GB/T 19752-2024 Hybrid electric vehicles - Power performance - Test method
1 Scope
This document describes the test method for the power performance of hybrid electric vehicles.
This document is applicable to hybrid electric vehicles of Categories M and N.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 3730.1 Terms and definitions of motor vehicles,trailers and combination vehicle - Part 1:Types
GB/T 3730.2 Road vehicle - Masses - Vocabulary and codes
GB/T 8170 Rules of rounding off for numerical values & expression and judgement of limiting values
GB/T 12428 Laden mass calculating method for bus
GB/T 12534 Motor vehicles - General rules of road test method
GB/T 12545.1 Measurement methods of fuel consumption for automobiles - Part 1: Measurement methods of fuel consumption for passenger cars
GB 18352.6-2016 Limits and measurement methods for emissions from light-duty vehicles(CHINA 6)
GB/T 18385 Battery electric vehicles - Power performance - Test method
GB/T 19596-2017 Terminology of electric vehicles
GB/T 27840-2021 Fuel consumption test methods for heavy-duty commercial vehicles
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in GB/T 19596-2017, GB/T 18385, GB/T 3730.1 and GB/T 3730.2 as well as the following apply.
rechargeable electrical energy storage system; REESS
energy storage system that is rechargeable and can provide electrical energy
[Source: GB 18384-2020, 3.1]
hybrid mode
working mode in which all on-board systems, such as internal combustion engine (or other heat engine) and drive motor, provide energy or drive the vehicle at the same time according to management logic (vehicle control strategy)
pure thermal mode
working mode in which the vehicle is driven only by an internal combustion engine (or other heat engine)
pure electric mode
working mode in which the vehicle does not consume fuel, but only obtains energy from the rechargeable energy/energy storage device and drives the vehicle to run
4 Test conditions
4.1 Requirements for test vehicle
4.1.1 The specifications and filling amount of lubricating oil and cooling liquid for mechanical moving parts shall comply with the regulations of the vehicle manufacturer.
4.1.2 All energy storage systems available for other than driving purposes shall be charged up to their maximum level (electric, hydraulic, pneumatic, etc.) specified by the vehicle manufacturer.
4.1.3 The test vehicle shall be run-in before the start of the test, or it can be run-in according to the technical requirements of the vehicle manufacturer. If the vehicle is equipped with REESS, it shall be run-in under the condition in which REESS is equipped, and the running-in mileage shall be more than 300km. Besides, plug-in hybrid vehicle shall make REESS go through at least one process from fully charged state to charged state alarm or power balance. Confirm that the charging and discharging of REESS are normal. For non-external rechargeable hybrid electric vehicles, the energy display and charging and discharging work shall be checked.
4.1.4 Trailer-matching tractors shall not increase the windward area of tractors or tractors recommended by vehicle manufacturers shall be used for testing.
4.2 Environmental conditions
4.2.1 Air density
The air density in the test environment shall be calculated according to formula (1), and the variation of it with respect to that in the standard environment shall not exceed 7.5%.
dr - air density in the test environment, kg/m3;
d0 - air density in the standard environment, d0=1.189 kg/m2;
HT - test atmospheric pressure, kPa;
TT - test absolute temperature, K;
H0 - standard ambient atmospheric pressure, H0= 100 kPa; .
T0 - standard ambient absolute temperature, T0=293 K (20 ℃).
The outdoor test ambient temperature shall be between 0℃ and 40℃. The indoor test ambient temperature shall be between 23℃ and 5℃. The atmospheric pressure shall be between 91 kpa and 104 kpa.
4.2.2 Air velocity
For Category M1 vehicles and Category N1 vehicles with the maximum designed gross mass less than 2 t, the air velocity shall be measured at a position 0.7 m above the road surface. For other vehicles, the air velocity shall be measured at a position 1.6 m above the road surface. The average air velocity shall not exceed 3 m/s and the maximum air velocity shall not exceed 5 m/s.
4.2.3 Relative humidity
The relative humidity shall be less than 95%.
4.3 Measurement parameter, unit and accuracy
Table 1 specifies the measurement parameters, unit and accuracy.
Table 1 Measurement parameters, unit and accuracy
Measurement parameter Unit Accuracy
Time s ±0.1
Length m ±0.1%
Foreword II
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 Test conditions
4.1 Requirements for test vehicles
4.2 Environmental conditions
4.3 Measurement parameters, units, and accuracy
4.4 Road requirements
5 Preparation of test vehicle
5.1 Charging of the REESS
5.2 Preheating
5.3 Vehicle test mass and load distribution
6 Determination of test items
7 Test method
7.1 General rules
7.2 The maximum thirty-minutes speed test in hybrid mode
7.3 The maximum speed test in hybrid mode
7.4 Acceleration ability test in hybrid mode
7.5 Maximum gradability test in hybrid mode
7.6 Hill starting ability test in hybrid mode
Annex A (Normative) Method for determining the correction factor for ring roads
Annex B (Informative) Test record forms