is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
This document is drafted in accordance with GB/T 1.1-2020 Directives for standardization - Part 1: Rules for the structure and drafting of standardizing documents.
This document is Part 19 of GB/T 2900 Electrotechnical terminology. More than 100 parts have been issued in GB/T 2900.
This document replaces GB/T 2900.19-2009 Electrotechnical terminology - High-voltage test technique and insulation co-ordination. In addition to structural adjustments and editorial changes, the following main technical changes have been made with respect GB/T 2900.19-2009:
——The following terms and definitions are added: rated voltage for d.c. equipment (see 3.1.7), nominal d.c. voltage (see 3.1.9), highest d.c voltage (see 3.1.10), non-disruptive discharge (see, corona (see 3.1.14), leakage current (see 3.1.15), dielectric dissipation factor (see 3.1.16), insulation resistance (see 3.1.17), altitude correction factor (see, standard withstand voltage test (see, prospective characteristics of a test voltage (see, actual characteristics of a test voltage (see, withstand voltage of a test object (see, assured disruptive discharge voltage of a test object (see, and co-ordination withstand voltage (see 3.3.21);
——The following terms and definitions are modified: high-voltage techniques (see 3.1.1; 2.1 of Edition 1994), equipment for electric power transmission and distribution (see 3.1.3; 2.3 of Edition 1994), nominal voltage of a three-phase system (see 3.1.4; 2.4 of Edition 1994), highest voltage of a three-phase system (see 3.1.5; 2.5 of Edition 1994), rated voltage for equipment (see 3.1.6; 2.6 of Edition 1994), highest voltage of equipment (see 3.1.8; 2.7 of Edition 1994), voltage stress (see 3.1.11; 2.10 of Edition 1994), disruptive discharge (see; 4.4 of Edition 1994), flashover (see; 4.1 of Edition 1994), spark discharge (see; 4.2 of Edition 1994), puncture (see; 4.3 of Edition 1994), withstand voltage (set and statistical) (see 3.3.20; 3.38 of Edition 1994), and measuring system (see 3.4.2; 5.2 of Edition 1994);
——The following terms and definitions are deleted: standard impulse current (see 4.36 of Edition 1994), local discharge capacity (see 4.53 of Edition 1994), cascade power-frequency test transformer (see 5.1.2 of Edition 1994), power frequency resonant testing transformer (see 5.1.3 of Edition 1994), digital photographic system (see 5.2.8 of Edition 1994) and (screen) memory oscilloscope (see 5.3.5 of Edition 1994).
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. The issuing body of this document shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
This document was proposed by the China Electrical Equipment Industry Association.
This document is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee on High Voltage Test Techniques and Insulation Coordination of Standardization Administration of China (SAC/ TC 163).
The previous editions of this document are as follows:
——This standard was firstly issued with the code of GB/T 2900.19-1982; firstly revised in 1994;
——This is the second revision.
GB/T 2900 Electrotechnical terminology includes a list of parts. The purpose of developing electrotechnical terminology standards is to provide accurate, concise and correct definitions of concepts recognized in the fields of electrics, electronics and telecommunications, and to designate the terms expressing such concepts. The "standardization-oriented” development of electrotechnical terminology standards aims to help standard writers to prepare standards, help users understand and implement them, and also help translators to translate normative (and more generally technical) texts. The purpose of defining electrotechnical terms is not to cover all the terms used in all kinds of electrical technical standards, but to define general terms related to electrical technology.
This document is Part 19 of GB/T 2900. This document is formulated for standardizing the electrotechnical terms, related to high voltage test technology and insulation coordination, used in standards, technical documents, professional manuals, teaching materials, books and periodicals, etc. It will serve the personnel engaged in departments of scientific research, design, production, teaching, publishing and others in relevant fields.
Electrotechnical terminology - High-voltage test technique and insulation co-ordination
1 Scope
This document defines the relevant terms used in the fields of high voltage test technique and insulation co-ordination.
