This standard specifies the criteria for classification of radioactive wastes.
This standard is applicable to the all radioactive wastes generated from various processes of production and experiment, as well as treatment, storage, transport, decommissioning and disposal.
2 Definitions
2.1 Radioactive waste
Any material that contains or is contaminated with radionuclides at concentration or activities greater than the authorized limits, and for which no use is foreseen.
2.2 Airborne radioactive waste
Airborne or gaseous waste material containing radioactive gas or radioactive particulates and aerosol.
2.3 Derived air concentration for members of the public, DACp
The quotient of the Annual Limit on Intake by the volume of air breathed by “Reference Man” per year (i.e. 1.0512105m3).
The values of DACps for various nuclides can be found in the Annex E (normative) of “Regulations for Radiation Protection” (GB 8703).
2.4 Derived ingestion concentration for members of the public, DICp
The quotient of the Annual Limit on Intake by the quantity of water ingested by “Reference Man” per year (i.e. 8.03102 kg).
The values of DICps for various radionuclides can be found in Annex E (normative) of GB 8703.