This standard specifies the classification and code, product specification, requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging, transportation and storage of chopped strand and continuous filament mats (hereinafter referred to as “mats”) made from glass fiber.
This standard is applicable to chopped strand mats made from glass fiber (hereinafter referred to as "chopped strand mats") and continuous filament mats made from glass fiber (hereinafter referred to as "continuous filament mats") used for the reinforcement of plastics and hydraulic matrices. It may also be applicable to glass fiber continuous monofilament mats and punched mats.
This standard is not applicable to stitched bonded mats and veils made from glass fiber, nor to glass fiber mats used for thermal and sound insulation.
2 Normative References
The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this standard. For dated references, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. However, parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies.
GB/T 191 Packaging — Pictorial marking for handling of goods
GB/T 1449 Fiber-reinforced plastic composites — Determination of flexural properties
GB/T 1549 Methods of chemical analysis of soda-lime-alumina and borosilicate glass
GB/T 6006.1 Test method for glass mats — Part 1:Determination of styrene solubility
GB/T 6006.2 Test method for glass mats — Part 2:Determination of tensile breaking force
GB/T 7193.1 Unsaturated polyester resin determination of viscosity
GB/T 9914.1 Test method for reinforcement products — Part 1:Determination of moisture content (GB/T 9914.1-2001, idt ISO 3344:1997)
GB/T 9914.2 Test method for reinforcement products — Part 2:Determination of combustible-matter content for glass (GB/T 9914.2-2001, eqv ISO 1887:1995)
GB/T 9914.3 Test method for reinforcement products — Part 3:Determination of mass per unit area (GB/T 9914.3-2001, idt ISO 3374:2000)
GB/T 20309 Textile glass — Mats and fabrics — Determination of contact mouldability
3 Classification and Designation
3.1 Product classification
Glasses are divided into three categories according to their components: non alkali glass, middle alkali glass and E-CR glass.
Or divided into chopped strand mat and continuous filament mat according to the pattern of fiber.
3.2 Product designation
Designation for mats includes the following elements:
a) The category of glass used: E for non alkali glass, C for middle alkali glass, E-CR for E-CR glass;
b) The type of mat: MC for chopped strand mat and MS for continuous filament mat;
c) The mass per unit area of mat, values in g/m2;
d) For chopped strand mat, H, M and L indicate the high, medium and low solvability, followed by the symbol "—";
e) The width of mat, dimensions in mm;
f) Binder type and/or manufacturer's code (put in brackets): E for emulsion binder and P for powder binder.
Example 1: A nominal mass per unit area of 300 g/m2, high solubility, 2 080 cm width, emulsion binder, chopped strand mat made from medium alkali glass fiber is coded as follows:
Example 2: A nominal mass per unit area of 450 g/m2, 1 040 cm width, powder binder, continuous filament mat made from non alkali glass fiber is coded as follows:
Example 3: A nominal mass per unit area of 600 g/m2, high solubility, 2 080 cm width, power binder, chopped strand mat made from E-CR glass fiber is coded as follows: