试验项目。 4类和6类 系金属壳密封的变压器,金属密封壳装有单独制造的出头和引出端。此类别不包括灌封在一端或一侧敞开的金属壳内的变压器,或用绝缘引线穿过金属壳的变压器。 5类和7类 系灌封变压器,包括模注或包封结构,以及包括具有金属壳,一端或两端敞开并用灌封材料填充的变压器。 8类 系开放式变压器,包括端封式结构变压器。 1.3.4 级别 用符合表2规定的一个字母表示级别,级别表示能实现表3规定的预期寿命的最高工作温度(温升(见4.6.13)加最高环境温度)(见6.3) 表2 级别 代号 最高工作温度℃ Q R S T U V 85 105 130 150 170 >170,按规定 1.3.5 预期寿命 用符合表3规定的一个字母表示预期寿命(见6.5)。 表3 预期寿命 代号 预期寿命 h X Y Z 10000最小值 2500最小值 按规定(见3.1) 1.3.6 匝比(见6.6) 用四个数字表示最基本的四绕组变压器的匝比。对于两绕组变压器,最后两个数字应为零:对于三绕组变压器,最后一个数字应为零。匝比标志代号表示如下: 匝比 代号 i:1(两绕组〉 1100 1:2(两绕组〉 1200 1:1:1(三绕组) 1110 1:1:1:1(四绕组) 1111 非标准 NNNN 非标准 对于具有非标准匝比(例如,7.1:6,7:5.3)的变压器或多于四个绕组的变压器,标志代号应为“NNNN”。 1.3.7 型式 用符合图1规定的一个字母表示型式 A型 径向引出端 B型 双端引出端 C型 单向引出端 D型 标准9脚管基 J9—1 图1 外形结构图 E型 标佳7脚管基 7—1 L型 双列直插式14引出端 M型 双列直插式16引出端 图1 外形结构图(续) 2 引用文件 下列文件的有效版本,在本规范规定的范围内组成本规范的一部分。当本规范的正文与引用文件之间有矛盾时,则优先采用本规范的规定。 GB 191 包装储运图示标志 GB 787 电子管管基尺寸 GB 2423.28 电工电子产品基本环境试验规程 试验T:锡焊 GB 5048 防潮包装 GJB 150.10 军用设备环境试验方法 霉菌试验 GJB 179 计数抽样检查程序及表 GJB 360.1 电子及电气元件试验方法 总则 GJB 360.2 电子及电气元件试验方法 盐雾试验 GJB 360.4 电子及电气元件试验方法 浸渍试验 GJB 360.5 电子及电气元件试验方法 低气压试验 GJB 360.6 电子及电气元件试验方法 耐湿试验 GJB 360.7 电子及电气元件试验方法 温度冲击试验 GJB 360.11 电子及电气元件试验方法 易燃性(外部火焰)试验 GJB 360.13 电子及电气元件试验方法 低频振动试验 GJB 360.15 电子及电气元件试验方法 高频振动试验 GJB 360.17 电子及电气元件试验方法 强碰撞冲击试验 GJB 360.18 电子及电气元件试验方法 可焊性试验 GJB 360.20 电子及电气元件试验方法 耐焊接热试验 GJB 360.21 电子及电气元件试验方法 引出端强度试验 GJB 360.23 电子及电气元件试验方法 冲击(规定脉冲)试验 GJB 360.25 电子及电气元件试验方法 耐溶剂性试验 GJB 360.27 电子及电气元件试验方法 介质耐压测试 GJB 360.28 电子及电气元件试验方法 绝缘电阻测试 GJB 548 微电子器件的试验方法和程序 3 要求 3.1 详细规范 每一产品的要求应符合本规范和有关详细规范的规定,本规范与详细规范的要求有矛盾时,应以详细规范为准。 3.2 合格鉴定 按本规范提供的变压器应是经鉴定合格或定型批准的产品。 3.3 材料 变压器结构中所使用的材料应符合相应材料标准的规定,且应保证变压器满足本规范规定的性能要求。用于制造变压器的材料应是非易燃和非爆炸性材料。在制造过程中使用腐蚀性材料均应加以清除或中和,保证不因使用这些材料面产生腐蚀。只要可能,用于制造变压器的材料应是无腐蚀性的材料。当涉及到电气性能时,只能使用未加染料的本色材料。 3.4 设计和结构 3.4.1 螺钉、螺母 安装和引出端用螺钉及铆装螺母的螺纹应符合普通螺纹系列标准的规定。装配时的最大转矩应按下列规定: 螺钉规格 转矩(N.m) M 2.5 0.3 M 3 0.5 M 4 0.6 M 5 0.8 M 6 0.8 M 8 0.8 螺母应旋到离安装表面两个螺矩的范围内。 3.4.2 引出端 引出端应根据适用情况,分别符合3.4.2.1、、和3.4.2.4的规定。如果使用其他类型的引出端,这些引出端应符合有关规定(见3.1)。 硬导线引出端 A、B和C型的无绝缘导线引出端(见图1),其长度应不小于40mm,引出线的直径应不小于0.5mm。 插针型引出端 配用电子管插座的插针型引出端D和E型(见图1)应符合GB 787规定的J7—1标准7脚管基或J9—1标准9脚管基的规定。L和M型用插针应按有关规定(见3.1)。 焊接引出端 焊接引出端可以为任何形状,且易于焊接。焊接引出端的高度是指从引出端安装表面至引出端最高点的最大距离,包括半柔软引出端拉直时获得的附加高度(这并不是指要将钩型引出端的“钩子”从其正常的弯钩位置拉直)。引出端的类型以及和引出端作外部连接的圆导线,其最大规格应按有关规定(见3.1)。 螺钉引出端 当有规定时(见3.1),外伸的螺钉引出端上应配有两个螺母,两个平垫圈和一个锁紧垫圈。对有外壳的变压器,其引出端装置的高度应是螺钉自由端至引出端安装表面的距离。引出端的类型、螺钉和规格、以及所有螺钉引出端的螺纹露出长度应按有关规定(见3.1)。 3.4.3 安装螺栓 当有规定时(见3.1),外伸的安装螺栓上应配有一个平垫圈和一个锁紧螺母,或配有一个平垫圈,一个锁紧垫圈和一个螺母。 3.4.4 内部引线 内部引线应保证良好的电气连接和机械强度。 3.4.5 漆 当规定表面涂漆时(见3.1),漆的颜色应为浅色、半光泽。制造厂不得在安装表面上涂漆。 3.4.6 外壳材料 若无其他规定(见3.1),外壳材料可以是金属材料,也可以是非金膺材料。 3.4.7 磁心 当有规定时(见3.1),磁心应与外壳连通接地,磁心应能进行电气连接。 3.4.8 灌封、填充或灌注材料 凡同一个设计的所有变压器,所使用的灌封、填充或灌注材料的总量和覆盖厚度应基本相同。在进行任何一项有关试验时,这些材料不应从变压器的外壳内流出。 3.5 可焊性 当变压器按4.6.2的规定进行试验时,应符合试验方法中评定引出端的有关判据。 3.6 耐溶剂 当变压器按4.6.3的规定进行试验时,应无机械损伤,标志应保持清晰。漆层或表面涂覆层不应出现软化、掉皮或其他恶化的痕迹。 3.7 老化 当有规定时(见3.1)变压器按4.6.4的规定进行试验,应无物理和机械损伤,且应符合规定的电气试验的要求。 3.8 耐焊接热 当变压器按4.6.5的规定进行试验时,应无绝缘软化、绕组或引出端松动。 3.9引 出端强度 当变压器按4.6.6至4.6.6.3的规定进行试验时,引出端应无松动、断裂或其他机械损伤。若引出端表面未出现裂纹,则弯曲不应认为是损坏。除软引出线外,引出端不应转动。 3.10 密封 变压器按4.6.7的规定进行试验时,应无液体渗漏和气泡溢出。 3.11 介质耐电压 当变压器按4.6.8的规定进行试验时,应无飞弧、闪络、绝缘击穿或其他损伤。漏电流不应超过详细规范的规定。 3.12 感应电压 当变压器按4.6.9的规定进行试验时,应无连续的飞弧或绝缘击穿,或输入电流的任何突变。 3.13 绕组连续性 当变压器按4.6.10的规定进行试验时,所有绕组在电气上均应连续。 3.14 绝缘电阻 当变压器按4.6.11的规定进行试验时,最小绝缘电阻应符合有关详细规范的规定,且不小于下列数值之一: a. 10000MΩ b. 1000MΩ c. 100MΩ 3.15 电气性能(包括波形参数) 当变压器按4.6.12的规定进行试验时,有关的电气性能(包括按6.6定义的波形参数)应符合有关规定(见3.1)。 3.16 温升 当变压器按4.6.13的规定进行试验时,任一绕组高出规定的最高环境温度(见3.1)的温升不应超过规定值(见3.1),且应无物理损伤。 3.17 寿命 当变压器按4.6.14的规定进行试验时,应无由于变压器出现断路(受试变压器内任何电路的连续性中断)或短路(例如匝间短路,或者层间绝缘、匝间绝缘、组间绝缘、绕组与外壳或磁心间的绝缘、或者绕组与屏蔽层之间的绝缘损坏>引起的物理或电气损伤。此外,变压器还应符合下列要求: a.绝缘电阻—--应符合3.l4的规定。 b.介质耐电压(大气压下)——应符合3.11的规定。 c.感应电压——应符合3.12的规定。 