is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
GB/T 15566 "Guidance System for Public Information-Setting Principles and Requirements" consists of the following parts:
——Part 1: General Principles;
——Part 2: Civil Airport;
——Part 3: Railway Passenger Station;
——Part 4: Public Transport Station;
——Part 5: Shopping Marketplace;
——Part 6: Medical Site;
——Part 7: Sports Place;
——Part 8: Hotel;
——Part 9: Tourist Attraction;
——Part 10: Street Blocks;
This part is Part 1 of GB/T 15566.
This part replaces GB/T 15566-1995 "Graphical Signs Principles and Requirements for the Application"; compared with GB/T 15566-1995, the main changes of this part are as follows:
——The "Scope" in this standard is modified (Chapter 1 of Edition 1995; Chapter 1 of this edition);
——The requirements for "Application Area" are deleted (Chapter 4 of Edition 1995);
——As for guidance system for public information, the setting requirements for other guidance elements except for signs are added (Chapters 8, 9 and 10 of this edition);
——Arranging requirements for graphical signs are deleted, the part is defined as design for graphical signs and put into other standards (Chapter 7 of Edition 1995);
——Relevant requirements for making and fixing signs are deleted (Chapter 9 and Chapter 10 of Edition 1995).
Appendix A of this part is informative.
This part is proposed by the China National Institute of Standardization.
This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee on Graphical Symbol of Standardization Administration of China (SAC/TC 59).
Drafting organizations of this standard: China National Institute of Standardization, Center of Aviation Safety Technology, CAAC, Beijing Metro Line Company, China Productivity Center for Machinery, Beijing Municipal Commission of City Administration.
Chief drafting staff of this part: Bai Dianyi, Chen Yongquan, Liu Jiawei, Zhou Ke, Qiang Yi, Zhang Liang, Zou Chuanyu, Liu Jianping.
This part was issued in 1995 for the first time (the original standard number is GB/T 15566) and this is the first revisio
GB/T 15566.1-2007
Guidance System for Public Information-Setting Principles and Requirements
Part 1: General Principles
公共信息导向系统 设置原则与要求 第1部分:总则
1 Scope
This part of GB/T 15566 specifies general principles and requirements for the design and setting of guidance systems for public information.
This part is applicable to the design and setting of guidance systems for public information in public places such as civil airport, railway passenger station, shopping marketplace, medical site and tourist attractions etc.
This part is not applicable to the design and setting of electronic display guidance systems.
2 Normative References
The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this part of GB/T 15566, constitute provisions of this standard. For dated references, subsequent amendments to (excluding any corrections), or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. However, parties coming to an agreement according to this standard are encouraged to investigate whether the latest editions of these documents below apply. For undated references, the latest editions of the documents referred to apply.
GB 2894 "Safety Signs" (GB 2894-1996, neq ISO 3864:1984)
GB/T 10001 (All the parts) "Public Information Graphical Symbols for Use on Sign"
GB 13495 "Fire Safety Signs" (GB 13495-1992, neq ISO 6309:1987)
GB/T 15565 (All of the parts) "Graphical Symbol-Terms"
GB 15630 "Requirements for the Placement of Fire Safety Signs"(GB 15630-1995, neq ISO/TR 7239)
GB 16179 "Guidelines for the Use of Safety Signs"
GB/T 17695 "Public Information Graphical Symbol Signs for Use on Printed Matter"
GB/T 20501 (All the parts) "Guidance System for Public Information-Design Principles and Requirements of Guidance Elements"
3 Terms and Definitions
For the purposes of this part, the terms and definitions established in GB/T 15565, as well as the following ones apply.
3.1 Location sign
The public information sign which is composed of graphical signs and (or) word signs and used for representing the locations of facilities, sites and service.
3.2 Intersection
The position where the guidance route intersects with other routes or the travel direction alternates.
4 Structure of Guidance System
4.1 The guidance system for public information is composed of the following correlative subsystems:
——The guidance system for city exit and entrance (such as airport, railway station, long-distance bus station, harbor and wharf etc.) information.
——The guidance system for urban transport information;
——The guidance systems for urban public service/entertainment facilities information.
4.2 The guidance system for public information is generally composed of the following guidance elements:
——Location sign;
——Guidance sign;
——Plan schematic diagram;
——Information board;
——Street block guidance map;
——Portable printed matter.
5 General Principles
5.1 Normalization
The design of guidance elements in the guidance system for public information shall meet the requirements of GB/T 20501. The graphical signs are preferred for the guidance elements to convey information. For the graphical signs with their side length greater than 10 mm, they shall be adopted with graphical symbols specified in GB/T 10001 and shall meet the requirements of GB/T 20501.1; for the graphical signs with their side length ranges from 3mm to 10mm shall be adopted with signs specified in GB/T 17695.
5.2 Systematization
5.2.1 In the guidance system, the continuity of guidance information, regularity of setting position and conformity of guidance contents shall be ensured. All the intersections (such as exit and entrance, turnout or convergent point of the route) in the system shall be arranged with corresponding guidance elements and shall guide all the possible destinations as well as the shortest or optimal route to arrive at each destination by the setting of guidance elements.
5.2.2 The continuity of the guidance information between systems shall be guaranteed, it shall not only provide the guidance for inside the system, but also provide the information for arriving at the neighbor systems. The guidance setting for connecting and converting between guidance systems shall be adopted according to consistent rules for converting and transiting smoothly.
5.2.3 During the designing and setting a specific guidance system, the guidance elements therein shall be considered for the function and contribution of the whole urban guidance system, such as, the printed matter which provides guidance function and reflecting the integrated environment, and urban area maps, again like the design of station name for bus station and subway station which can localize the perimeter zone.
5.2.4 All kinds of guidance elements shall be used in conjunction with and set as required in the guidance system.
Foreword I 1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 Terms and Definitions 4 Structure of Guidance System 5 General Principles 6 Setting Modes 7 Guidance Signs and Location Signs 8 Information Board and Plan Schematic Diagram 9 Street Blocks Guidance Map 10 Portable Printed Matter 11 Others Appendix A (Informative) Determination Method of the Maximum Viewing Distance for Signs