This standard describes several methods for the determining the consistency of lubricating greases and petrolatum by measuring the penetration of a cone.
This standard is applicable to lubricating grease and petroleum (vaseline).
Section one of this standard specifies four procedures for determination of the consistency of lubricating greases by measurement of the penetration of a full-scale cone. These procedures cover the measurement of unworked, worked, prolonged worked, and block penetrations. Penetrations up to 620 units may be measured.
Section two of this standard specifies methods for the determination of the consistency of lubricating greases, by the use of cones a half or quarter scale of a full-scale cone. The methods are applicable to greases having penetrations of 175 to 385 units with the full-scale cone and are intended for use only if the size of the test sample prevents the use of Section one.
They are not intended to replace the full-scale penetration as described in Section one, although a conversion to full-scale penetrations is given.
① Unworked penetrations do not generally represent the consistency of greases in use as effectively as do worked penetrations. The latter are usually preferred for inspecting lubricating greases.
② Penetration of block greases can be obtained on those products which are sufficiently hard to hold their shape. These greases generally have penetrations below 85 units.
Section three of this standard specifies a method for the determination of the consistency of petrolatums (vaseline) by measurement of the penetration of a full-scale cone, having penetrations up to 300 units.
This method may also be used to determine the consistency of slack waxes.
2 Definitions
2.1 cone penetration: The distance that a cone penetrates into a test portion under standardized conditions of load, time, and temperature
Note: It is expressed in units of 0.1mm.
1 Subject content and application scope 2 Definitions 3 Principles 4 Apparatus 5 Sampling Section one: Lubricating grease - Full-scale methods 6 Procedure for unworked penetration 7 Procedure for worked penetration 8 Procedure for prolonged worked penetration 9 Procedure for block penetration Section two: Lubricating grease - Half- and quarter-scale cone method 10 Procedure for unworked penetration 11 Procedure for worked penetration Section three: Petrolatum 12 Procedure Section four: Expression of results and precision 13 Expression of results 14 Precision Additional explanation