电气性能应保持在规定的允差或极限范围内(见3.1)。 3.18 盐雾 (当有规定时,见3.1)当变压器按4.6.15的规定进行试验时,应无由于任何可见表面恶化(爆皮、凹坑、起泡、或其他疏松的保护涂层或金属表面)所呈现的腐蚀。 3.19 振动 当变压器按4.6.16的规定进行试验时,应无填充材料漏出,无其它物理损伤(例如裂缝、爆裂或外壳变形)。 3.20 冲击 当变压器按4.6.17的规定进行试验时,应无填充材料漏出、其它物理损伤(例如裂缝、爆裂或外壳变形),亦无影响机械或电气运行的腐蚀。 3.21 温度冲击 当变压器按4.6.18的规定进行试验时,应无填充材料漏出、其它物理损伤(例如裂缝、爆裂或外壳变形),亦无影响机械或电气运行的腐蚀。 3.22 浸水 当变压器按4.6.19的规定进行试验时,应无填充材料漏出、其它物理损伤(例如裂缝、爆裂或外壳变形),亦无影响机械或电气运行的腐蚀。 3.23 耐湿 当变压器按4.6.20的规定进行试验时,应无填充材料漏出、其它物理损伤(例如裂缝、爆裂或外壳变形),亦无影响机械或电气运行的腐蚀。 3.24 过负荷 当变压器按4.6.21的规定进行试验时,应无填充材料漏出,无其它物理损伤(例如裂缝、爆裂或外壳变形)。 3.2.5 外观和机械检查(试验后) 当变压器按4.的规定进行检查时,表面掉皮、爆皮、破碎、裂缝、龟裂或其它保护涂层的损伤应不超过整个表面积的10%,应无填充材料漏出、无其它物理损伤(例如裂缝、爆裂或外壳变形)亦无影响变压器的机械或电气运行的腐蚀。 3.26 易燃性 当变压器按4.6.22的规定进行试验时,应无导致爆发型火焰的剧烈燃烧,变压器上使用的涂覆材料应具有自灭性能。若变压器被外加火焰引着,但未滴落着了火的物质,亦未出现爆发型火焰,则不应认为变压器已经失效。只要产生爆发型火焰,出现着火物质的滴落、或在移去外加火焰后,可见燃烧超过允许的3min,则应认为变压器已经失效。凡满足下列条件的材料将认为具有自灭性: a.移去外加火焰后,可见火焰持续时间不超过3min。 b.未出现爆发性火焰,也未出现任何导致爆发型火焰的剧烈燃烧。 c.受试变压器没有滴落着火的物质。 3.27 莓菌(当有规定时,见3.1) 所有外部材料应不含霉菌,或者应进行适当处理以阻止莓菌生长。制造厂应保证所有外部材料是防霉的(见4.6.23),或者应进行4.6.23规定的试验,变压器的外表面应无霉菌生长。 3.28 标志 每个变压器应有清楚的标志,其内容至少包括;产品型号或标记;制造臼期或生产批号。若要求的标志内容需占用的面积大于外壳一侧的面积,则可以将标志内容标在外壳的几个侧面上。若标志面积有限,无法容纳要求标志的全部内容,则应按上面所列标志内容的先后顺序,尽可能的多标出一些内容。在所有试验完成后,标志内容仍应保持清晰可辨。属于分类特征的任何标志内容均不必标出。 若无其他规定(见3.1),引出端应采用适当的数字编号进行标志。若标志面积有限不允许采用这种编号标志时,应使用表4规定的色码。 表4 引出端色码 黑0 棕1 红2 橙3 黄4 绿5 蓝6 紫7 灰8 白9 3.29 加工质量 变压器应采用能保证质量一致性的工艺进行加工,且应根据适用情况满足3.3、3.4和3.28条的要求,不应有影响寿命和外观的缺陷。 4 质量保证规定 4.1 检验责任 若合同或订货单上无其它规定,承制方应负责完成本规范规定的所有检验项目。除合同或订货单上另有规定外,承制方可以使用自己的或任何其它的适合完成本规范规定的检验要求的设施,但有关主管部门不许可的除外。必要时,订购方或上级主管部门有权对本规范规定的任一检验项目进行检查。 4.1.1 合格责任 所有产品必须符合本规范第3章和第5章的所有要求。本规范中规定的检验应成为承制方整个检验体系或质量大纲的一个组成部分。若合同中包括规范未规定的检验要求,承制方还应保证所提交验收的产品符合合同要求。质量一致性抽样不允许提交明知有缺陷的产品,也不能要求订购方接收有缺陷的产品。 4.1.2 试验设备和检验装置 承制方应建立和维持具有足够精确度、质量和数量的试验设备、测量设备和检验装置,以便进行所要求的检验。同时,应建立和维持符合规定的计量校准系,以控制测量和试验设备的精确度。 4.2 检验分类 本规范规定的检验分类如下: a.鉴定检验(见4.4); b.质量一致性检验(见4.5)。 4.3 检验条件 除本规范另有规定外,所有检验都应在GJB 360.1第4章规定的试验的标准大气条件下进行。 4.3.1 试验频率 当本规范规定了标称试验频率时,所使用试验频率值的偏差应在标称值的±2%以内。 4.3.2 试验电压 进行介质耐电压试验时,所施加的试验电压的峰值不应超出标准正弦波电压峰值的5%。 4.4 鉴定检验 鉴定检验应在有关主管部门认可的试验室进行(见6.2),应采用在生产时用正常使用的设备和工艺生产出来的样品进行试验。 4.4.1 变压器按全部试验项目进行的鉴定检验 样品数量 提交鉴定检验用的变压器样品数量应符合本规范附录A的规定。 检验程序 应将样品按表5规定的试验项目和顺序以及本规范附录A的规定经受鉴定检验。 表5 鉴定检验 检查或试验 类别 要求条款 方法条款 4 5 6 7 8 1组(4个样品) 可焊性2) 耐溶剂(4个样品)1) 2组(所有样品) 老化(当规定时) 外观和机械检查(外部) 耐焊接热2) 引出端强度 密封 介质耐电压(大气压下) 介质耐电压(低气压下) (当适用时) 感应电压 绕组连续性 绝缘电阻 绝缘电阻 绝缘电阻 电气性能(包括波形参数) 温升(2个样品〉 3组(2个样品) 寿命 感应电压 绕组连续性 绝缘电阻 绝缘电阻 绝缘电阻 介质耐电压(降低试验电压) 电气性能(包括波形参数) 外观和机械梭查(外部) 4组(6个样品) 盐雾(当有规定时) 振动(低频) 振动(高频) 冲击 绕组连续性 感应电压 介质耐电压(降低试验电压) 温度冲击 绕组连续性 浸渍 耐湿 感应电压 绕组连续性 绝缘电阻 介质耐电压(降低试验电压) 过负荷 感应电压 绕组连续性 绝缘电阻 绝缘电阻 介质耐电压(降低试验电压) 外观和机械检查(外部) (试验后) 电气性能(包括波形参数) 易燃性(2个样品) 外观和机械检查(内部) (3个样品) 5组 霉菌3) × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.1,3.3 3.4至3.4.2.3 3.4.5至3.4.7 3.28至3.29 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14(a) 3.14(b) 3.14(c) 3.15 3.16 3.17 3.12 3.13 3.14(a) 3.14(b) 3.14(c) 3.11 3.1,3.3 3.4至3.4.2.3 3.4.4至3.4.7 3.28至3.29 3.18 3.19 3.19 3.20 3.13 3.12 3.11 3.21 3.13 3.22 3.23 3.12 3.13 3.14(a) 3.11 3.24 3.12 3.13 3.14(b) 3.14(c) 311 3.25 3.15 3.26 3.3,3.4,4.4, 3.4.7,3.4.8 3.29 3.27 4.6.2 4.6.3 4.6.4 4.6.5 4.6.6 4.6.7 4.6.9 4.6.10 4.6.11 4.6.11 4.6.11 4.6.12 4.6.13 4.6.14 4.6.9 4.6.10 4.6.11 4.6.11 4.6.11 4.6.15 4.6.17 4.6.10 4.6.9 4.6.18 4.6.10 4.6.19 4.6.20 4.6.9 4.6.10 4.6.11 4.6.21 4.6.9 4.6.10 4.6.11 4.6.11 4.6.12 4.6.22 4.6.23 注:1)仅对印制电路型变压器,或当有规定时(见3.1)。 2)仅对可焊接型引出端:若采用烙铁法(进行可焊接试验,则耐焊接热试验(无需进行。 3)若生产厂能提供证明所有外部材料均系防霉的证明书,则霉菌试验不必进行。 4)表中“×”表示应做的试验项目。 失效 一个或一个以上的样品失效不应授予鉴定批准。 4.4.2 变压器按相似性规划进行的鉴定检验 只对满足附录A2.2.1条要求的变压器进行这种鉴定检验。 样品数量 提交鉴定检验用的变压器样品数量应符合本规范附录A的规定。 检验程序 应将样品按表6规定的试验项目和顺序进行鉴定检验。 表6 与已经鉴定合格的变压器相似的变压器的鉴定检验
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