is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
This document is developed in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2020 Directives for standardization - Part 1: Rules for the structure and drafting of standardizing documents.
This standard replaces GB 811-2010 Helmets for motorcyclists. In addition to structural adjustment and editorial changes, the following main technical changes have been made with respect to GB 811-2010:
a) The “Scope” is modified (see Clause 1; Clause 1 of Edition 2010);
b) The term “haze” and its definition are added (see 3.8);
c) The product classification is modified (see Clause 4; Clause 3 of Edition 2010);
d) The structure is modified (see 5.1; 4.1 of Edition 2010);
e) The protecting section and testing section are modified (see 5.2; 4.2.1 of Edition 2010);
f) The mass is modified (see 5.3; 4.2.2 of Edition 2010);
g) The item “abrasion resistance” is added (see;
h) The shear force of raised structure on the surface is added (see 5.4.3);
i) The item “surface friction” is added (see 5.4.4);
j) The impact energy absorption performance is modified (see 5.4.8; 4.2.8 of Edition 2010);
k) The abrasion resistance test is added (see 6.5.3);
l) The shear force test of raised structure on the surface is added (see 6.6);
m) The surface friction test is added (see 6.7);
n) The procedures of stability test of fixing devices are modified (see 6.9.2; 5.7.2 of Edition 2010);
o) The testing headform is modified [see a); a) of Edition 2010];
p) The procedures of impact energy absorption performance test are modified (see 6.11.5; 5.9.4 of Edition 2010);
q) The procedures of penetration resistance test are modified (see 6.12.3; 5.10.3 of Edition 2010);
r) The type inspection is modified (see 7.1; 6.2 of Edition 2010);
s) The marking and identification are modified (see 8.1; 7.1 of Edition 2010);
t) The shape and dimension of the testing headform above the reference plane are added (see Annex A);
u) The shape and dimension of the testing headform below the reference plane are added (see Annex B);
v) The identification requirements and test methods for hamlet types are added (see Annex C).
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. The issuing body of this document shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
This standard was jointly proposed by and is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Public Security of the People's Republic of China and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People’s Republic of China.
The previous editions of this document are as follows:
——This document was firstly issued in 1989 with the serial number of GB 811-1989 under the name of Helmets for motorcycle users; it was firstly revised in 1998 and secondly revised in 2010;
——This is the third revision.
Helmets for motorcycle and electric bicycle users
1 Scope
This document specifies the product classification, requirements, inspection rules, marking and identification, instructions for use, packaging, transportation and storage of helmets for motorcycle and electric bicycle users, and describes the relevant test methods.
This document is applicable to helmets for motorcycle and electric bicycle users (including drivers and passengers).
This document is not applicable to helmets worn by cyclists, skateboarders and roller skaters, nor to occupational safety helmets.
2 Normative references
The following documents contain requirements which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 2410-2008 Determination of the luminous transmittance and haze of transparent plastics
GB/T 18833 Retroreflective sheeting for traffic control
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
helmet for motorcycle and electric bicycle users
outfit for reducing the injury of head of motorcycle and electric bicycle users in accidents
outer structure of the helmet for motorcycle and electric bicycle users, forming the general shape of helmet
protective padding
appropriate padding used to absorb impact energy
comfort padding
padding provided for the wearer's head comfort
retention system
component to ensure that the helmet for motorcycle and electric bicycle users is firmly fixed on the head
eye and face protectors that cover the eyes and face without affecting the observation
luminous transmittance
ratio of the luminous flux of visible light passing through the goggles to the incident light flux
ratio of the scattered light flux deviated from the direction of incident light when passing through the goggles to the incident light flux
Note: It is expressed as a percentage. Only the scattered light flux more than 2.5° deviated from the direction of the incident light is used to calculate haze.
[Source: GB/T 2410-2008, 3.1, modified]
testing headform
headform simulating the geometric profile and mechanical property of human head when inspecting the helmet for motorcycle and electric bicycle users
basic plane
plane passing through the center of left/right porus acusticus externus and the lower edge of eye sockets of the testing headform
Note: See plane O-O′ in Figure 1.
Figure 1 Side view of the basic plane (O-O')
reference plane
plane parallel to the basic plane at a certain distance above it
Note: See Figure 2 for the reference plane. The distance x is determined by the model of testing headform.
Dimensions in millimeters
x——the vertical distance from the basic plane to the reference plane;
y——the vertical distance from the reference plane to the top of the testing headform.
A-A′ is the lower edge plane of protecting section of type A3 helmet and type B3 helmet, and also the auxiliary plane for other types of helmets to set up protecting section.
Figure 2 Reference plane
vertical median plane
longitudinal plane passing through the apex of the testing headform, vertical to the base plane, and dividing the testing headform into two symmetrical parts
protecting section
scope of head protected by the helmet for motorcycle and electric bicycle users
testing section
section within which the impact energy absorption performance and penetration resistance of helmet for motorcycle and electric bicycle users are inspected
Foreword i 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 Product classification 5 Requirements 6 Test methods 7 Inspection rules 8 Marking, identification, use instructions of products, packaging, transportation and storage 9 Requirements for implementation during transition period Annex A (Normative) Testing headform shape and dimensions above the reference plane Annex B (Normative) Testing headform shape and dimensions below the reference plane Annex C (Normative) Identification requirements and test methods for hamlet types Bibliography