GB/T 5137 consists of 5 parts under the general title Test methods of safety glazing materials used on road vehicles:
——Part 1: Mechanical properties tests;
——Part 2: Optical properties tests;
——Part 3: Radiation, high temperature, humidity, fire and simulated weathering resistance tests;
——Part 4: Determination of solar characteristic;
——Part 5: Resistant-to-chemical and resistant-to-temperature changes test.
This is Part 4 of GB/T 5137.
This part is developed in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This standard replaces GB/T 5137.4-2001 Road vehicles - Safety glazing materials - Method for the determination of solar transmittance. In addition to editorial changes, the following main technical changes have been made with respect to GB/T 5137.4-2001:
——The scope is modified (see Clause 1 hereof; Clause 1 of Edition 2001);
——The "Referenced standards" is modified as "Normative references" and new normative references are added (see Clause 2 hereof; Clause 2 of Edition 2001);
——Some of the definitions in the Edition 2001 are deleted (see Clause 3 hereof; Clause 3 of Edition 2001);
——The requirements for environmental conditions are added (see Clause 4 hereof):
——The "convention B" in Edition 2001 is deleted (see 4.4.2 of Edition 2001);
——The calculation method of solar ultraviolet transmittance at the air mass of 1.5 is added (see 8.1 hereof);
——The calculation method of solar infrared direct transmittance is added (see 8.6 hereof);
——The calculation method of solar infrared direct reflectance is added (see 8.7 hereof);
——The calculation method of solar infrared direct absorptance is added (see 8.8 hereof);
——The calculation method of total solar infrared heat transmittance is added (see 8.10 hereof).
This part has been redrafted and modified in relation to ISO 13837:2008 Road vehicles - Safety glazing materials - Method for the determination of solar transmittance.
Test methods of safety glazing materials used on road vehicles - Part 4: Determination of solar characteristic
1 Scope
This part of GB/T 5137 specifies test methods to determine the solar characteristics of safety glazing materials used on road vehicles, including solar ultraviolet transmittance, solar direct transmittance, solar direct reflectance, solar direct absorptance, solar infrared direct transmittance, solar infrared direct reflectance, solar infrared direct absorptance, total solar energy transmittance, and total solar infrared heat transmittance.
This part is applicable to the tests of solar characteristics of safety glazing materials used on road vehicles.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 2680 Determination of light transmittance, solar direct transmittance, total solar energy transmittance and ultraviolet transmittance for glass in building and related glazing factors (GB/T 2680-1994, ISO 9050:1990, NEQ)
EN 673 Glass in building - Determination of thermal transmittance (U value) - Calculation method
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in QC/T 1119 and the following apply.
ratio of the radiation flux transmitted through the safety glazing materials to the incident radiation flux, under specified geometric and spectral conditions
4 Environmental conditions
Unless otherwise specified, the tests shall be carried out under the following environmental conditions:
a) Ambient temperature: 20℃±5℃;
b) Atmospheric pressure: 8.60×104 Pa~1.06×105 Pa;
c) Relative humidity: 30%~60%.
Foreword i 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 Environmental conditions 5 Test apparatus 6 Test piece 7 Test procedure 8 Data processing 9 Presentation of results Annex A (Informative) Structural changes of this part with reference to ISO 13837:2008 Annex B (Informative) Technical differences between this part and ISO 13837:2008 and their causes Bibliography
ICS 43.040.60 T 34
GB/T 5137.4-2020
替代GB/T 5137.4-2001
Test methods of safety glazing materials used on road vehicles - Part 4: Determination of solar characteristic