This document has been drafted in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 1.1-2020 "Guidelines for standardization work Part 1: Structure and drafting rules for standardization documents".
This document is Part 2 of GB/T 5291 "Inspection of the accuracy of EDM machines". GB/T 5291 has been published in the following parts;
--Part 1: Single column machine tools (cross table type and fixed table type);
--Part 1:Double column machine tools (moving spindle head type).
This document replaces GB/T 5291.2-2003 "EDM ﹑ accuracy inspection part 2: double column machine tools (mobile spindle head type and cross-table type)", compared with GB/T 5291.2-2003, in addition to structural adjustments and editorial changes, the main technical changes are as follows:
--Added the requirements of "machine leveling" and "software compensation" (see 5.3, 5.7);
--changed the geometric accuracy tolerances of the X-axis, Y-axis, Z-axis and other linear axes of motion (see 6.1, 5.1 of the 2003 edition);
--Added the item "Inspection of the straightness of the spindle (Z-axis) movement" (see G3 in 6.1);
--In "Geometric accuracy inspection", the name of the inspection item "deflection" has been changed to "angular deviation" (see G7 in 6.1). See G7 in 6.1 and G6 in 5.1 of the 2003 edition);
--Deleted the item "Inspection of the straightness of the table datum T-slot or datum surface in the X-direction" (see G9 in 5.2 of the 2003 edition);
--Deleted the item "Check of parallelism between the table reference T-slot or reference surface and the X-axis movement" (see G10 in 5.2 of the 2003 edition);
--Tolerance values for checking the parallelism between the electrode mounting plate and the X-/Y-axis movement (8) have been changed (see G10 in 6.3, G11 in 2003 version).
G11 in 5.3);
--Deleted the item "Check of lateral clearance between spindle and table" (see G14 in 5.3 of the 2003 edition);
--Deletion of the "Manual axis operation" check (see 6.1 of the 803 edition);
--Tolerances for positioning accuracy, repeatability and position reversal differences for the X, Y and Z axes have been changed (see chapter 7, 6.2 of the 2003 edition).
This document is equivalent to ISO 11090-2:2014 "Test conditions for EDM machines Accuracy test Part 2: Double column machines (moving spindle head type)".
The following minimal editorial changes have been made to this document:
--To harmonize with existing standards, the name of the standard has been changed to "EDM machine tools, accuracy inspection Part 2: Double column machine tools (moving spindle head type)";
--The normative reference to ISO 1101 in Chapter 8 has been included in Chapter 2.
Please note that some of the contents of this document may relate to patents. The issuing authority of this document does not assume responsibility for identifying patents. This document is presented by the China Machinery Industry Federation.
This document is attributed to the National Technical Committee for Standardisation of Special Machining Machines (SAC/TC 161).
In order to distinguish between single column and double column EDM machines, GB/T 5291 consists of 2 parts.
--Part l: Single column machines (cross table type and fixed table type). The purpose of this document is to standardise the inspection methods for EDM machines of conventional accuracy and general use (cross table type and fixed table type).
--Part 2; Double column machines (moving spindle head type). The purpose of this document is to standardise the test methods for EDM machines (moving spindle head type) for general purpose and conventional accuracy.
The tolerances of G1, G2, G3, G5, P1, P2, P3 and P4 in this document have been modified according to GB/T 5291.2-2003. The names of machine tool axes in GB/T 5291.2-2003 have been modified in accordance with GB/T 19660-2005.
Cross-table type machine tools (3.2 of GB/T 5291.2-2003) have been removed due to their limited applicability in the current market. Due to the limited applicability of T-slots on typical machines in the current market, the following tests of GB/T 5291.2-2003 have been deleted; G9 "Inspection of straightness of table reference T-slots or datum surfaces in the X-direction" and G10 "Inspection of parallelism between table reference T-slots or datum surfaces and X-axis movement ".
1 Scope
This document specifies, with reference to ISO 230-1 and ISO 230-2, the inspection of the geometrical accuracy, the inspection of the positioning accuracy and repeatability of the CNC axes and the inspection of the machining accuracy of EDM machines for general purpose, conventional accuracy. This document also specifies the tolerance values corresponding to these tests.
This document applies to double-column machines with moving spindle head type.
This document only relates to the verification of the machine's accuracy and does not apply to the machine's operational tests (vibration, abnormal noise, creep of parts, etc.) or to the inspection of its parameters (e.g. speed, feed, etc.), which are usually appropriate prior to the accuracy check.
This document also specifies the terminology used for the main components of the machine tool, and the nomenclature of the axes can be found in GB/T19660-2005.
Note: In addition to the terms expressed in the official ISO languages (English, French), the equivalent terms are given in Appendix A in Dutch, German, Italian, Swedish, Persian and Japanese. The publication of these language standards is the responsibility of the national member groups of the Netherlands (NEN), Germany (DIN), Italy (UNI), Sweden (SIS), Iran (ISIRD) and Japan (JISC). However, only terms given in official languages are considered ISO terms.
2 Normative references
The contents of the following documents constitute essential provisions of this document through the normative references in the text. Where a reference is dated, only the version corresponding to that date applies to this document; where a reference is not dated, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document.
ISO 230-1: 2012 General rules for the inspection of machine tools Part 1: Geometrical accuracy of machine tools under unloaded or quasi-static conditions
Note: GB/T 17421.1-1998 General rules for the inspection of machine tools Part 1: Geometrical accuracy of machine tools under unloaded or finishing conditions (eqv ISO 230-1:1996)
ISO 230-2:2014 General rules for the inspection of machine tools Part 2: Determination of positioning accuracy and repeatability of CNC axes
Note:GB/T 17421.2-2016 General rules for the inspection of machine tools, Part 2: Determination of positioning accuracy and repeatability of CNC axes (ISO 230-2:2006,IDT)
ISO 1101 Product geometrical specifications (GPS) for geometrical tolerances, shape, orientation, position and runout tolerances
Note:GB/T 1182-2018 Product geometry specifications (GPS) Geometric tolerances for shape, orientation, position and runout (ISO 1101:2017, MOD)
3 Terminology and definitions
4 Nomenclature and naming of axes
See Figure 1 and Table 1.
Note: See GB/T 19660-2005 for the nomenclature of the machine axes in Fig. 1. However, the selection of the X and Y axes may be interchangeable to suit the axis length and/or the operator's position requirements.
5 General rules
6 Geometric accuracy check
7 CNC axis positioning accuracy inspection
8 Machining accuracy check
Appendix A (informative) Equivalent terms in Dutch, German, Italian, Swedish, Persian and Japanese
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terminology and definitions
4 Nomenclature and naming of axes
5 General rules
6 Geometric accuracy check
7 CNC axis positioning accuracy inspection
8 Machining accuracy check
Appendix A (informative) Equivalent terms in Dutch, German, Italian, Swedish, Persian and Japanese