This standard specifies the terms and definitions, symbols and abbreviations, general requirements, test scenarios, methods and requirements for the field test methods and requirements for the automatic driving function of intelligent networked vehicles.
This standard applies to M and N class vehicles with automatic driving function as well as car trains and articulated buses that conduct field tests, and other vehicles can be implemented with reference.
2 Normative reference documents
The contents of the following documents constitute the essential provisions of this document through the normative references in the text. Among them, note the date of the cited documents, only the version corresponding to the date applies to this document; do not note the date of the cited documents, the latest version of its (including all the revision of the list) applies to this document.
GB 5768 (all parts) Road Traffic Signs and Markings
GB14886 Code for Setting and Installation of Road Traffic Lights
GB 14887 Road Traffic Lights
GB/T 24720 Traffic cone
GB/T 24973 Electric Railings for Toll Collection
GB/T40429 Classification of Driving Automation
3 Terms and definitions
The terms and definitions defined in GB/T 40429-2021 apply to this document.
4 Symbols and abbreviations
The following symbols apply to this document
Vmax maximum design operating speed in km/h.
5 General requirements
5.1 Test site
The test site shall meet the following conditions.
a) The test site has a concrete or asphalt surface with good adhesion capacity.
b) The test site meets the requirements of the test scenario.
c) Traffic signs and markings on the test site are clearly visible and comply with the requirements of GB5768.
d) The test scenario infrastructure meets the requirements of GB14886, GB14887, GB/T24973 and JTG/TD71.
e) The necessary data and facility conditions for the test vehicle's autopilot mode to be turned on properly.
5.2 Test environment
The test environment shall meet the following conditions.
a) the electromagnetic environment does not significantly affect the test results; b) the weather is good and the light is normal.
If the test vehicle needs to be tested in special weather and light conditions at night, reference can be made to Appendix A.
5.3 Test equipment and data acquisition
5.3.1 Target object
The target vehicles, bicycles and motorbikes should be mass-produced ordinary passenger cars, two-wheeled bicycles and two-wheeled ordinary motorbikes, or flexible targets with surface characteristics that are representative of the above vehicles and adapted to the sensor system. The speed control accuracy of the target vehicle shall be ±2km/h.
5.3.2 Test record content
The test procedure record shall contain the following elements.
a) The vehicle control mode.
b) test vehicle motion state parameters:
c) the status of the vehicle lights and related cue messages.
d) in-vehicle video and voice monitoring reflecting the driver and human-machine interaction status.
e) Video information reflecting the driving status of the test vehicle.
f) the position and movement data of the target object.
5.3.3 Test equipment accuracy
The test equipment shall meet the following requirements.
a) motion state sampling and storage at a frequency of at least 50 Hz.
b) Video capture equipment with a resolution of not less than (640 x 480) pixel points.
c) Speed acquisition accuracy of at least 0.1km/h.
d) Lateral and vertical position acquisition accuracy of at least 0.1m
e) Acceleration acquisition accuracy of at least 0.1m/s2.
5.3.4 Human-machine interaction requirements for the test vehicle
The test vehicle shall meet the following human-machine interaction requirements.
a) The automatic driving mode can be turned on and off easily for manual operation.
b) The system status and man-machine conversion process prompts are clearly visible.
5.4 Test procedure
5.4.1 Load requirements
The test vehicle meets the following load requirements.
a) If the test vehicle is a passenger vehicle, the mass of the test vehicle shall be between the overall vehicle mass plus the total mass of the driver and test equipment (the total mass of the driver and test equipment shall not exceed 150 kg) and the maximum permissible total mass.
b) If the test vehicle is a commercial vehicle, the test vehicle shall be tested in the state of the whole vehicle's overall mass and the maximum permissible gross mass respectively, and the description of the mass shall conform to the requirements of GB/T3730.2-1996.
