This standard specifies the code, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules and packaging for all designations of silicon carbide abrasive.
This standard is applicable to silicon carbide abrasive for manufacturing of solidified and coated grinder with the purpose of grinding and polishing.
2 Normative References
The following documents contain provisions which, by reference into this standard, constitute the provisions of this standard. For dated reference, subsequent amendment (excluding corrigendum) to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. However, all parties coming to an agreement according to this standard are encouraged to study whether the latest edition of these documents is applicable. For undated references, the latest edition (including all the amendments) applies to this standard.
GB/T 2481.1~2481.2 Bonded Abrasive - Determination and Designation of Grain Size Distribution (GB/T 2481.1~2481.2-1998, eqv ISO 8486-1~8486-2:1996)
GB/T 3045 Chemical Analysis Method for Silicon Carbide
GB/T 4676 Abrasive Grains - Sampling and Splitting(GB/T 4676-2003, ISO 9138: 1993, MOD)