This national standard specifies the terms, definitions, product classification, technical requirements, test method, package, transportation and storage of gymnastic artificial turf.
This national standard is applicable to to the artificial turf paved in the gymnastic pitches.
Foreword III 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and Definitions 4 Product Classification 4.1 Production grade 4.2 Product classification 4.3 Product specification 4.4 Product specification code name 4.5 Mark illustration 5 Technical requirements 5.1 Dimension and Deviation 5.2 Appearance 5.3 Physical and Mechanical Properties 5.4 Water Permeability 5.5 Fire retardance 5.6 Friction factor 5.7 Environmental requirements 5.8 Acid resistance 5.9 Alkaline resistance 5.10 Organic resistance 5.11 Pile rebound performance 5.12 Pile wearing capacity 5.13 Aging resistance 6 Test method 6.1 Sample preparation 6.2 Standard environment for sample situation adjustment and testing 6.3 Tuft density measurement 6.4 Pile weight measurement methods 6.5 Pile height deviation measurement method 6.6 Appearance 6.7 Pile tensile strength and breaking elongation testing method 6.8 Pile shrinkage 6.9 Single tuft withdrawal force 6.10 Physical and mechanical properties of backing 6.11 Water permeability 6.12 Fire retardance 6.13 Post-low-temperature test pile performance and single tuft withdrawal force decline ratio testing method 6.14 Friction factor 6.15 Environmental requirements 6.16 Acid resistance test 6.17 Alkali resistance test 6.18 Organic resistance test 6.19 Pile rebound 6.20 Pile wearing capacity 6.21 Aging test 7 Test rules 7.1 Factory inspection 7.2 Type approval test 8 Mark, package, transportation and storage 8.1 Mark 8.2 Package 8.3 Transportation 8.4 Storage Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Appendix D Appendix E