This document is applicable to the scientific and technical fields related to high voltage test technique and insulation co-ordination involved with three-phase a.c. systems with a nominal voltage above 1 kV and d.c. systems with a nominal voltage above 1.5 kV.
2 Normative references
No normative reference is included in this document.
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
3.1 General terms
high-voltage techniques
techniques relevant to high voltage, strong electric field, insulation, over-voltage and insulation co-ordination, high voltage test and others in high voltage applications
high-voltage electric power equipment
general name of high-voltage equipment for power generation, transmission and distribution in a power system
equipment for electric power transmission and distribution
general name of power equipment and materials used for power transmission and distribution and ones for control, measurement and protection of such power equipment in a power system
nominal voltage of a three-phase system
suitable, approximate voltage value used to represent or identify the interphase voltage (r.m.s.) of a three-phase system
highest voltage of a three-phase system
r.m.s. value of the highest interphase operating voltage at any point in a three-phase system at any time under normal operating conditions
rated voltage for a.c. equipment
interphase voltage (r.m.s.) marked on equipment and related to certain operating characteristics of a system
Note: For the equipment that this definition is not applicable to, the definition of this term is specified in an applicable professional standard.
rated voltage for d.c. equipment
d.c. voltage marked on equipment and related to certain operating characteristics of a system
Note: This definition is not applicable to d.c. arrester equipment.
highest voltage for a.c. equipment
r.m.s. value of the highest interphase voltage designed according to the insulation of the equipment and other characteristics related to the equipment standards associated with it
Note: This voltage may be continuously applied to the equipment under the normal operating conditions as specified by the relevant technical committee.
nominal d.c. voltage
average value of d.c. voltage required to transmit nominal power at a nominal current
highest d.c. voltage
highest d.c. voltage withstood by the equipment during continuous operation considering insulation and other characteristics
voltage stress
any single or set of voltages applied to an insulation configuration terminal
Note 1: For two-terminal insulation configurations, such as phase-to-earth insulation configurations, it is characterized by the peak value (or r.m.s value or average value) and the waveform.
Note 2: For three-terminal insulation configurations (the voltage stress includes two phase-to-earth voltages), such as phase-to-phase insulation configurations and longitudinal insulation configurations, it consists of two relative ground voltages, it is characterized by the peak value of the two components, the waveform and the difference between the two peak times.
