Specification for collecting and processing in-car navigable geographic data
1 Scope
This standard specifies the basic contents of in-car navigable geographic data, technical requirements and processes for data collection and processing, collection and processing methods of main elements, data quality control methods and results sorting and archiving requirements.
This standard is applicable to ITS applications, and may also be used for reference in other related fields.
In practical work, the collected data content can be less or more than the provisions of this standard according to the application requirements, but it shall meet the technical requirements of this standard.
2 Normative references
The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this standard. For dated reference, subsequent amendments (excluding correction of error) to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. However, parties to agreements based on this national standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document applies.
GB/T 919 Code for highway classification
GB/T 2260 Codes for the administrative divisions of the People’s Republic of China
GB 5768 Road traffic signs and markings
GB/T 19711-2005 Data model and data exchange format for navigable spatial database
GB 50220 Code for transport planning on urban road
3 Terms and definitions
For the purpose of this standard, the following terms and definitions apply.
database representation of a real world object
[GB/T 19711-2005, 3.4.12]
feature theme
specified group of related features
[GB/T 19711-2005, 3.4.17]
planar graph
graph which can be embedded in a plane, meaning that it can be drawn on the plane so that edges intersect only at a node mutually incident with them
[GB/T 19711-2005, 3.2.13]
non planar graph
graph which is not planar
[GB/T 19711-2005, 3.2.11]
Contents Foreword iii 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 NIAM model representation symbols and descriptions 5 Technical indicators of data collection and processing 5.1 Data content 5.2 Spatial data topology 5.3 Coordinate systems 5.4 Data Organization 5.5 Data format 5.6 Metadata content 6 Data collection and processing procedure 6.1 Overall workflow of data collection and processing 6.2 Data collection methods and tools 6.3 Material collection 6.4 Preprocessing 6.5 Field operation 6.6 Indoor operation 6.7 Data update 7 Collection contents and technical requirements for processing of geometric information of features 7.1 Collection and processing of geometric information of features 7.2 Collection and processing of geometric information of features in the feature themes of roads and ferries 7.3 Feature theme of administrative area 7.4 Feature theme of named area 7.5 Feature theme of land cover and use 7.6 Feature theme of structures 7.7 Feature theme of railway 7.8 Feature theme of waterways 7.9 Feature theme of road ancillary facilities 7.10 Features theme of services 7.11 Processing of geometric relationship of features across data sections and layers 8 Requirements for content to be collected and processing technology of feature attribute 8.1 Feature attribute information to be collected 8.2 Requirements for collection and processing of feature attributes 9 Requirements for content to be collected and processing technology of traffic rule 9.1 Definition and classification of traffic rules 9.2 Collection content of traffic rules 10 Quality control 10.1 General 10.2 Data quality control index 10.3 Quality inspection content and method