1 General Provisions
1.0.1 This standard is prepared to integrate the valuated building services and components' classification and standardize the valuation of the building project.
1.0.2 This standard is applicable to the valuated building services and components' classification and grouping and calculating of the valuated building services and components.
1.0.3 The building services and components’ classification is the basis for the cost of the building; during the preparation of the construction cost related documents, the costs for the equipment shall be, according to the requirements of this standard, included into the equipment procurement cost and that for the building components shall be included into the building or installation cost depending on the discipline classification.
1.0.4 Various disciplines department or sectors may specify the building services and components’ classification of the disciplines according to this standard and not violating the principle of building services and components’ classification specified in this standard.
1.0.5 The construction cost document preparation shall not only comply with this standard but the requirements of the current relevant national standards when the building services and components’ classification is involved.
2 Terms
2.0.1 Equipment
The machine, container or complete device which are machined and have the unique construction composed of various parts according to the functions and used for manufacturing and processing, power, transmission, store, transport, research, capacity and energy transfer or switch.
2.0.2 Building services
The equipment used to serve the building and the associated ancillary works in terms of electrical, heating, ventilation and air conditioning, water supply and drainage, communication and building intelligence.
2.0.3 Process equipment
Various fixed and mobile device used to serve the productive construction project such as industry and traffic.
2.0.4 Standard equipment
Series of equipment subjected to the lot production according to the national or industrial product standards.
2.0.5 Nonstandard equipment
The special equipment to which no national or industrial standards are provided and will not be subjected to the lot production and generally is designed specifically and made by the equipment manufacturer or processed and made in the manufacturer or construction site by the construction enterprises.
2.0.6 Predominant process component
The predominant process or device components in the productive projects such as industry and traffic, such as long-distance pipeline, long-distance cable and long-distance optical fibre cable, as well as the valve and tool in compliance with the required specification, pressure and materials.
2.0.7 Building component
The parts and accessories, finished product and semi-finished product other than the equipment body, required for the building and installation works and subjected to the industrial processing.
1 General Provisions
2 Terms
3 General Requirements
3.1 The Principle of Building Services and Components' Classification
3.2 The Grouping and Calculating of Valuated Building Services and Components
4 The Subitem of Building Services and Components' Classification
4.1 The General Installation Work of Building Services and Components' Classification
4.2 The Transport of Building Services and Components' Classification
Explanation of Wording in This Code