Note 3: When the peak times of the two components do not coincide, the combined voltage is fully characterized by the following data:
a) the peak moment of a component, the instantaneous value of the other component;
b) the combined voltage peak value and the instantaneous value of the components at the time of the combined voltage peak value, when different from the foregoing case.
Foreword I Introduction III 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 3.1 General terms 3.2 High-voltage test technique 3.3 Overvoltage and insulation co-ordination 3.4 High-voltage test equipment and measuring system Bibliography Index Figure 1 Full lightning impulse voltage Figure 2 Front-chopped lightning impulse voltage Figure 3 Tail-chopped lightning impulse Figure 4 Linearly rising front-chopped impulse Figure 5 Voltage/time curve for impulse voltage of constant prospective shape Figure 6 Full switching impulse Figure 7 Exponential impulse current Figure 8 Estimation of risk of failure of the insulation
前言 本文件按照GB/T 1.1-2020《标准化工作导则 第1部分:标准化文件的结构和起草规则》的规定起草。 本文件是GB/T 2900《电工术语》的第19部分。GB/T 2900已经发布了100多个部分。 本文件代替GB/T 2900,19-1994《电工术语高电压试验技术和绝缘配合》,与GB/T 2900,19-1994 相比﹐除结构调整和编辑性改动外,主要技术变化如下: ——增加了直流设备额定电压(见3.1.7)、标称直流电压(见3.1.9)、最高直流电压(见3.1.10)、非破坏性放电(见3.1.12.6)、电晕(见3.1.14)、泄漏电流(见3.1.15)、介质损耗因数(见3.1.16)、绝缘电阻(见3.1.17),海拔修正因数(见、标准耐受电压试验(见3.2.1)、试验电压的预期特性(见3.2.2.1),试验电压的实际特性(见3.2.2.2)、试品的耐受电压(见3.2.2.3)、试品的确保破坏性放电电压(见3.2.2.4)配合耐受电压(见3.3.21)等术语与定义﹔ ——修改了高电压技术(见 3.1.1,1994年版的2.1)、输变电设备(见3.1.3,1994年版的2.3)、三相系统的标称电压(见 3.1.4,1994年版的2.4)、三相系统的最高电压(见3.1.5,1994年版的2.5)、设备额定电压(见3.1.6,1994年版的2.6),设备最高电压(见3.1.8,1994年版的2.7)、作用电压(见3.1.11,1994 年版的2.10),破坏性放电<来、3.i,12.1,1994年版的4.4),闪络(见3.1.12.2,1994年版的4.1)、火花放电(见3.1.12.3,109小年版的4.2),击穿(见,1994 年版的4.3)、耐受电压(设定和统计的)(见 3.3.2,1994年版的3.38)、测量系统(见3.4.2,1994年版的5.2)等术语与定义﹔ ——删除了标准冲击电流(见1994.集版的4.36),局部放电量(见1994年版的4.53)、串级工频试验变压器(见1994年版的5.1.2火工频谐振试验变压器(见1994年版的5.1.3)、数字化照相系统(见1994年版的5.2.8)、(屏幕)记忆示波器(见1994年版的5.3.5)等术语与定义。 请注意本文件的某些内容可能涉及专利。本文件的发布机构不承担识别专利的责任。本文件由中国电器工业协会提出。 本文件由全国高电压试验技术和绝缘配合标准化技术委员会(SAC/TC 163)归口。 本文件及其所代替文件的历次版本发布情况为﹔ ——1982年首次发布为GB/T 2900.19-1982、1994 年第一次修订﹔ ——本次为第二次修订。 引言 GB/T 2900《电工术语》分为若干部分,制定电工术语标准的目的是对电工、电子和电信领域中认可的概念提供准确,简洁和正确的定义并借以命名表述该概念的术语。电工术语标准的制定是"面向标准化的”,旨在帮助标准编写人员制定标准,并帮助标准的使用者理解和执行标准,而且对于规范性(以及更一般的技术性)的文本的翻译人员也有帮助。制定电工术语的目的不是要包揽各种电气技术标准中使用的全部术语,而是制定电气技术的通用术语。 本文件是GB/T 2900 的第19部分。本文件为规范制定标准、技术文件、专业手册,教材和书刊等资料中高电压试验技术和绝缘配合方面的电工术语而制定,可供相关专业的科研,设计、生产,教学及出版等有关部门的人员使用。 1范围 本文件界定了高电压试验技术和绝缘配合领域使用的相关术语。 本文件适用于标称电压在1kV以上的三相交流系统、1.5 kV以上的直流系统所涉及的高电压试验技术和绝缘配合相关的科学技术领域。 2规范性引用文件 本文件没有规范性引用文件。 3术语和定义 下列术语和定义适用于本文件。 校 3.1通用术语 3.1.1 高电压技术high-voltage techniques 高电压下有关高电压,强电场、绝缘;过电压和绝缘配合以及高电压试验等技术。 3.1.2 高压电力设备high-voltage electric power equipment电力系统中,发电,输变电和配电用高压设备的总称。 3.1.3 输配电设备equipment for electric power transmission and distribution 电力系统中用于输送、分配电能及相应的控制,测量、保护电力系统所用的电力设备和器材的总称。 3.1.4 三相系统的标称电压nominal voltage of a three-phase systemUn 用于表示或识别三相系统的相间电压(有效值)的合适而近似的电压值。 3.1.5 三相系统的最高电压highest voltage of a three-phase systemU. 在正常运行条件下,三相系统中任一点在任一时刻所出现的相间最高运行电压的有效值。3.1.6 交流设备额定电压rated voltage for a.c. equipment 设备上所标志的,并与系统某些运行特性有关的相间电压(有效值)。 注:对不适用于采用本定义的设备,由有关专业标准中规定。