1.1 This standard specifies the micro method for the determination of carbon residue in petroleum products.
1.2 This standard is applicable to petroleum products and the determination range of carbon residue is 0.10%(m/m) ~ 30.0%(m/m). For products which yield a residue in excess of 0.10%(m/m), the test results are equivalent to those obtained by the Conradson carbon residue test (see GB/T 268).
1.3 This standard is also applicable to petroleum products which consist essentially of distillate oil, and which may yield a carbon residue below 0.10% (m/m). On such products, a 10%(V/V) distillation residue is prepared by the procedure described in GB/T 6536 before determination by this standard.
1.4 This standard involves some hazardous materials, operation and equipment, and doesn't purport to make suggestions on all the safety problems involved. Thus, prior to using this standard, users shall establish suitable safety and protective measures and ensure the applicability of management system.
2 Normative References ]
The following standard contains provisions which, through reference in this standard, constitute provisions of this standard. Unless otherwise stated in the standard, the standards indicated all shall be the current valid standards.
GB/T 508 Petroleum Products - Determination of Ash
GB/T 6536 Petroleum Products - Determination of Distillation
SH/T 0559 Determination of Content of Alkyl Nitrate in Diesel Oil (Spectrophotometric Method)
Contents Foreword i ISO Foreword ii 1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 Definition 4 Significance and Use 5 Method Summary 6 Material 7 Apparatuses 8 Sample Preparation 9 Weighing for Samples 10 Test Procedure 11 Calculation 12 Precision 13 Report Annex A (Informative) Relationship of Carbon Residue (Micro Method) to Carbon Residue (Conradson Method)