Industrial automation systems and integration—Integration of life-cycle data for process plants including oil and gas production facilities—Part 12: Life-cycle integration ontology represented in Web Ontology Language(OWL)
Industrial automation systems and integration-Integration of life-cycle data for process plants including oil and gas production facilities - Part 12 : Life cycle integration ontology represented in Web Ontology Language (OWL)
1 Scope
This document specifies an ontology for the integration of industrial data throughout its life-cycle. The ontology is represented in OWL.
Note 1: The ontology implements capabilities of the life-cycle integration schema of ISO 15926-2.
Note 2: OWL has a representation in RDF. Therefore, this document provides an ability to query life-cycle integration data using Simple Protocol and RDF Query Language (SPARQL).
The following are within the scope of this document:
- fundamental subclasses of an individual that exists in an actual or possible world, including physical object, activity and event;
- relationships between physical objects, activities and events, including the creation and destruction of physical objects;
- whole-part relationships between physical objects, including temporal part relationships that implement a 4D approach to change over time;
- points and periods in time;
- points and regions in space;
- the identification of points in time by text strings in the format defined by ISO 8601.
The following are outside the scope of this document:
- definitions of physical quantities and measurement scales;
- knowledge organization and document metadata specifications;
- approval and status;
- geometry and topology, including shape.
Note 3: Geometry and topology are covered by ISO/TS 15926-3.
2 Normative references
There are no normative references in this document.
3 Terms, definitions, symbols and abbreviated terms
3.1 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
individual (3.1.5 ) that is something happening or changing
individual (3.1.5) that has zero extent in time
formal statement of an understanding of the world
Note 1: An ontology can be represented in any language. It need not be represented in a language specifically designed for ontologies, such as OWL. An ontology can have different representations.
Note 2: An ontology does not specify what data need to be recorded about the world.
Note 3: The ontology defined by this document is principally concerned with the world outside a computer system.
physical object
individual (3.1.5) that is a distribution of energy, matter or both
thing that exists in space and time
Note: An individual can exist in the actual world or in a possible world that is a prediction, plan or scenario
assigning the same name to objects that are treated as different in OWL Direct Semantics
temporal part relationship
whole-part relationship (3.1.8) such that the part is all of the whole for a period of time
whole-part relationship
relationship between two individuals (3.1.5) such that 4D extent of one is part of the 4D extent of the other
3.2 Abbreviated terms
4D: 4-dimensional
FPSO: Floating Production Storage and Offloading
IRI: Internationalized Resource Identifier
Lci: Life-Cycle Integration
Note: This initialization is used in lower case as the TURTLE prefix for things in the life cycle integration ontology.
NORSOK: Norsk Sokkels Konkuranseposisjon
OWL: Web Ontology Language
PED: Pressurized Equipment Directive
RDF: Resource Description Framework
RDL: Reference Data Library
SPARQL: Simple Protocol and RDF Query Language
TURTLE: Terse RDF Triple Language
3.3 Symbols
This document contains examples with diagrams which show instantiations of ISO 15926. The concise notation is used for these diagrams as defined in Figure 1.
3.4 Identification of classes and properties and reference in text
The classes and properties defined by this document have natural language identifiers which are in lower case and which contain spaces where appropriate.
The classes and properties defined by this document have Internationalized Resource Identifiers (IRIs) with suffices derived from their natural language identifiers as follows:
- spaces are removed and encoded by camel-case;
- classes have an initial upper case letter;
- properties have an initial lower case letter.
The normative text of this document refers to a class or property in the following ways:
- if the class or property is defined by this document, then the text has the identifier of the class or property in bold font;
- otherwise, the text has the identifier of the class or property in normal font and in quotes and states the source.
The text of an example in this document has the identifier of an example class or property in normal font and in quotes.
4 Implementation of the life-cycle integration ontology
4.1 Data that conforms to the ontology
Implementation of the life-cycle ontology represented in OWL shall use the representation of the ontology in Annex A. Various examples are presented in Annex D, Annex F and Annex G.
Data that conforms to the life-cycle integration ontology shall consist of members of thing and statements that are relationships between them. A thing is either:
- individual: something that exists in space and time, and that has variation defined in 4D;
- abstract object: something that does not exist in space and time.
Note 1: owl: Thing can be something other than an individual or abstract object. Therefore, thing is a subclass of owl: Thing.
Note 2: An abstract object can be:
- class of individual: class that has individuals as members;
- class of class of individual: class that has classes of individual as members; or a higher order power class of individual.
There are very few things that are members of abstract object but not members of class of individual or class of class of individual. Most of these are:
- classes that have a mixture of individuals, classes of individual, and classes of class of individual as members;
An example is the class that consists of all classes defined by this document.
- relationships that are recorded as mappings.
An example is the mapping “identification by UK vehicle registration number”, which is shown in Annex D. The mapping "identification by UK vehicle registration number" has a representation space assigned by relationship with the “UK Driver and Vehicle Licencing Authority”. Using OWL punning, the mapping is also an owl: ObjectProperty, an owl: FunctionalProperty and an owl: InverseFunctionalProperty.
A statement of the relationship between things shall not be qualified in any way. If a statement is true for a particular period in time, then temporal parts of the related individuals shall be defined. If a statement is true for a particular scenario, or “possible world”, then individuals that exist only within that possible world shall be defined.