5.4.2 Process management The test process shall select the test items according to the driving area of the test vehicle under the designed operating conditions. Among them, the test items corresponding to the driving area shall be selected according to Appendix B. If the automatic driving mode requires a guided vehicle as a condition for the normal start of the automatic driving mode, the test process shall set up the guided vehicle and record it in accordance with
5.3.2 The data of the guided vehicle shall be recorded in accordance with 5.3.2 and the guided vehicle shall have no influence on the test result. The following requirements shall be met during the test.
a) Each test item is completed in the automatic driving mode.
b) No adjustment of vehicle loads.
c) No software version or hardware configuration changes are made.
5.5 Test pass conditions
The test procedure shall complete the test items selected in and each test item shall be repeated three times in accordance with the test method and shall meet the passing requirements for its design operating conditions on all three occasions.
6 Test items
6.1 Speed limit signs
6.1.1 Test scenario
The test road is a long straight road containing at least one lane, and the corresponding speed limit and lifting speed limit sign values are selected in Table 1 according to Vmax, with a minimum distance of 100 metres between signs. This is shown in Figure 1.
6.1.2 Test method
The test vehicle is driven towards the speed limit sign in a long straightaway at a speed 75% above the initial road speed limit.
6.1.3 Passing requirements The front end of the test vehicle passes the speed limit sign at a speed no higher than that indicated by the speed limit sign. When travelling between speed limit signs, the test vehicle shall travel at a speed no less than 75% of the speed limit for that section of road. When passing 200m after the speed limit sign is lifted, the test vehicle will be travelling at a speed no less than 75% of the speed limit for that section of road.
6.2 Lane lines
6.2.1 Test scenario
The test road is a combination of long straight and curved road, the length of the curved road should be greater than 100 m. According to Vmax in Table 2, select one of the corresponding minimum bend radius values, and set the corresponding speed limit signage. As shown in Figure 2.
6.2.2 Test method
The test vehicle is driven into and out of the bend from the long straight.
6.2.3 Passing requirements
6.3 Stop and yield signs and markings
6.3.1 Test scenario
The test road shall be at least two T-junctions with one lane each, and stop and yield signs and stop and yield markings shall be set at the intersection. As shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3 Schematic Diagram of Stop and Yield Sign Marking Test Scenarios
6.3.2 Test method
The test vehicle drives to the parking line in the lane.
6.3.3 Passing requirements
6.4 Motor vehicle signal lights at intersections
6.4.1 Test scenario
The test road is a long straight road with at least one lane, and motor vehicle signal lamps are set in the road section, and the speed limit of the road section is 40km/h. As shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4 Schematic Diagram of Motor Vehicle Signal Lamp Test Scenarios
6.4.2 Test method
The test vehicle drives towards the motor vehicle signal lamp in the lane. The initial state of the motor vehicle signal lamp is green, which is randomly adjusted to one of the following two signal lamp states:
a) Green light passing: the signal light remains green;
b) Stop of red light: when the front end of the test vehicle is 40m~60m away from the stop line, the signal light changes from green to yellow for 3s, then turns red and turns green after 30s.
In the process of passing the scene test for three times, the above signal lamp states appear at least once.
6.4.3 Passing requirements
6.5 Direction indicator lamp
6.5.3 Passing requirements When the green light passing test is conducted, the test vehicle shall pass the intersection and enter the corresponding lane, and there shall be no stopping during the passing process. When conducting the red lamp stop test, the requirements are as follows:
a) The test vehicle shall stop in front of the stop line after the red light is turned on, and no part of the vehicle body shall cross the stop line;
b) When the test vehicle is a passenger car, the minimum distance between the front end of the vehicle and the stop line shall not be greater than 2m; When the signal light turns green, the starting time shall not exceed 3s;
c) When the test vehicle is a commercial vehicle, the minimum distance between the front end of the vehicle and the stop line shall not be greater than 4m; When the signal light turns green, the starting time shall not exceed 5s.
6.6 Expressway lane signal light
6.6.1 Test scenario
Appendix A (informative) Test Methods for Night and Special Weather
Appendix B (Normative) Classification and Selection of Test Items
1 Scope 2 Normative reference documents 3 Terms and definitions 4 Symbols and abbreviations 5 General requirements 6 Test items Appendix A (informative) Test Methods for Night and Special Weather Appendix B (Normative) Classification and Selection of Test Items